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Mindset Monday

Don't believe everything you see. It can be so easy to compare yourself to others- especially on social media but so often we only see the highlights or the successes. We don't see the failures or the the struggles behind the scenes. Keep this in mind when working on yourself or working toward your goals in life. It's not a race and it's certainly not a competition.

#mindset #mindsetmonday #MondayFeels #Mondayblues #goalsetting #MentalHealth #mindsettricks #mindsettips #mondaymindset

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How to Achieve Your Goals

It’s April! We're already a ways into 2022 and those goals or New Year's resolutions may have fallen to the wayside.

In the next 2 weeks, I'm going to be focusing on how we can accomplish our goals.

What is a goal you have been wanting to achieve? Maybe a goal you’ve had for a long time but never seem to get to. Or maybe a brand new goal you are excited about.

Share 1-3 of your goals in the comments. #goals #goalsetting #achieveyourdreams #workshop #wellness

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Motivational Monday

No matter what’s happening during this last week of October, know that we’ve got this and we’re here to support each other!

What are your goals for the week?
How are you implementing rest and self-care in your schedule?

#DiabetesType2 #Diabetes #DiabetesType1 #prediabetes #ChronicIllness #MentalHealth #Motivational #monday #goalsetting #MightyTogether


End of Year Goals

It was a mighty prompt that prompted this writing (haha- get it?) and I usually love the mighty prompts. They are usually a way to stop and reflect- on myself, on my ideas of success, on my my goals, etc. This one stopped me dead in my tracks as I was scrolling as it said the following:

What are your top 3 goals for the remainder of the year?

What really hurt was that I couldn’t come up with one, let alone three! This simple prompt, meant to lift up and celebrate even the smallest goals and achievements in the coming months, shed light to the fact that I don’t even know what my coming months look like. I should probably explain.

Because of my chronic illness, Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension, I’ve had to defer my acceptance to college back a year and take what is called a “gap year”. Gap years are pretty normal, the circumstances of mine is not. My goal is to take the fist semester and get my health under control, and then work to save up money the rest of the time so I can go to college next year in the best position I can be in to succeed. Unfortunately, the whole “getting my health under control” thing is a little harder than it sounds. It’s what we’ve been trying to do since since I was diagnosed and subsequently pulled out of school back in March. So obviously, it’s been going great (not).

As I’m writing this, I have come to the realization that goals don’t always have to be tangible. I don’t have to get x grades for my degree or make x amount of money or anything like that. So I’ve made some goals for the second half of 2021- even if I’m not entirely sure where it’s going to take me yet.

Emma’s 3 2021 Goals

- Smile at people when they make eye contact
- Accept the help as it comes, say thank you, and don’t brush off their support
- Support my friends as they go off to college and be the friend they can always come back to, no matter how far they’ve gone

As you go off and make your own goals, whether they look anything like mine or not, make them with you in mind. You are on your own journey, and are in a different stage of life than anyone else around you. Give yourself the grace to make goals that fit where you are right now, not where you wish you could be. I look forward to cheering you on as you reach for the stars!

#goalsetting #goals #Goal #mightyprompt #mightygoals #mightygoal #3goals #newyearresolutions #IIH #Writing #WritingThroughIt #CheckInWithMe #checkinonme #IdiopathicIntracranialHypertension #IH #IntracranialHypertension #College #gapyear

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What are your top 3 goals for the remainder of the year?

Now that you have given your goals some revising, it’s time to share what some of your goals are for the rest of the year. Whether they have changed from the beginning of the year or not, share your top 3 remaining goals for the rest of the year in the comments below! We look forward to cheering you on as you reach for the stars!! 💫

#52SmallThings #MentalHealth #ChronicIllness #RareDisease #Parenting #Disability #Anxiety #BipolarDisorder #Depression #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Trauma #PTSD #AutoimmuneDisease #Migraine #ChronicPain #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #Fibromyalgia #Autism #Selfcare #goals #goalsetting #CheckInWithMe #DistractMe #CheerMeOn

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What goal did you set earlier this year that you have “fallen behind” on? #52SmallThings

Life happens. Things come up and change our goal trajectory. It’s OK if you missed a deadline for any reason. It happens to everybody (and we mean everybody). It’s OK to have to adjust because, spoiler alert: you’re not behind on anything. You’re simply figuring things out on your own time. That behind said, what is a goal you set earlier this year that you have to adjust?

#MentalHealth #ChronicIllness #RareDisease #Disability #Parenting #Anxiety #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BipolarDisorder #Depression #Trauma #PTSD #AutoimmuneDisease #Migraine #ChronicPain #RheumatoidArthritis #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #Fibromyalgia #Autism #Selfcare #goals #goalsetting #CheckInWithMe #DistractMe

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What goals have you achieved so far this year? #52SmallThings

Do you remember the goals you set earlier this year? Well, this week’s theme is all about taking a look at those goals and evaluating them. We’re kicking this week off by seeing which ones we happened to achieved. Sound off in the comments below and tell us what goals you accomplished so far (no matter how big or small)!

P.S. we’re so proud of you! 🎊

#MentalHealth #ChronicIllness #Parenting #Disability #RareDisease #Anxiety #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BipolarDisorder #Depression #Trauma #PTSD #AutoimmuneDisease #Migraine #ChronicPain #Fibromyalgia #Autism #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #goals #Selfcare #goalsetting #CheckInWithMe #DistractMe #CheerMeOn