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👋Pedro #MightyPets

Pedro says hello or Woof Woof

He is big and woolly today and is in need of a major salon hair do.

Which means when I feel better the clippers will come out and Pedro Fluff will fill my home and the garden .

It is a bit like shearing a sheep. He is so fluffy and curly coated when he is wet. He is a 1/4 poodle mind.
This is my big fluffy teddy boy's ways of lovingly saying Mum I'm hot I need a haircut. Please woof woof.
Look at the beard on him and the curls on his legs.
Love him to bits curls and all. He dries super quick poodle style all curly. He will fall asleep too while I get the scissors out to trim the face and feet. Bored by then. 😅😴
Next week buddy fingers crossed 🤞❤ I'll be up For to doing it.
Let's hope it Carrys on raining and you don't get too hot.
Promise Tj 🐶🐕🐾💋❤🤞 #Pups #Love #Family #Tribe #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #TherapyPets #Anxiety #DepressionAndMentalHealth #TrigeminalNeuralgia

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Wildside of Dogs #DistractMe

Gooooooood Morning Mightys

I'm wide awake today and it's hot hot hot in the UK 🌞⛱🔥

My pups loveeeeee their tummies being tickled and rubbed nothing much left of their wildside left in them.

My neighbour still walks them for me even though she is now back to work fulltime. She took them last night when it was cool enough. Pepper plopped down on his back as soon as he could when he got back. To stop her going . For a belly rub.
Bless him.
He knows exactly how to get her to stay all 14 pounds of him.
Maybe that is his Wildside 🐶❤

Love n hugs Tj 🐕🐶🐾❤🥰😘🤗 #wildside #Pups #Bekind #NeverAlone #TrigeminalNeuralgia #PsoriaticArthritis #RareDisease #ClusterHeadaches #SphincterOfOddiDysfunction #GlossopharyngealNeuralgia #Kindness #NoJudgment #MightyTogether #checkonyourneighbours

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Our Pets Do Funny Things #Pepper #Dogs #Chatspace #Chatties

Morning Chatties

How are you today

Sorry I've been missing for a few days. Just needed a few days to recover from a bad flare up. But feeling more like myself now.

This is Pepper doing his normal funny stuff with his treat. Why he doesn't just eat it I do not know. He walks around with it like this for ages. Makes me laugh. Annoys Pedro no end 🤣🤣🤣🤣

What do your little pets and furballs do to keep you amused!?
Or do you watch YouTube videos of pandas🐼 or lion Cubs to get your fix of cute 'ness' for the day.
I just watched Panda live on YouTube it was so Cute. 🐼

So Tell me your cute stories that keep you amused.

Love n hugs Tj
#Animals #Cuteness #Bekind #TherapyDog #emtionalSupport #Chatties #checkonyourneighbours #Lovenhugs #Selflove #TherapyPets #PANDAS #LionsCubs #Pups #PeppernPedro #AmusingPets

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Pepper Morning snuggles or sneezes #CheckInWithMe

Good Morning or Good Afternoon Mightys

My pups Pepper decided to wake me up today by snuggling up to my face and then sneezing !!!
He hates sneezing. Last summer he got hayfever real bad hayfever. So the sneeze made he snuggle up into my face he only weighs 14 pounds.
He is all fluff. Everytime I breathed in all I got was a mouthful of fluff.
I couldnt stop laughing. Which ment more fluff.❤😄🤣
Which made he sneeze and snuggle in closer.
Then Pedro being Pedro my cream coloured pup was missing out came sat on my chest. Starting licking the bit of my face he could find. Mmmm. Mornings in my house. 🐶🐶🐾🐾❤❤
I might wake up in a bad mood or in pain or whatever .
But these 2 keep me on my toes. Make me smile laugh choke on fluff and have good happy tears .
Hows are you today?
Much love Tj
#Pups #Love #MightyPets #Fun #laughterisgoodmedicine #Family #Tribe #Pets #Fluff #RareDisease #Happytears #Stayinghome #checkonyourneighbours #MightyTogether #DistractMe #Hope #Selfcare #lovingkindess #Bekind #sensitive