Bipolar mixed episode
A few days ago, I recognized the warning signs that a mixed episode is almost here. I'm extra irritable, extra anxious, overspending, raising my voice for no reason, hyperactive, crying sometimes, reliving memories that make me cringe, cry, angry or all of the above. I'm close to my master's thesis defense and this weekend some sad news about one of my paternal uncles came up. I've been dealing with a fibromyalgia flare that's lasted about two weeks. The pain hasn't lessened and some days I can barely wake up which means I've neglected my meds for a couple of days. I keep having violent nightmares, too. Some are crazy fascinating, others have left me so tense I've made a conscious effort to forget them.
It's only today that it's hit me that I'm headed toward an episode, or am already in the middle of a mild one, and I'm so grateful I've noticed. Usually, mixed episodes just show up and wreak havoc. I hope being aware will help. I need to weather this somehow. #BipolarDisorder #Anxiety #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Fibromyalgia #MixedState