Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis

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Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis
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What do you do when you get to the point that there is nothing anyone can do for you? I’m in pain. I know what’s wrong but my body will continue this.

#spinal stenosis
#Crohns   disease


What do you do when you get to the point that there is nothing anyone can do for you? I’m in pain. I know what’s wrong but my body will continue this.

#spinal stenosis
#Crohns   disease


Numbness from DISH?

I was recently diagnosed with DISH. Having alot of low back pain which they are attributing to my bad hip, trying to get into see ortho which is impossible right now. What I am really worried about is the numbness in my feet/legs and my fingertips. Is this a normal thing with this? Any info on this disease is much appreciated. Thank you



I was sharing with the father of an autistic child that he must not think of autism as an entirely negative thing. I hope parents who are facing an autistic diagnosis of one or more of their children will read this. Autism has some significant advantages. We are better at ALONE than any other people in the world. God forbid, if I’m ever in prison and I get stuck insolitary confinement, it will probably be a relief to me. Especially if I can take some books. except for the sounds of the non-autistic persons going nuts from solitary. Their noise will annow the heck out of me. Anyone’s noise except the quiet conversation of a good friend annoyes the heck out of me. There are worse things than being annoyed.

My tolerance or even embracing of repetition has made mea much better musician. It doesn’t bother mein the least to play the same song over and over (And over and over) until I have mastered the fingering of the composition down and have memorized it.

The same principle applies to cooking. I am an excellent cook because I don’t mind making a dish over and over untell I’ve perfected it. (My quail almondine recipe is so good even I can hardly believe it. )

This prinsiple applies actually to the mastery of anything. In college, I always made the highest grade on every exam in every class because my tollerence for repetition allowed meto read the same material over and over and over until I knew it backwards, upside down and sideways. In one of my classes, the other students took aside after an exam and said, “How do you do it?”
I knew what they wanted to hear. They wanted to tell them something like, “I record all the lectures and play them again and again while I sleep.” My answer? “ I study. I study long, hard, and often.” The repetition involved never bothered in the least. Plus, I sincerely wanted to learn the coarse material. That always helps.

Please teach your children about these advantages, and then teach them the most important social principle I know, and I didn’t learn it until college. Teach them this because autistic people are socially awkward. The principle: All anyone in the world wants is to be liked. If you show that you like someone, they will like you back. Everytime. Even if you are autistic and awkward.

But.... don’t expect these friends to be okay with listening to the same CD more than one time in a row. Teach your kids to save that for their alone time.

Autism rocks!



I live with chronic pain from DISH or Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis. This is a form of arthritis that affects the bones along the vertebrae and the ribcage. It’s also known as Forestier’s disease. I try to walk as much as possible and use the pool when I can. However, I’m finding it harder to walk for more than 15-20 minutes without severe pain in my lower back. I’ve started using a cane for support and it helps somewhat, but would appreciate any ideas for pain management that have worked for you. #ChronicPain #DiffuseIdiopathicSkeletalHyperostosis



I live with chronic pain from DISH or Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis. This is a form of arthritis that affects the bones along the vertebrae and the ribcage. It’s also known as Forestier’s disease. I try to walk as much as possible and use the pool when I can. However, I’m finding it harder to walk for more than 15-20 minutes without severe pain in my lower back. I’ve started using a cane for support and it helps somewhat, but would appreciate any ideas for pain management that have worked for you. #ChronicPain #DiffuseIdiopathicSkeletalHyperostosis