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Shopping Addiction. When #Shopping is beyond #retailtherapy and Breaks the Bank 👀

This cat in the image gives me the face I make when my husband sees me reaching for something to put in the cart and tells me to put it back. I feel like I am so wrong or about to do something that will #hurt me. When things are #Wrong or #IAmStruggling it doesn't feel like I have #power . I feel #powerless .

#shoppingaddiction is real. My mother has it worse than me right now, whereas I have people telling me "No!" And "Put it Back!" Holding me accountable. It still feels hurtful.

I no longer go to stores just to "Look." I cannot go to a store just to "Look around." Especially an issue if I see something and cannot buy it. We are all experiencing some kind of #financial issues. #Medicine is so dang expensive, and that often causes us to fall into a pit. I do not know what to do, but I have been trying things other than talk #Therapy .

I decided to click online "Add to Cart" or "Add to Wishlist." This is common for websites like Amazon or Bath & Body Works. Especially now that the Christmas season is here.. I see things I want to #Buy for other people, or things I want for the #home or for #Myself . It feels #bad .

Have you experienced #shoppingaddiction ?

If so, what do you do?

I need #Advice .

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The Power of Love

How do I put into words what it is that I am feeling right now? I am confused and wishing I could be just neutral.

I went shopping a little while ago, and on my way home my husband called me. He told me I should not have went shopping and spent money. I bought him some things for father's day and when I mentioned I got him some things, he became upset. It is because I don't have a job. He was upset with me about us having one income and going shopping.

He told me to not put up roadblocks into me finding a job, or doing what it is that I want to do. Professionalism is not something that comes easy for me, and with my mental health issues it's harder than that of a person without them. It is not an excuse to stay where I am, but it does not make it as easy as someone else's level of difficulty. I know everyone experiences difficulties. I swear it will be OK. I just have to find something that I love to do and go for it.

Today is a day of mixed emotions. It's driving me nuts... But it's something that I have to deal with. I am hoping for a better tomorrow since today is a Mix of a Mess and a Blessing.

Take Care.

#Love #Trying #iamhere #sad #happy #MixedMood #Depression #Anxiety #BipolarDisorder #jobless #lonely #notalone #up &Down #PanicAttack #PanicDisorder #Crazy #Wild #calm #confused #shoppingaddiction #Mourning #grieving #Grief #FathersDay #dowhatyoulove #lovewhatyoudo #Loveislove #PrideMonth #Trying #doing

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Shopping Addiction - Do I Even Have That

When I’m stressed, I want to shop.
When I’m sad or lonely, I want to shop.
When I’m bored, I want to shop.
When I’m feeling to confined at home, I want to shop.

I sometimes shop for things that I don’t need. I shop for things that I currently don’t afford, like I need to wait for a week before I can afford it so I borrow money so I can shop and buy it now.

Of course I pay for the owed money on the agreed date.

I love to shop, sometimes, I buy stuff that are a little expensive that I lie about their prices to my family. Or I pretend that it’s a gift from someone, which is a bit weird with its price tag.

I hide receipts to make sure that they won’t see it.

We’re on lockdown and I am starting to spend again.

This time last year, I started doing the same.

I don’t know if this is normal or not.

#Shopping #shoppingaddiction


Does my mom have a shopping addiction?

My mom always seems to fall into MLM’s and buying too many products. It stresses me out having to see packages come everyday especially when we are having money troubles. My dad has tried to tell her to stop buying stuff but she gets so aggressive. She says “It’s so cheap and cute” but I doubt that it is if she’s buying so much. I’m worried that it’s becoming a problem. I love my mom but I feel like it’s getting to be too much. Is it normal to have packages of clothing coming in every week? I literally had to take a picture for her to post to her group. I try to tell her it’s a scam and a cult but she doesn’t listen. I think to her it’s like a stress relief or feels like a community to her? I’m worried that we are losing a lot of money from this. #shoppingaddiction #Anxiety #Depression