It's 415am and I can't sleep
It might be because I drank a bottle of IQ Joe with my dinner lol.
Now Pauley and I are eating chocolate chips. She's going down obscure rabbit holes on Wikipedia while I'm just listening to music and researching medical stuff.
Today was testosterone Tuesday. I have been back on T for about 3 months. My facial hair is coming in thick and my voice is cracking again. But I'm also breaking out in lots of acne. Boy puberty sucks but it's a jillion times better than girl puberty.
My right foot is 2x it's normal size. Tomorrow the first call I'm gonna make is to the Endo. I'm concerned about how lymphedema and diabetes interact.
I'm feeling very invisible. If you see this post, what's your favorite poem? Or if you're feeling spry, write me a haiku about spring.#HRT #HormoneReplacementTherapy #Transgender #LGBT #Transman #testosterone #Lymphedema #Diabetes