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Good Morning or Now Afternoon #Noeletricnothingworks

Hello everyone

How are you today ?

I love this pic. Without electric you cant get your phone to work or charge up. Had that problem this morning myself. 🤣😅😁
But was just the cable being awkward or me being a Wally one or other. Who knows 🙂😉🤨🤔🤣😅😁

So what are you doing or have you done so far today. What are your plans. ??!!!!
I have some bananas ready to turn?. So shall I freeze them or make banana loaf?. Choices choices. Mmm

Chat rant vent away comment or reply to each other this is your post too

Much love Tj

#Hugs #Love #RareDisease #Bekind #checkonyourneighbours #TrigeminalNeuralgia #loveyourselves #Kindness #Positivity #Anxiety #Chataway #Chatspace #lovingkindess #Tj #PanicDisorder #Giggles #Phonecharing #Electric #laughterisgoodmedicine

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Cooking Distraction #NoElectric #distraction

So the builders today where I live thought it was a great idea to start work exactly where an electric cable was. Boom no power for 5 hours. No one was hurts. The Power company had to come out and fix it.

So what could I bake without using my electric mixer?! My arthritic hands can't stir or mix without it and but have a gas stove and oven.

Mmmmm so Flapjacks an oaty goodness crunchy yet chewy plain or not. Sweet and yummy.
So chocolate flapjacks with mixed fruit and two mashed up bananas.

Because I live on a Mobile Home Park. I always make loads more than I need, I have three little ones living next to me so I made some plain ones for them too. #MightyMoments . They rest are more for adults so I added a dash of Baileys to it. Just before I popped it in the oven.

I now have cut it up and my neighbours have picked it up and it's been eaten no doubt already.
I do so like being useful while I'm stuck at home. My neighbours are shopping for me, walking my dogs, taking away my rubbish/trash, picking up my post and parcels and checking in on me daily.
This is my way of giving a little bit back. 🎂🍪🍩🍰🧁🥧
#checkonyourneighbours #Bekind #Arthritis #baking #Cooking #Flapjacks #neighbours #Bekindtoyourself #Love #Hugs #Selflove #Lovethyneighbour #Family #RareDisease #lovingkindess

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A little thankyou pressie #Daughter-in-law #ThankYou #CheckInWithMe

Good Morning Everyone

How are you today.
Its Easter weekend. Good Friday.

My beautiful daughter-in-law has brought me round some shopping again. As I'm at home shielding from the virus with multiple chronic illnesses.

So I bought her a little thankyou pressie. We both love our dogs.
🐶🐾. This candle has a little carved dog in the wax. How cool. So even after the candle has gone, she has something to keep and look at. It's a little spotty carved dog.

So I'm saying Thankyou to her
But also thankyou to all of you too. Thankyou for being here and supporting each other. Thankyou for cheering everyone one. Thankyou for laughing and smiling and crying happy tears. Thankyou for being You.
Much love Tj

#Hope #tears #Love #Support #MightyTogether #NeverAlone #RareDisease #ChronicIllness #Fun #Thankyoueveryone #Pressie #Stayingsafeathome #warriors #Bekind #bekindtomyself #lovingkindess #Depression#mentalhealthawareness

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Hope #COVID19 #Hope #Recovery

A 99 year old lady in the UK was on the news today. She was interviewed from her care home.
She had tested positive for covid19 and they told her family. But here comes the hope.

She has now fully recovered and was interviewed on the news today from the care home.
Yay at 99 years young she is fully recovered from this awful virus. The district nurses visited her and said she is now fully recovered. She will be 100 later this year

How is that for a #MightyMoment ❤💪🙏
There are many blessings in this world her family were told to expect the worse.
There is always Hope.
Thousands recover every day
This one is just so special
Much love Tj ❤💪🙏🤗🦄
#Love #Hope #Bekind #Checkinonyourneighbours #Stayingsafeathome #Kindness #MightyTogether #NeverAlone #lovingkindess

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Pepper Morning snuggles or sneezes #CheckInWithMe

Good Morning or Good Afternoon Mightys

My pups Pepper decided to wake me up today by snuggling up to my face and then sneezing !!!
He hates sneezing. Last summer he got hayfever real bad hayfever. So the sneeze made he snuggle up into my face he only weighs 14 pounds.
He is all fluff. Everytime I breathed in all I got was a mouthful of fluff.
I couldnt stop laughing. Which ment more fluff.❤😄🤣
Which made he sneeze and snuggle in closer.
Then Pedro being Pedro my cream coloured pup was missing out came sat on my chest. Starting licking the bit of my face he could find. Mmmm. Mornings in my house. 🐶🐶🐾🐾❤❤
I might wake up in a bad mood or in pain or whatever .
But these 2 keep me on my toes. Make me smile laugh choke on fluff and have good happy tears .
Hows are you today?
Much love Tj
#Pups #Love #MightyPets #Fun #laughterisgoodmedicine #Family #Tribe #Pets #Fluff #RareDisease #Happytears #Stayinghome #checkonyourneighbours #MightyTogether #DistractMe #Hope #Selfcare #lovingkindess #Bekind #sensitive

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Physical distancing not social distancing #CheckInWithMe

I saw this on the News yesterday.

They have been wording it wrong the whole time.

We are not doing SOCIAL but physical distancing. That it that is what we have to practice.
Stand back from people physically stand back.
But that dosent mean you cant be social with people. Does it.

Look at the videos of the Italian people singing from their windows and balconies.

People in the uk taking food parcels to the elderly and ones stuck indoors.
This is being social. This is what us human being do in times of hardship crisis we pull together and help each other out.

So what can you do today to give more positive thoughts to your mind? like the pic says. or what can you do to help out your fellow neighbours or colleagues workers community

much love light hugs and kisses Tj ❤💗🤗👊💋🦓🦋😀
#52SmallThings #Bekind #positivementalattitude #SphincterOfOddiDysfunction #TrigeminalNeuralgia #Therapy #Loneliness #PsoriaticArthritis #Anxiety #PanicAttacks #RareDisease #weeblewobble #whynotbekind #lovingkindess

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Be kind to yourself. If you won’t who will? #lovingkindess #Selfcompassion #believeinyourself

These are screenshots from Brene Brown’s Instagram page. I found it a helpful reminder. I like Brene coz she’s so real, authentic & vulnerable. She practises what she preaches!

And she’s so relatable. If someone as successful as her struggles with self-doubt & criticises herself then... Well then, that normalises our self-judging/critical behaviour, doesn’t it?

See below (under comments) for Brene’s self-disclosure & wise words.... The good news is we can change our inner dialogue! How? As Brene says - with lots of practice!