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Open Letter to my students family



An open letter to the mum, dad or caregiver at 1st day of school drop off,
I have been waiting for this day for a long time, the day I finally get to meet your child. Today I get to see your child in their classroom and begin a journey for the next academic year. I know you are concerned about how today will go, this week, this month, this year as a whole. For now let’s focus on today. Today I meet your child.
I am a 1-1 support for children who have Autism. I am dedicated, I am passionate and I will never be able to do another job because this job is who I am. I am privileged to go on a journey with these children, to see them grow throughout the year, to stand alongside them as they face challenges, be their cheerleader when they succeed and their motivator when they don’t.
The first day of school is my favourite. I get to meet your child. I get to start their journey with them. It may be a quiet start, a loud start, a fast paced or slower start. It could be a great start full of achievements, it could be a more challenging start. However the day goes, it is the start. I will go home with a head full of ideas and a heart full of determination. I will look forward to the second day of school.
My promise to you is that I will do my best to support your child through this year. I will do my best to inspire them in their learning. I will do my best to comfort them when they are anxious or upset. I will allow them to grow in their own ways and I will always be vigilant for any type of success. I will also push your child. With me they will be told consistently that they are capable, intelligent children who can succeed in school.
I have spent summer making resources that may never get used. Designing lesson plans that may never get used. They may help your child. They may not. It doesn’t matter because one day there will be a child who uses them. If they don’t fit for your child, I will make different resources, ones that work for them. And I will love doing so as I know this builds trust. One day you child will trust me to help others see how wonderful they are.
I will never know the feelings you are going through on this, the first morning of the school year. But I know what I am feeling, determined that I will be here for your child, for you, for the school, in order to enable your child to thrive this year. Please know that I am here today, and will be tomorrow, regardless of how the day goes. This job isn’t easy but I am acutely aware that when days are are difficult for me, they are much more difficult for your child. I am dedicated to being here each morning, ready to start the day with you both.
I have been waiting for this day for a long time, I will greet you at the door with a smile and a hug ready for day number 1. #specialneedsteacher #autismteacher
#SpecialEducators #SpecialEducation

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#MentalHealthResources FREE TRAINING COURSES CPTSD #Triggerfree #Mentalhealthsafezone

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network is website dedicated to trauma occurring during childhood. Often experiencing multiple traumatic events are common for these children, resulting in very complex manifestations of trauma. This can result in detrimental consequences later on and for the remainder of the child’s life.
A lot of adult mental illness can be traced back to a traumatic or “stressful” childhood.

Families with children dealing with #boderlinepersonalitydisorder could potentially find these resources helpful. I know a common reaction of caregivers when considering their own part in their child’s behavioural and mental health is immediate defensiveness, often on part due to a misunderstanding of the word #Trauma

Traumatic events, especially for young children can be a lot less “traumatic” than adults assume. Traumatic events cause children an intense amount of #Anxiety .

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network offers free webinar training, I think it is also possible to receive continuing education credit with some courses. These courses would be great for #MentalHealthprofessionals
#Parents and #MentalHealth patients.

Family centred treatment, is by far more supportive than being out on your own. Especially for emotional regulation disorders, it is essential that other family members of those with poor mental health or who have experienced trauma to be well in formed on crisis intervention, de escalating situations all while staying trauma informed. So that a supportive recovery environment can be achieved.

I encourage you to check out the website and register for their free online education centre, which also includes a 6 hour psychological first aid course and more.

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The free education and training:


#BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BipolarDepression #BipolarDisorder #BorderlineStigma #PersonalityDisorders #MoodDisorders #Suicide #Anxiety #GeneralParenting
#Parenting #SpecialEducationTeachers #Teachers #School #FamilyAndFriends
#DepressiveDisorders #SocialAnxiety #AnxietyAttack #AnxietyTips #CopingTips #PTSD #CPTSD #Interpersonalrelationships #TeenMom #Selfharm

*Due to the nature of many posts online, I’ve decided to make an account and share safe positive mental health information and resources I’ve found that have helped me with my own treatment and recovery process. I do suggest that people in sensitive mental health states to be aware of the negativity on your social media fed. Are the posts and people you are following from the perspective of possible recovery? Or are they always on a negative train of bad thoughts?
Influence, has a huge impact on your overall mood.*

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SICK teachers  #SpecialEducationTeachers   #ChronicIllness

Special education teacher here! I have a chronic illness (recurrent meningitis) that flares up terribly when I am stressed.  I have missed weeks of teaching every year for 6 years.   I don't know if it is possible to "NOT BE STRESSED" as a teacher!  I have tried all kinds of self-care and I can not get a handle on it.  Majority of a year, I can function.  No one would know I have an issue.  
Doctor recommendation is to file for disability. I am only 43 and have a lot more to give Please help.... #Meningitis