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Helping Our Helpers 💚

Full Disclosure - am a MH Consumer & Advocate writing on my own accord, with no affiliation whatsoever to media, government or activist groups and am a private citizen employed as a Truck Driver who wants to empower our Mental Health #treatment community so they can continue saving lives and lifting up society.

When it comes to #mentalwellness , Forced Therapy can be Compassionate Therapy. Heard this in an Audiobook yesterday by DJ Jaffe, put another way, something along the lines of "We may much rather have forced treatment than forced criminal incarcerations" - because many people in prison, may never have been diagnosed yet. People living with Severe Mental Illness are 20-1 times more likely to end up in prison than in a hospital. In order to protect both our vulnerable Mental Health #patients and our vulnerable Public, we must adopt Mental Wellness focused legislation similar to, the H.R.3717 Helping Families in Mental Health #Crisis Act of 2013, and go yet the further, empowering our Mental Wellness Professionals individually to have legal authority, for self certifying Need Of #Therapy Orders, including and not limited to, IVC & AOT.

Many people discover incremental improvements in their Mental Wellness Journey before being fully recovered, which is when some often suddenly begin refusing treatment, ghosting their dedicated Mental Health Team. As if the diagnosis was some misunderstanding or maybe they've been cured. This recede and withdraw phase, remains not some new phenomenon or an independent decision, rather it is part of the process, we must continue working through towards healing. The unfortunate reality is however, when we prioritize Patient Rights over Patient Health, we end up losing both; with many of these Patients falling into the same downward spiral - that recurring and worsening of their Mental #suffering ; leading them to Unaliving themselves, Drug Addictions, Public Outbursts, Unemployment & Rising Crime, which become a burden to Family Members, Themselves and to Society.

Organizations like APA, MHA, MHLG, NASW, NAMI, NABH, NCMW, NIMH, SAMHSA, TAC, THE MIGHTY and others, can help our Civilization with structured healing only when we let them. Otherwise, we continue to actively accept rising Drug Addictions, spreading Crime Rates, climbing national Unaliving Statistics and out of control Growing Poverty, into our very own neighborhoods and schools.

At some point, many Mental Health Consumers can enter an expected phase, where they become counterproductive, even asserting rights, to refuse continuing safe and effective Treatment, unless they are deemed a threat to themselves or others in a scheduled Court Hearing. Sadly, Hearings remain very time consuming when there are only minutes available, rather than weeks. When a Psychotherapist finally finds out a Patient is going through a combative withdrawal phase, planning an Attack or Unaliving themselves, it’s often already too late for scheduling Court Hearings to obtain an IVC or AOT order.

So we end up with hurt or worse, Victims, many of whom come to us for help. All it takes, to become a threat to injuring oneself or others; is that single Event, a Personal Crisis or Manic Episode, maybe some observed Social Media Post, an Intrusive Thought or even a Snap Impulse.

Short of the Federal or Municipal Government putting forward a much needed program of regularly introducing the continuous supply of SSRi and/or an Antipsychotic solution into our Water Treatment Facilities across the nation to benefit public health, our growing Crime Rates and our random Violence are becoming the new normal. While our Mental Health Professionals are handcuffed, in literal red tape, under "Patient Rights" - they still somehow carry this very heavy onus; or Crystal Ball, to be the ones who ring alarm before a grenade suddenly rolls across the busy office floor.

Reasonably, we don't allow intoxicated people to make decisions behind the wheel of a vehicle. So when does it make sense to have Mental Health Patients, who are naturally unaware of therapeutic benefits in Psychology and Psychiatry; making decisions to refuse, cancel or even ghost, their needed Mental Health Therapy?

It cannot be guaranteed that the Patient is even remotely aware what incidents may occur for themselves or others nearby, or even what is going on at the time, when doing so.
"Comprehension of important Medical Information'' and the "ability to keep a Safe Environment" - currently, stipulate whether your next possible Serial Outburst, gets treatment or not. They may lack the capacity to make responsible decisions hours after an interview, during a depressive or manic episode, where their brain chemicals do not function in the predicted way, causing them to suddenly snap. We don't have to continue inviting this.

Enabling our Mental Health Professionals to help and empower our Mental Wellness and SMI Consumers, is a two way street. We must remove bureaucratic red tape and allow our Mental Health Professionals to exercise their own Professional Judgment, having Discretionary Authority, without needing time consuming Court Orders, when providing on ground responsive Emergency Care, for Clients during their next sudden Crisis Event - as it happens - not after. This is how we streamline Mental Wellness. Only then, can we begin to curb random Public Outbursts, Terrorism, Road Rage, Domestic Disputes and more. Another positive, would be having too, Migrants, who may be silently suffering with Mental Illness, #PTSD , et cetera - finally being treated, who otherwise would go homeless, unaccounted, undocumented and untreated, left roaming neighborhoods.

And so it remains with great urgency that our Elected Representatives Draft then Pass Legislation, streamlining our Mental Wellness Professionals, with legal power to self certify IVC & AOT orders. This way, we will finally be lowering criminal activities; random violence, daily road rage and even, serial outbursts.

We owe this to both our Public and our Patients, who are actively seeking to improve their #MentalHealth .

Most Sincerely, Patient & Mental Health Treatment Advocate,


Sources; Look Up Your State - Treatment Advocacy Center

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Doctors and Diagnoses


One thing I believe from 17 years’ experience on one side of the bedrails and 20 years on the other side of the bed rails, is one of the most important people in your life are your Professional Caregivers! It is our LIFE, and we must be in the hands of someone we trust or feel comfortable with… OR we are on a very bumpy road. We tend to be intimated by someone who might have a bit more education than us. IF that ever is an uneasy, overall feeling, then find another doctor and let this one go. I discovered patients aren’t aware they can fire their doctors. Who’s paying who? The first visit is like an interview. Sometimes, it is good to present the visit in this way. Depends on you, the situation, etc. Do they listen? Do they answer questions understandable? Do they include your caregiver – in my case – do they include education and information to and from my spouse? Do they seem to genuinely feel they can help and are they eager to help? If at any time this changes, consider the worth of the relationship.

Also be aware, you can be dismissed also. Some do not believe it is worthwhile treating patients who will not comply to any treatment or have a resolution to an issue they would like to try. Your attitude comes across also. This is a line between doing something you don't feel is best (that's not called non-compliance) and just not doing anything the professional is asking or suggesting. It's wasting time and money.

If I gave my story this soon, everyone would run to the hills. One thing I can say, if there isn’t a good “vibe”, RUN. I don’t care if it is the President of the world, heavens etc…who says they are the best. RUN. If they EVER insinuate that a psych is needed – RUN. A psych test is different when assessing TBI, etc. Therefore, if your condition calls for a psychologist to be a part of the overall plan right away, then fine. But don’t allow this to keep you from getting the treatment you need. If they are not sure what to do, (I have nothing against Psychologists. But they can be used in the wrong way and it was almost to my detriment.) Don’t be afraid to ask questions about their recommendations. It could be very valid. If they do not believe in alternative medicine (massage, acupuncture, etc…) RUN. Every modality has its place and research is a great tool. (Understanding how to research is necessary) Massage is a good tool for relaxation, with acupuncture. I’ve noticed in our area, more surgeons are requesting these modalities before surgery. Many use them, also.

These are subjects of discussion and please join if you want your visits be be profitable.#patients #Doctor visits #TBI #Dystonia #RSD #Relationships


Don't miss out on the 2020 #Livingrareforum !

We're only days away from the 2020 #Livingrareforum ! This year's event is going virtual for a fun weekend filled with opportunities to connect, learn and inspire within the #RareDisease community.

#patients , #Caregivers , healthcare professionals and students are invited to take part. Register now:


Don't Miss Out On The 2020 #Livingrareforum !

This year's Living Rare Forum is going virtual for 2020! Connect with #RareDisease #patients , #Caregivers , healthcare professionals while listening to inspiring stories and expert panels! Register:


Wearable Medical Devices Growth by Patients during 2018-2027

The market for wearable medical devices is projected to grow at a CAGR of 25.78% over the forecast period, i.e., 2020-2027. In 2018, the market captured a size of USD 8,292.60 million which is estimated to significantly increase by the end of 2027. Wearable medical devices are devices used for determining the health status of the patients for various medical purposes.

Rising Applications of Wearable Medical Devices to Boost the Market Growth

According to statistics by the UN, the population aged 60 and above is growing at a faster rate than other age groups. By 2050, the number of elderly individuals is estimated to increase up to billion people.

#wearablemedicaldevice #MedicalProfessionals #HealthCare #medicaldevice #patients


Spine Pain?

Chronic spine pain? What is your latest "go-to" item that helps you feel better?
Lotions, creams, heat, ice, meds, massage, gadget - name your current #1 below.
#ChronicPain  #spine #RareDisease  #degeneration   #stenosis   #Nerves   #muscles  #patients   #Parents  #Kids  #adults   #ache   #stiff  #shock  #zap   #spasms   #vertebrae #Spinefusion #congenitalfusion