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Chocolate is the Best Medicine!

Chocolate in most of its forms usually works for me! (Although often, for medical reasons, it is only a visual pleasure.) Word Bath is my morning meditation/writing exercise where I ask myself for a word for the day and then listen to whatever definition emerges.#chronicillness #Alternativemedicine #alternativemedicines #UlcerativeColitis #crohnsandcolitis #AnalCancer #themightysite #TheMighty #anxietyrelief #Ptsdrecovery

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"Emptying a space for the new to be revealed." So that is what happens when we take a vacation! Word Baths are my morning meditation, I ask for a word for the day, write down what pops into my head and then define it. (My husband Ron (and sons) built this beautiful wooden kayak.) #dailyaffirmations #dailyrituals #definitions #Meditation #anxietyrelief #anxietysupport #Ptsdrecovery #PTSDawareness #Selflove #selfcare #UlcerativeColitis #AnalCancer #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #NarcissisticAbuse #CoerciveControl

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The Ocean as Support for Grief

The ocean has been a reliable companion when I've struggled with grief. Its immense presence seems to help contain my tears. Word Baths are my ritual of defining my word for the day. (Thankfully not sad today, but offering for those who are.)

##dailyaffirmations #dailyrituals #definitions #writingcommunity #Writing #writingprompts #memoir #Meditation #anxietyrelief #anxietysupport #Ptsdrecovery #PTSDawareness #Selflove #selfcare #UlcerativeColitis #AnalCancer #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #NarcissisticAbuse #CoerciveControl

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Tenderness to Self

TENDERNESS is so much easier to find for a sweet fuzzy animal than for our wounded grumpy selves. (Not that these wallabies were about to lash out at me!) Asking for a Word for the day is my writing ritual, I then bathe in whatever definition arises. What is your definition of Tenderness?

#dailyaffirmations #dailyrituals #anxietyrelief #anxietysupport #Ptsdrecovery #PTSDawareness #Selflove #selfcare #UlcerativeColitis #AnalCancer #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #NarcissisticAbuse #CoerciveControl

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Tolerance for a Friday

Tolerance - a good word for a Friday when the tank refill is very very close....

Meanwhile, there is always a cup of tea. My Word Baths are my definitions of a word that pops up for me first thing in the morning. A great writing ritual as at least I have written something before breakfast.

#dailyaffirmations #dailyrituals #definitions #writingcommunity #Writing #writingprompts #memoir #Meditation #anxietyrelief #anxietysupport #Ptsdrecovery #PTSDawareness #Selflove #selfcare #UlcerativeColitis #AnalCancer #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #NarcissisticAbuse

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#innerchild #Healing #Awareness

Sometimes the grief I feel over everything I didn’t have as a child becomes visceral and it makes it hard to breathe.

My inner child is screaming for love, for comfort, for validation.

I will do everything in my power to make sure my children will never question their worth. 🌻

#innerchild #innerchildhealing #PTSDawareness #PTSDAwarenessMonth #Trauma #traumainformed #childhoodtrama #childhoodsexualabusesurvivor #Survivingchildhoodtrauma #Ptsdrecovery #TraumaRecovery

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#livingforhim #Ptsdrecovery

This is my only child Isaiah Reynolds. Forever 19. Today is 292 days since he gained his wings. I guess I’ve known deep down suicide was always a possibility although I never thought it would happen to us. I have watched depression turn my happy child into sad, disjointed and questioning why he’s even here on earth for the past 7 years. Wondering if he was ever going to find “his place”. I want Isaiah to be remembered for his generosity, his sense of humor, and love for jokes and food. For giving the best tightest hugs and always protecting me. Being top of his class and helping others that struggled. For being an amazing and kind person that most people should take notes from. For his smile that could light up a room and never judging anyone. He made everyone feel special and checked daily on everyone. Isaiah was a natural healer even though he could not heal himself. I remember so many days trying to put on a smile and pretend everything was ok when I knew my entire reason for living couldn’t feel love only hurt. For all the outsiders that thought I was miserable or even rude because I couldn’t maintain a smile on my face every hour I worked. Now you know. Sometimes people are going thru their own nightmares while awake. I made it a point to tell him everyday how loved he was, handsome, kind, smart, brave, and so strong to be fighting mental illness for so long. I know my family and his friends told him often as well yet this disease lied to him. It told him he was worthless, unlovable, hopeless and unsuccessful. I always portrayed myself to be strong for my son, but I am not any longer. I am broken, depressed and trying to find my purpose without my baby. He was all I had. Just the two of us. All I’ve known since I was 18. In Isaiah’s words. “Maybe I’m not cut out for this world” I now am beginning to believe him. He was too kind, generous, loving, and smart for this world. Maybe he wasn’t the broken one, maybe it’s us for not being able to feel the things he did. This world is ugly and unkind. All I know is I miss him everyday Isaiah is my hero for fighting this ugly battle while trying to live a “normal” life. He will forever be missed and never forgotten. #SuicideAwareness #spreadawareness #EndTheStigma #SuicideLoss #PTSD


How to accept that the trauma event happened? #PTSD #Ptsdrecovery

I had something happen last year that has caused me to develop PTSD. One of the things holding back my recovery is that I cannot accept that it happened. I try to remind myself that it’s not happening now, what’s happening in my head is not real now - but that just reminds me that it was once real. All I want is to go back and prevent the event from happening, I just can’t accept that it did so I just end up more angry/upset.
Does anyone have any helpful tips for accepting the past?


Recommended retreat or program for ptsd? #PTSD #Recommendations #Program #Retreat #Australia

I have chronic pain, depression anxiety all the fun stuff... I NEED to find a retreat or program that will give me an intensive under-the-microscope approach to it all and dive into some big change & tools to drive me towards healthy. I have been struggling through suicidal thoughts daily & my beautiful little girl deserves a healthy mummy.

I can’t possibly risk causing her pain by losing this battle, no matter the cost, I need this. I’ll raise the funds somehow. I’ll do whatever I have to for my baby girl 👧🏻 #Fundraising #Mentalhealthretreat #Therapyretreat #IntensiveOutpatientPrograms #noprivatecover #Pensioner #Soleparent #Ptsdretreat #Ptsdtherapy #Ptsdrecovery #Spdpelvicpain #Adhesionrelateddisorder #Abdominaladhesions #ChronicPain

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Good for the soul

Today and yesterday I gardened and played piano. So good for my soul! A therapist once told me to imagine my soul like a garden and as I tend to it it goes through different seasons. I am grateful! #52SmallThings #EatingDisorderRecovery #Ptsdrecovery