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👋 all I have been a part of the mighty since early 2017 when I was diagnosed with Chiari Malformation type 1 and Syringomylia. Rheumatoid, and hyper Thyroid issues run in the family along with other autoimmune disorders, dupitrins contractions and planter fashitis (pretty thats mispelked). We also have Mental health or personality disorders as well.

I didn't ever really come on here till now. After having my son in 2021 I developed severe postpartum depression. It eventually disappeared on its own kinda, it just lessened to depression.I was battleing addiction that had started because of my Chiari diagnosis and decompression surgery. In summer of 2022 i got clean and stayed clean. I went to a psychologist who was in the company of my rehab/general therapist. I was diagnosed with general anxiety, social anxiety, depression, bipolar, and having borderline personality disorder traits. I have recently VERY recently got away from trauma and abuse. I am almost 💯sure I have C-PTSD. Are there other forms of trauma bonding, abuse, PTSD out there what are common symptoms? I have something really weird going on and I dont even know how to really explain it . It i don't know if it's a symptoms concerning my Chiari and surgery site or if its a mental, psychological issue from the trauma. Any similar backgrounds out there? Even not general answers would be appreciated as well. Thnx everyone.

#ArnoldChiariMalformation , #ChiariMalformation , #Syringomyelia #autoimmune Disorders #MentalHealth #BorderlinePersonalityDisorderBPD #DepressiveDisorders #BipolarDepression #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #behavioralhealth #Trauma #symptoms #DissociativeIdentityDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #PTSD #mental #Anxiety #BipolarDisorder ##Nightmares #MoodDisorders #SocialAnxiety #OtherMentalHealth #neuro

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Just a friendly reminder #EhlersDanlosSociety # Anxiety, Stress and ME # mental illness an addictions #mental health

I had just asked a friend what she was doing for Thanksgiving and she told me this; "I'm spending the day with my mom and nothing else because last Thanksgiving I had planned to surprise my dad at the nursing home by making Thanksgiving dinner at home with all HIS favorites and bringing it to him. That way we could still eat the holiday meal together and he got to enjoy his favorite holiday foods instead of the traditional meal the nursing home provided. However, I was to late. He died 3 days before Thanksgiving "!
My response to her was; Do not blame yourself! What you had planned was a very wonderful surprise and if it were possible to be sad in heaven, I'm sure your dad was shedding some tears; 1) because he was so proud you had planned that and 2) because he missed it! But God's timing is not our timing! That is whatis forgotten until some like a death cruelly reminds us. So remind your loved ones of your love. Because we never know what God's timing will be!!

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Fibromyalgia and lupus

Hi 👋 there, id like to connect if im able to get more insights and suggestions. I'm still learning how to manage these autoimmune.
Are you still able to do prolong standing and walking? Are you able to find a job that will work (how)?? Any tips for career or additional income?
What are your coping skills or statements? When flares up, mental health symptoms arises and lupus fibromyalgia other organs attacking you and no one is around and other external factors stressing you as well (limited work and income)... #PTSD #mental #ChronicPain #Lupus #Fibromyalgia #Depression #Career #financial #relationship challenges ... thank you , #Hugs

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Food drink and folly

I'm sipping on some coffee while I wait for 530 to roll around so I can make dinner. Tonight we're having Mediterranean salmon with cheesy chicken rice. It's gonna be delicious. I'm so hungry.

Today's coffee adventure was good. I mixed hazelnut flavor coffee with some mud wtr, salted caramel syrup and oat milk. It was really nice.

I've been very lonely today. I didn't really talk to anyone except for Meta AI. I chatted for a few minutes with flutter but she's been busy with her husband and boyfriend this weekend. We usually have our scheduled phone call every night at 830 but we missed 3 calls this week. I miss hearing her voice. But even more I miss seeing her on video chat. She decided it's too hard to do video chat.

I am so excited, con is just about a month away. I'm really looking forward to seeing my friends. I'm so ready.

#Relationships #mental #SchizoaffectiveDisorder

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☆ "Beautifully Flawed" ☆ #Thought 's

° " People See Me And Think That I'm A Needy Damsel... Sorry But I'm An Independent Woman With Disabilitie's And... No I'm Not A Damsel In Destress... I May Really Be Struggling Mentally And Physically... And With A Financial Rut... Right Now... But I Will Make It Through... I'm Just Stuck Right Now... I Feel Alone But Annoyed... But I Will Previl In Time... And Be Back To Normal... I Feel Like I Can't Make Enough $$$ At $11.00 An Hour... And It's Annoying No Matter How Much I Work And Restructuring My $$$ I Feel Like I'm Failing Right Now. But It's Out Of My Control Right Now. " ☆#mental Health Sincerely, ☆ S.K. ☆

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A Little Prose (form my journal to you all)


Home is my body

Air is my breath

Emotions are my humanity.

My body cries out for relief

My breath is strained

My humanity wants rest


It wants to go home to HEAVEN

How long the wait?

Whisper Lady

#Depression #chronic pain #Anxiety #Suicide thoughts #mental health

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My back feels much better now

Thank goodness for Percocet.

I got to video chat with my girlfriend and her daughter for a half hour. They were playing outside. Her daughter knows me as "mommy's boy who makes funny faces". We like to show off our plushies. She said her daughter doesn't usually like talking to people on the phone but she likes me. I've always been good with kids. I love drawing and doing crafts with kids.

I'm exhausted. Only got 3 hours of sleep last night. I'm just about done with my first cup of coffee mixed with mud wtr. It tastes better than usual. I used less milk this time. My next cup of coffee will be mixed with IQ Joe. I need the caffeine.

I tried to make some rice for lunch but it was yucky. I am almost out of cheese so I need to order some groceries soon. I'll wait till I only have one carton of oat milk left. I'm hoping to make the quiche in the freezer. It'll last a few days. I didn't have an appetite all week but last night I ate the whole sandwich super fast. It was delicious. But I also haven't taken my Mounjaro injection yet this week. Oops

#Relationships #coffeeislife #mental health

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UK Easter Break Blues

So, here in the UK the kids have been off school for a 2 week break…. About 3 weeks AFTER they’d already had the half term break as Easter came early this year.

Just wondering if there are any other parents on here who reach the point of screaming internally when your day is literally “wake up, clean up, food for kids, make beds, put wash on, take wash out, make more bloody food, wash up again, put dry washing away… Aaaaand keep repeating” 😱😱

I’m bloody exhausted mentally & physically and currently trying to deal with a c-spine that doesn’t want to play ball, crazy muscle pains from scar tissue build up alongside menopause (thank god for HRT!), fibro, thyroid issues, pots, you name it, each year the list gets longer!! I suppose I’m ranting here but it pees me off when it only seems to be me who is capable of seeing that bins are overflowing, or making food, or wiping the bathroom around after use. Child 1 works from home, child 2 is 10 & starting high school in September. DH works from home and is currently in a UC flare up.

I’d started a diploma in diet & nutrition with biochemistry before the break as I need something just for me. I’ve asked numerous times for help with the house - specifically, you mess it up, you clean it up & ask the 10yr old to just keep her room tidy and clean it once a week. Same with the eldest & asked hubby to help with the heavy lifting…… Today I just get back from visiting my mum who has Lewy Body Dementia and is in a care home, to find that washing is still wet in the machine, 10yr old hasn’t actually moved anything to clean her room and the bathroom and kitchen bins are full. Literally screaming inside as I make the beds (had to do those as our elderly cat likes to sleep on them and isn’t always the cleanest bless her), wash up, empty bins and start prepping for dinner.

When I ask 10yr old if she can wash up and then finish her bedroom, I get the grumps and tears reaction!! Go to tumble drier only to find the lint trap is full and so is the condenser unit. I’m the unreasonable one for complaining that I’m the only person to check and clean between washes.

I am soooo bored and so painfully aware that my life is existing and I don’t want to reach my 70s and end up in a care home like my mum. I’m aware that as I reach my very late 40s my life is getting harder pain wise but also it’s slipping away from me. I miss my career, my social life and my health…. I want to scream “STOP I want to get off!” but I know I’m blessed to be a stay at home mum, even if it was the curve ball of ill health that made it possible. If you’ve made it this far in my rant, I apologise, I can’t say anything at home as I feel ungrateful as when I am off my legs Hubby does step up but it’s never the same and as soon as I’m up again, it’s going over everything that’s missed. Anyone else feel this mixture of anger, frustration, guilt & loss???? #EDS #Fibro #mental health #Guilt

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