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Poem 46

can you truly say goodbye to someone
tell me if they called you wouldnt run
deep down in your heart its really done

me myself can say this to be true to say the least
i consider some alive today, to be deceased
this is a hatred beyond any spirit or priest

its far from complicated
see what was once elated, became completely aggravated
to those, truly pathetic outdated and honestly ridicously compensated
go fuck yourself #Poetry #poetsandwriters


It Doesn't Matter ....... #MightyPoets

It doesn't matter what you wore
Or how much you had to drink,
It doesn't matter who they were
A stranger or of family.

It doesn't matter how much money
That you do happen to make,
It doesn't matter if they were a friend
A lover or heartbreak.

It doesn't matter if you willingly
Did walk into their house,
It doesn't matter if they were a date,
Co-worker or a spouse.

It doesn't matter just how often
Be it once or many years,
It doesn't matter what their "excuse" was
That drowned your life in tears.

It doesn't matter when it happened
Yesterday or in your youth,
It doesn't matter who believes
For in your heart you know the truth.

Cause if you didn't give consent
Then it's considered an assault,
It doesn't matter what they said or did

By: Debra Brent

#Poetry #poet #poetsandwriters #Trauma #Childhoodtrauma #SexualTrauma #SexualAbuse #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #PTSD #CPTSD #Anxiety #Depression #panic #Fear #SuicideAwareness #MentalHealth #MentalHealthAwareness #SuicidePrevention #TraumaRecovery #Healing #nomeansno #ibelieveyou #itdoesntmatter #youmatter


Aftermath of a Flashback

"Let me help you."

This again. "No."

"You've been sitting here for most of the day. Instead of isolating yourself in this dark corner, let's talk about what's troubling you."

"If he comes closer, I'm going to attack him."

"Anger, I'm not going to let you hurt Compassion. Relax. He's just trying to help."

"Compassion, there's nothing new that you haven't heard. I just need time. If I sit still long enough, breathe deeply long enough, this too will pass."

"What will pass?"

"Did you not hear Sorrow? Back off. Now!"

"Stop it, Anger! You're shouting is not helping! Both of you, stop talking or I'll end us all by jumping!"

"We can't swim." They whisper in unison...


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Today I Survived

My #CPTSD is really kicking my behind at the moment. I have been having #Flashbacks and #Nightmares everevery night for a few weeks now and today it all got too much #Depression took the reigns.
#Poetry #poetrytherapy #MightyPoets #Poem #poetsandwriters #WritingThroughIt


The masks I wear....

Sometimes I look in the mirror and I don’t recognize myself. The masks I wear has transformed a beautiful woman into an aged basket case. The masks I wear puts a smile in public even though my pain feels like it is tearing my thoughts from my mind. Each masks covers pain, stress and confusion. The woman I once was is now a figure I don’t recognize. Face swollen, eyes dark, teeth breaking I stare into the mirror wondering how did I get here? Who took my life? Who am I really? When will I find myself; and accept that this is who I am? I don’t think I’ll ever accept my state of being; but my masks make living in the moment a bit easier. My masks cover all my insecurities; but sometimes I think my masks hurt me even more than I think. I get into my head when silence falls. Night time is when I take off the masks and I look at myself again. I see this woman; she’s broken but holding on to one thing... her sanity.
#Broken #masks
#MightyPoets #poets #poetsandwriters #IIH #Depression #Anxiety #ChronicIllness #Swolleneverything #BipolarDepression #BipolarDisorder #help #IdiopathicIntracranialHypertension #VPShunt


Petals of Pain ......... #MightyPoets

Drip, drip, drop,
Rain beats upon one’s rooftop;
Steadily in shifts,
Pounding bass into it’s mix.
The melodic tone of nature's tears,
Wreak havoc on my Fibro fears.

Lyrics defined by suffering,
Rhythmic beads portray each song;
Purple tears, my petals of pain,
Are the cadence I wish to prolong.

Will these same notes beat forever,
Or set my thoughts adrift?
Into a state of mindless pleasure,
Where I can feel the downbeat shift.

Heaven’s sorrow is a chorus,
Which saturates my soul;
Outwardly, I’m dying,
Yet inwardly, I’m whole.

By: Debra Brent

#Fibromyalgia #Fibro #fibropain #fibropurple #fibroawareness #Pain #petalsofpain #fibromyalgiaawarenessmonth #Depression #Anxiety #beatanxiety #Poetry #poets #writingcommunity #fibropoetry #painpoem #poetsandwriters #imapoet #poemoftheday #Awareness #dontlookdownlookup #purposeinourpain