Demyelinating Neuropathies

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Hi, my name is EmpressLNC. I'm here because my chronic illness and mental health journey has been lonely and I am in need of an authentic community. I want an improved quality of life and no longer wish to set aside my dreams instead achieve them while accepting my daily challenges. I desire to learn to love myself in spite of the trauma I’ve endured and my chronic health challenges. I want to thrive not simply survive.

#MightyTogether #Anxiety #Depression #Fibromyalgia #PTSD #Grief #EatingDisorder #ChronicIllness #DemyelinatingNeuropathies #complexpost-traumaticStressDisorder

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I’m new here!

Hi, my name is MummyTut82. I've been diagnosed with so many illnesses diseases that at age 40 and Mum of 3 darling children, I have lost all quality of life and I'm scared of myself honestly.. For I can't keep just 'existing' like this and I know it is destroying my children's hearts watching me so sick ... it breaks me more every minute coz I honestly believe they shouldn't have to see Mummy this way anymore it isn't fair on them... #icantdothis😮‍💨 #heartbroken💔 #idontwanttoleavemybabies😪 #itisjustfartoomuchtohandle💔

#MightyTogether #PTSD #Fibromyalgia #Anxiety #Depression #ADHD #OCD #Grief #Leukemia #FunctionalMovementDisorder #DiabetesType2 #Cancer #RheumatoidArthritis #OpticNeuritis #NeurocardiogenicSyncope #DemyelinatingNeuropathies #CeliacDisease #InappropriateSinusTachycardia #congenitalheartdefect/Disease #BirthDefect #IronDeficiencyAnemia #Arthritis #ArteriovenousMalformation #SuicidalThoughts #chronicactiveepstein-BarrVirus #ChronicIllness #polycysticovarysyndrome(PCOS) #Hyperparathyroidism #ThyroidCancer #Cardiomyopathy #CardiovascularDisease #CongenitalVascularCavernousMalformations

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I’m new here!

Hi, my name is HarryJames. I'm here because I’ ve been living with EDS all of my live and didn’t know it. I’m make, and it’s only gotten bad in my sixties. I’ve finally found receptive doctors, but good information is even harder to find.

#MightyTogether #Depression #Migraine #Arthritis #meniere'sDisease #DemyelinatingNeuropathies

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