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A cover up tattoo that has been funded by our amazing supporters!

Part of the wonderful work SCUFF does is helping those who have recovered from #Selfharming to fund a tattoo to cover up their scars. A tattoo which they may not otherwise have been able to get.

A wonderful way to celebrate their achievements!

Here is a cover up tattoo that has been funded by our amazing supporters! This tattoo was done by Eloise at Gilded Dagger Tattoo / @gildeddaggertattoo . Here's what our applicant had to say about the experience:

"Getting this scar cover up has given me so much more confidence with wearing short sleeves in public, I used to hide away in jumpers and jackets even when it was boiling hot which isn't nice. SCUFF have given me freedom and courage and I will forever be grateful. When I first looked at my tattoo I got quite emotional because it felt like all the years of hiding away and being ashamed of my scars had gone and I could try and put the past behind me, not to mention how beautiful the tattoo is - the tattooist is so talented! Thank you so much SCUFF for this funding, you really do make a change in people's lives."

If you are interested in learning more about the work we do at SCUFF, what we do to support mental health check, and funding for tattoo cover up’s visit our website

Or if you’d like to help change somebody else's life then you can donate to our current fundraiser

#Tattoos #Coverup #Selfharm #ScarCoverUp #selfharmscars #MentalHealth #donate #Support #Charity #SCUFF #scarcoverupfreedfund #changinglives


I fixed my problem!!

I ended up not dressing up, but ditching my English class to go into the park and blast my favorite playlist and dance like nobody was watching! I left feeling better than ever and realizing that I don't need make-up to feel good about myself!
#Depression #SuicidalIdeation #Selfharming #help #feelingbetter #thishelps


What should I do?

I feel like hell today, so I wanted to dress up...make myself pretty. But I feel like hell, so I can't get the motivation. I don't know what to do.

#Depression #SuicidalIdeation #Selfharming #help


My fiancé left me

A few days ago my fiancé left me. A lot of thoughts have run around my mind since then and unfortunately I self-harmed after a year and a half. I felt lost but things are getting a lot better day by day :) #Depression #Selfharming

See full photo

And there's more

As you know, I put my beautiful girl to sleep last Monday (15th February). Well now, my husband and I are separating. I've struggled for a long, long time (30+ years) with my #Depression & this, along with what happened in my childhood, affects how I interact with everyone, especially in relationships. We've tried and tried and I think if we carry on we'll end up resenting each other. We've been here far too many times before and much as we love each other, if we carry on, we'll end up hating each other & he's a lovely bloke, even if he drives me up the proverbial wall sometimes 😉
I'm staying in Scotland & looking for somewhere to live. I'd rather be nearer my sister & travel to see pals than live closer to pals & travel to see my sister, if that makes sense. He said he'll support me financially for as long as I need it. I'm kinda scared (#MentalHealth , #Selfharming etc) but trying to look on it as a new start.
(my sister crocheted the heart in the photo)
#Depression #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Anxiety #Cancer


How do I stop my cutting addiction? I've been cutting for far too long, and it's starting to affect the way I interact with people.

#Selfharming #Addiction


Self harm when older

I have recently started self harming and I realize that at 36 this is not a common thing. I don't know what to do or think, it just helps when my emotions are running so extremely high that I feel I might break and take it a step further. Just another mental issue to have to deal with, I guess. #Selfharm #Selfharming #exhausted #Depression #depressed #Selfharm #SuicideIdeation


Chronic illness and depression... TRIGGER WARNING!

I feel terrible. I’m such a burden to everyone around me. One of my sisters thinks I’m not even sick, and the other sister says she can’t live here because I’m sick all the time. It’s incredibly upsetting.

Every person I meet or become friends with tend to quickly run as far away from me as possible. I am not taking this well. I just want to cry for the rest of my life.

I started self harming again, just so I can feel something other than disgust at myself. I’ve been referred to the mental health team but it could be a while before they’re table to see me... I hate BPD so much...

#chronicillnesswarrior #POTS #EDS #NAFLD #BPD #InterstitialCystitis #Diabetes #Depression #Selfharming #triggerwarning #pleasehelpme


Uggghhhh #helpme #Depression #Selfharm

Today I’ve been thinking about #Selfharming again but I’ve gone almost 4 months without doing it. I have #Therapy in the morning and I know she’s going to ask me if I’ve had urges to #Selfharm or if I’m having #Sucidialthoughts and I don’t know how to answer her! #CheckInWithMe please