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My turn: My chance to share my story

I'm a 35 year old masters degree recipient who comes from an abusive and neglectful family. I almost didn’t survive my childhood, spent years in hospitals, and am now expecting to start receiving ECT in the coming months. #shock #denial #anger #Bargaining #Depression #testing #Acceptance

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My mind is reppressing the trauma I've been through. It's blocking me from feeling it all these years later. It has never let me process it. I remember what happened but it's as if I am remembering someone else's memory. My mind is still trying to protect me from it.#TheMighty #MightyTogether #Trauma #Rejection #abandonment #betrayal #hurt #Pain #shock

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This past Thursday I experienced a severe #Trauma I am in need of #MentalHealth support but my insurance will NOT provide it to me for another month. I am in a state of #shock #PTSD and severe #Depression and #Anxiety I am NOT doing well at all my #MightyTogether followers ⛈⛈⛈💥💥💥🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😓😓😓😓😓😓😓😓😓😓😓😥😥😥😥😥😥😥

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Loneliness - its shock and grief

My totally prostrate wife with a rare debilitating, neurological disorder wants me out of her life. What does it feel to be banished and seen as being no good as a care giver who can provide no comfort by someone who you so deeply love? Numerous counseling, medication has not helped me to come to terms with this. I still love her and therefore the guilt is overwhelming. All this despite some more than 10 years of happy and affirming married life. A deep deep sense of misery and despair has so overcome me and I’m finding it next to impossible to imagine life without her. I stay away... lonely, living in guilt, shame, grief and traumatized.
#shock #Grief #Loneliness #hurt #SuicidalThoughts #separationtrauma


What should be done in such situation?

I had a girlfriend who has left me 2 months back.
She has blocked me from everywhere. I am suffocating alone and also in shock. I cant find myself and i am lost. Please help me with any solution #Depression #shock #Anxiety #lost

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#shock anxiety

I found out someone I was close with died of a od and we can't tell some people I kind of don't know what to say or think

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I’m in shock #CheckInWithMe

My great aunt died today of a heart attack and my grandmother was just diagnosed with high risk pancreatic cancer. I have no words. I’m sick with anxiety #shock #Grief #Cancer #Anxiety #brokenheart


Spine Pain?

Chronic spine pain? What is your latest "go-to" item that helps you feel better?
Lotions, creams, heat, ice, meds, massage, gadget - name your current #1 below.
#ChronicPain  #spine #RareDisease  #degeneration   #stenosis   #Nerves   #muscles  #patients   #Parents  #Kids  #adults   #ache   #stiff  #shock  #zap   #spasms   #vertebrae #Spinefusion #congenitalfusion


Brain zap #Antidepressant

Having nonstop brain zaps, or as I call them; electric shocks. I only missed a dose yesterday and I can’t bring myself to do anything with this electric sensation. Also, I slept in way too long, is that related? #shock #Brainzap #withdrawal

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New #Member of #Bipolar #Disorder Club

I am not good at explaining/wording my issues & emotions...YET, Natasha penned EXACTLY what I have thought and said for the last couple of months (for the uptenth time over the years)!

TODAY...I met w/a #Psychiatrist for the 1st time in years; after referral from several counseling sessions . YEARS of attempts to feel better...with only #negative results on #Antidepressants for "#reoccurrent #major #Depression #episodes " & #fleeting episodes of excitement for life, family, activities has a new name...#Bipolar #Disorder ‼️

I am in #shock ...yet, shouldn't be anything but hopeful. #HOPEFULLY , my "maybe tomorrows" will lessen, with #Medication #treatment I began today!
My #Family needs me. My #Friends need me. My #Church needs me...HOPEFULLY, with an appropriate regimen, I can show them how much I TRULY WANT AND NEED THEM! I always have...although my #actions definitely make them feel otherwise!!!

I look forward to the day I can be a useful member of society again! The day I WANT to get up, shower & dress for work, attend church, grocery shop, run errands, take care of financial obligations, meet my daughter's or friends for coffee/lunch, go on a "date" with my handsome and patient husband.

Unfortunately TODAY, I am currently having an #Anxiety #attack as I type these thoughts...And Now must hurry home to go back to #bed & hide!