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#sexual trauma from years ago

How can I come to terms with what happened, regain my sense of safety and trust, and learn to heal and move on with my life. Having flashbacks from movies and events, anxiety etc.

(Was #abused by family member at age 8 to 17. Then found other sexual partners from internet. Then at workplace was #raped over and over from 2004 to 2006). I did see counsellors but didnt work out or was told Im lying.

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Advice needed

Ok everyone... I've got a riddle for you. You've got an underage girl, living in the same house as her sexual abuser. A mom who insists on keeping it on the down low. And an abuser who manipulates the girl into thinking he really loves her. How do you keep the girl from losing her mind? Without outside help. Please help me because I'm lost
#SexualAbuse #PTSD #abused #Depression


When childhood abuse leaves you mentally ill, & society throws you away.

The more I work with the mentally ill - abused when children #Bipolar , #BPD , #Depression , and more, as a #councillor and one who has these illnesses too, due to obscene #Childhood trauma, of which I’m on the mend thank goodness.
I’m no longer surprised at the horrifying abuse my clients have been subjected to when they were children, leaving them with mental illnesses, Rather, I’m sickened, with a deep sense of fury , lost on how utterly cruel, and evil their parents or family members who perpetrated the abuse are.
The abuse I suffered for years as a small child, leaving me with borderpolar, which I’ve spent years recovering from, I’m no longer angry about, it doesn’t affect me anymore, but I do still have borderpolar
My years of studying, & working on myself, helped me. I learned that healing comes when we let go, and move forward, and this helps my clients.
My point is a serious concern, about HOW is its possible, to prioritise things like #black LIVES MATTER, or #fighting CANCER, or #the WAR ON DRUGS etc, which DO matter, and ARE important subjects, needing attention, , but where’s the headlines, the hype, #help , #Care or #concern for children ( now adults) - who've been #brutally abused? And the circumstances have left them #mentally ILL as a result? And who are mostly #Homeless , #addicts to numb the pain. Who society has thrown away?

It’s not OKAY! The priorities surrounding #mental ILLNESS, don’t exist. Rather, they’re #PUNISHED AGAIN, #vilified , #abused and more,

It’s overdue, long overdue, to make headlines, hold fundraising events, highlight and educate people on #mental ILLNESS, and DO SOMETHING real to help, , to do your part in the desperately needed love and care, who’ve #suffered HORRENDOUSLY, leaving them sick and thrown away.


Just Pretend I'm Screaming #OCD #PanicAttacks #abused #Health #MentalHealth #EmotionalAbuse #Financialabuse #Anxiety #Depression

I'm tired and don't have time to say everything I want to. I have to get to sleep soon. We're supposed to get up to 11" of snow and I don't need it! I need to get out. I don't have a coat. My boyfriend snapped at me last night when I rushed in, asking him to get my nightgown while I got undressed, because I came really close to peeing myself (I have urge incontinence), and he took his time, and I begged him to hurry, and he said he didn't need it but I told him three times, plus I sent two or three text messages as I was driving to the motel that I had an emergency. He snapped at me, "Jesus Christ!" If I'd peed my pants, he'd be ad because I'd need new pants, because I only have one pair of pants, and I only have a hoodie, too. No coat. I want to say so much more, and I want to SCREAM, but I just wanted to get a little off my mind. Thank you. I'm tired and don't have time to say everything I want to. I have to get to sleep soon. We're supposed to get up to 11" of snow and I don't need it! I need to get out. I don't have a coat. My boyfriend snapped at me last night when I rushed in, asking him to get my nightgown while I got undressed, because I came really close to peeing myself (I have urge incontinence), and he took his time, and I begged him to hurry, and he said he didn't need it but I told him three times, plus I sent two or three text messages as I was driving to the motel that I had an emergency. He snapped at me, "Jesus Christ!" If I'd peed my pants, he'd be ad because I'd need new pants, because I only have one pair of pants, and I only have a hoodie, too. No coat. I want to say so much more, and I want to SCREAM, but I just wanted to get a little off my mind. Thank you.


Just a Brief Vent

I'm tired, but I want to speak out how miserable I am. My boyfriend snaps at me, puts things in places that trigger my OCD, is controlling, emotionally, mentally, and financially abusive. I miss my cats so much. Stores are out of cat food. I sabotage myself. I'm stupid. I'm bad with money. No one will help me in the way I need. I don't feel safe. My body never feels right anymore. I owe money. My boyfriend makes me feel like crap. I want my cats. Nobody cares. Nobody can help. I try to stand up for myself, and people think I'm a B. They think I don't want help or I'm not ready. There are certain things I've learned and experiences I've had that taught me how the usual treatments (and new treatments) don't work for me, wear off, or cause damage later. I have no family or friends. I want out of this state so bad. I want new experiences. I want my freedom. I was scared before, but this new world terrifies me. I'm afraid of what else is going to happen. I was in the bookstore a couple of days ago, and four kids, two boys and two girls, I'd guess about 18 to their early 20s, were laughing and snickering at me. I'd turn to look at them and they'd turn away, but peeking back. I heard one say "She's so short!" I don't get bothered much about comments about my height, but it just took me back to childhood and high school. One of the said something, and the other girl said, "That's mean!" but still laughing, and the other girl said, "I know, but it's funny!" I was just minding my own business, looking at the magazines. I want out of here, and I don't know how to do it.

#OCD #Anxiety #PanicDisorder #PanicAttacks #lonely #Depression #angry #abused


WTF ???

A friend and I did an experiment with the doctor we both have. We each called to set up an appointment with him.
My friend is kinda wealthy, and I'm on the broker end of broke, barely making it on disability. He has awesome insurance, I have medicaid and Tribal Health Benefits, We complained of the exact same symptoms and set up our appointment.
My friend goes next week Tuesday, my appointment is the second week of November.
Anyone else see something wrong with that?

#bi -polar 2
#chronic pain
#Childhood trauma
#Sex trafficked
#emdr Therapy gone wrong
#panic disorder
#Manic depression
#heart attacks

See full photo

Abused baby #abused #pounddog #dog anxiety

We adopted him, now named Prince , Feb 14, 2020. I lost my twins Feb 14, 2007. He was a blessing to my kid during lockdown. A blessing to me as everyday I need his love. He is a mighty mutt. Has issues breathing. Has issues connecting. Has issues trusting. Has so much love to give, he just doesn't know it. He misses his buddy(my dad) who knew two old dogs would help each other out? *******
***** There is no discrimination of disorders, this dog thinks the same way I do, and can't let go. He is broken inside even with all the love given to him daily. His night terrors tell his story, so sad 😢, Remember You are not alone*****
#Trauma . #givehugs


Is staying #Overweight a way to protect myself?

I just had this idea that maybe I overeat not only to satisfy cravings but also as a way of not getting #abused again? Is this possible?


We’re do I start

I’ve been suffering all my life. Even typing this gives me anxiety because I feel like all I do is complain. I need help. I need support. But, I need to listen and learn how to be sympathetic to others. I’m in pain all the time. #painsucks . But I’m an emotional wreck that I can’t think of others. #Anxiety #Stress #abused #feelalone I don’t feel like typing a lot but I needed to start somewhere. Thank you. #lost