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Toy Story - An Affur To Remember

Every night this guy carries a toy upstairs to bed with him, and walks into the room wagging his tail in anticipation of being told what a clever boi he is—which he is 🥰

He has two Santa toys which are his year round favourites… the other night he dropped them both at my feet—guess he couldn’t decide between them so he carried them both ❤️🎅

Knowing him, he may also be reminding to hang his stocking up, to make sure Santa leaves a tasty treat—or ten—for him 🎄

#Dogs #MightyPets #MightyDogs #TheMighty #DistractMe #happyfriday #Friday #Furbaby #MightyPugs #Pug #PugMix #mightycommunity #grateful #Thoughts #Joy #happy #Christmas

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× " The Main Reason's Why I Love It Here " × #MyMightyFamily #mightycommunity

× " The Mighty Community... Help's Me Open Up More Than.. I Can In Person Alot... My Job Also Help's Me Become Somewhat Comfortable With Some People... But Here You All Make It Possible To Feel Like I'm Not Alone.. Or A Black Sheep... You All Let Me Be Myself... It's Hard For Me To Love Myself.. More.. I Don't Hate Who I'am... I Just Don't Love The Way I Feel 24/7... In Severe Chronic Pain... And Alot Of People Misunderstand Me... And Just Make Me Feel Worse And Angry... By Just Telling Me... " To Just Learn How To Love Myself "... It's Not That Simple And Easy For Me To Do Or Try To Work On... So Please Don't Tell Me That.. It Litterly Make's Me Feel Horrible.. And Worse About Myself... Yes I Have Self-Image And Self-Esteem Issue's Since I Was Born... I'm Trying My Hardest To Work On These Issue's... On My Own... The Mighty Women And Mighty Men... Help Alot On Here... Plus The Doc... Yeah I Didn't Forget About The Most Important Person On Here.. Your Advice And Idea's Help Me Alot More... And I Don't Get Micro-Managed.. Or Judged For My Life Style.. Which I'm Pagan.. I'am Unique... I'am Kind... And Have A Pure Huge Heart To Share... So No I Will Not Change Who I'am... And Who I'm Transforming To Become... In My Life.. I Don't Rush To Please Anyone.. I Live My Life Peacefully And Cautiously... " × Sincerly, ▪︎☆ ☆▪︎ S.K. ▪︎☆


× " What Truly Make's All Of Us x Happy...Unique..Sometime's Content ?#thought's#Topic #mightycommunity

× " I'm Truly At Peace x Happy At My Job... To Be Honest With You All... I Would Rather Keep Working... Because I Don't Have To Come Here Where I'm Currently Staying... And Listen To Constant Complaint's.. About Job's And What I'm Going To Do With Myself. I Guess Me Working Is Not Enough... Like What Else Is There. We Are All Conditioned To Work And Not Allowed To Enjoy Life...By Doing Other Thing's.... " I'm Sorry... But " I'm NOT PHYSICALLY × MENTALLY "... Going To Be Doing That For Other People... They Need To Fix Thier Own Issue's... And Leave Other's Alone.. Why Do I Really Enjoy Writing Because This Hobby Give's Me Proper Sense Of Self-Free Thinking... Since I Can't Sometime's Fully Express My " Inner Deep Thought's "... With People Who Don't Understand Me... I Will Live How I Want Too... And Do What I Want...And Become A " S.U.P.E.R. F.I.E.R.C.E F.O.R.C.E.... To Be Reckoned With... Nobody Has The Right To Control Someone Else's... Well Being...And Mental State... My Family Is Going To Regret Doing Everything That They Are Doing To Me Currently... " I'AM GOING TO ONCE AGAIN DISSAPPEAR × AND PLAY D.E.A.D... ×#thought's#innerpeace ☆ S.K. ☆

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New Contributor Looking Forward to Inspiring and Feeling More of the Love and Support I Get from The Mighty Community

Hello Mighty People. I am a newly minted writer who is working on believing in myself and my abilities. I have a rare condition called Dercums Disease and will have an article about my challenges facing my disability coming out soon on The Mighty. If anyone has this condition or knows anyone who does, please feel free to reach out. I have had it for almost twenty years. Have had 70 lipomas cut out of me in that time and have learned a lot from my experience working with doctors, both good and bad. As a writer, I look to inspire and support others who have to face challenges in life, no matter how big or small. I look forward to inspiring with all of you, my #mightycommunity #MightyTogether

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When Being Thankful Makes Me Angry

It's that time of year when you get asked, "And what are YOU thankful for this year?!"
Right now this question makes me feel angry, which makes me feel guilty for feeling angry.
But those feelings are valid.
It's true I'm #thankful and #Blessed ... I could make a nice, neat list of all the things I am thankful for and perhaps it would make me feel more grateful...
But, there is always a "but" after them:
I'm thankful for having a nice place to live, but why do I have to live where I freeze my face off all winter???
I'm thankful for friends, but why don't I have more??
I'm thankful for family, but why is my grandma gone?
I'm thankful for good support, but why isn't my family more supportive?
I'm thankful for a good job that has given me breathing room and I like most of the time, but why is my boss so challenging to get along with some days?
I'm thankful for a church to be a part of, but why do I still feel alone?
I'm thankful for dogs, but why don't I have one? Lol.
So, I guess I need to focus more on the thankful and less on the wishing for what I don't have.
My days have more color in them than last week, but not vibrant color.
I am thankful I found this community where I can share some experiences with you. #MightyTogether #mightycommunity #Bipolar2Disorder #ExcoriationSkinPickingDisorder #Anxiety #Depression #Faith

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Monday Mood Booster

Since we all liked the kitty content from a few weeks ago, I figured I provide the #mightycommunity with more #Positivity 😻 My cat has been such a good work buddy, she loves it when I’m home! Have a great week and stay safe! #COVID19 #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #PDDNOS #Autism

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What did you need the most this year? #ChronicIllness #Anxiety #Depression #mightycommunity

Hi there my Dear Titanium Friends 🤗
I hope you're all doing alright. If not, we are all here for you, we'll get through this together❤️
I would like to know what you needed most this year that you may not have received and what you hope to receive more next year.

For me it really came down to Compassion, Empathy, Love, Understanding and Effort to meet me where I am at physically and emotionally. I've cut off people, changed my mindset and now working on changing my environment.



Any information on this would be helpful! #UlcerativeColitis

My partner has just been diagnosed with #UlcerativeColitis and is going through the process at the moment of appointments and is on medication etc, but as of yet he hasn’t been given much information. Most of the information he has got is from the internet, which as you all know can be misleading at times.
I told him about the #mightycommunity and he’s asked me to post this on his behalf, to try get some information from people who are going through this themselves.
Any information would be much appreciated, even if it’s something what you have changed in your diet to help. Thanks guys!! #Colitis #MightyQuestions #MightyTogether #question

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Happy Valentines to The Mighty Community #mightycommunity #52SmallThings

I hope this picture brings a smile to your face, when I suddenly have a down day with my depression it’s moments like this that make me smile. #MentalHealth #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #MajorDepressiveDisorder #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder