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This is the message I had from my girlfriend this morning. I don't know what to do...I need some advice! I've been crying for a few hrs. Can you help?

" hey.. i understand if you want to brake up.. I 100% do.. my moms probably taking my phone for good and hopefully she dont see these texts.. but I love you I really do and i wish that my mom could see that.. but she called me a whore and accused me of doing horrible things that made me want to cry.. now my phone is gone and I cant text anybody.. and if you want ill wait for you

I will

until we can talk again

but this also isnt fair for you..

and now that i think about it... it makes me feel bad..

so maybe we should brake it off until i get my phone back..

it hurts but it will hurt more if we are in a relationship and cant talk for possibly years..

how about you wait for me to text you tomorrow and we can try to talk about it.....

I love you "

#lost #help #helpme #Depression #Anxiety #queer #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #LGBTQAI #Advice #teens #Bipolar #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BPD

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My "Gender Envy Board" 🏳‍⚧🏳‍🌈💚😄😅

Okay, so I have recently come out as #Transgender (female to male) and with this, I decided I want to publicize my "Gender Envy Board" lol

People have always been curious about some of them, so, even though nobody asked I'm gonna explain some of them

The "Percy Jackson" book series: I can't explain it. I just feel a kind of #gendereuphoria when I feel the books Ranboo, Wilbur Soot, Troye Sivan: He's a very pretty boy. Yungblud: He's a very pretty boy and he's #comfy with it. He doesn't let people tell him how to dress simply because of how he identifies his gender Outfits: I really like the outfits and wish that I was #comfortable enough with society to wear them. If you have any more questions about anything I'd be #happy to answer them!!









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This is me #movingon #iloveme #loveyourself #igotthis

This is me. I am 16, a #libra , I live in California. I am part of the #LGBTQAI community (#queer #demigirl ), I have #Depression #Anxiety , and #BipolarDisorder I went through #Abuse for 5 years (sexual, physical, mental & emotional) I am now making it so that I can have my life back. I used to say that the abuse was my It is a crumby little chapter of my story. My life is #mystory and I'm going to scream my story! Because I love me...#Scars and all


Can you put a part of your story that you're not proud of/happy about? Saying it out loud (or typing it) does in fact help...I #Promise

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A poem I did.....

I want someone to hold

To tell me it's alright.

I want a girl to love me

And kiss me goodnight.

I want someone to hug me

When I cry

And whisper "it gets better"

I want someone's daughter

To be the reason I keep going

I want a girl to find me when I'm lost

To lead me back to the world I know

I want someone to hole

To tell me it gets better

I want someone's daughter

To show me what it means to be happy.

I want someone to love

To cuddle

And to hold

Is she out there?

The girl I dream of?

Someone who has the same pains as me

That knows what it means to grow

And shrink with every day

I want someone to hold

I want a girl to love me

And kiss me goodnight.

I want someone's daughter

To whisper "it gets better"

I want someone to love me

Someone I can love

Someone to share my world with


Someone to cure the pain

Of being invisible







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I did it!!

I finally figured out my name. As a #nonbinary I didn't like the "girl" name that I had. So...I changed it!! My name is now Skyler. I had this friend and her boyfriends name is Skyler, and then on the show Breaking Bad, a woman's name is I tried it out with a few people and it just seems fitting =D






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This is me #movingon #loveyourself

This is me. I am 15, a #libra , I live in California. I am part of the #LGBTQAI community, I have #Depression , #Anxiety , and #BipolarDisorder . I went through #Abuse for 5 years (sexual, physical, mental & emotional) and am now making it so that I can have my life back. I used to say that the abuse was my It is a crumby little chapter of my story/book. My life is #mystory and I am going to scream my story! Because I love me...#Scars and all❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

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Who is your celebrity crush? Mine: Bex Taylor-Klaus

I thought that today could use some mindless fun! So here we go, who is your celebrity crush? Mine is Bex Taylor-Klaus. They are non-binary, gay/lesbian, married, an actor, funny, sweet, kind, and absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! #Fun #Celebrities #LGBTQAI

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🏳️‍🌈🖤🥰  #LGBTQ #Love 🏳️‍🌈🖤🥰

It's national Lesbian Awareness Week! And because of this, me and my best friend bought our (other) best friend a bunch of things! She's been out for years, but we still decided to shower her in Lesbian pride things!! #LGBTQAI #BestFriends   #Love   #loveeachother We bought her a flag, a mask that has a full moon surrounded by 2 crescent moons (one on each side), and then a 50 pack of stickers of one of her favorite (Kpop) bands!🧡❤️🤍👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩

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