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Extreme pain.

Had fibro 6 years now. Thought I had gotten used to the pain. But at the moment it has hit another level. Got to be a 15/10. I feel like it is driving me mad. Taking pregabalin, but notreally touching it.
#Fibromyalgia #Pain #extreme #unbearable


Anybody else on here got the Most painful disease known to man #Suicidedisease aka #TrigeminalNeuralgia like I dow #unbearable #Pain 24/7?

Days or nights like this R breaking Me god I need my Mama Rip. The Stroke @45 after losing my fam in 1 single day caused #PTSD #chronic depression #Anxiety & MANY MORE SUFFERING ALONE CAUSED STROKE ON 45th bday stroke caused 3 awful neurological diseases, I had 12 attacks last night & 10 I passed out from unbearable pain seeing black as your throwing up from Demonic pain is even more horrifying it’s gonna cause me to choke 2 death 1 night when I land flat! Which right now you it might be a blessing, loneliness or pain fighting to kill me 1st!!


Anybody else on here got the Most painful disease known to man #Suicidedisease aka #TrigeminalNeuralgia like I dow #unbearable #Pain 24/7?

Days or nights like this R breaking Me god I need my Mama Rip. The Stroke @45 after losing my fam in 1 single day caused #PTSD #chronic depression #Anxiety & MANY MORE SUFFERING ALONE CAUSED STROKE ON 45th bday stroke caused 3 awful neurological diseases, I had 12 attacks last night & 10 I passed out from unbearable pain seeing black as your throwing up from Demonic pain is even more horrifying it’s gonna cause me to choke 2 death 1 night when I land flat! Which right now you it might be a blessing, loneliness or pain fighting to kill me 1st!!

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#Sadness #emotional #unbearable #Heartbroken

A trip to the vets yesterday confirmed Oscar is extremely unwell. He had too much fluid for them to see anything on the scan of his tummy. He has cancer in all his intestines. I went with my daughter not expecting this news at all, she is 8 and Oscar is her best friend she told me “when I’m sad Oscar makes me feel better and now I will have no one” this breaks my heart. Oscar is nearly 12 and has lived the most amazing life but unfortunately his time has come to an end. We took him home for one last night and have to go to the vets at 10 this morning. Watching him how he has been over the last few hours, pacing, unsettled and has been sick has made me realise this is a good thing to do to put my darling boy out of his misery. I can not stop crying, I can deal with all the shit knock backs life decides to give me constantly, but not this 😔 sending my love out to everyone who has lost one of their fur babies

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I can't live without her...😭😭😭💔💔😞😭😭😭 #EUPD emotionally unstable personality disorder #Grief #Loss #lossofasouldog #unbearable #helpless

I lost the love of my life on 8 August, 5 days after what seemed like a successful operation. My beloved Jamaica had been suffering from bladder infections on and off for a year and was diagnosed with spondylitis(treatable, not too bad) due to her age (9) in April. Within just 2 months she developed a bladder tumour, was operated on and seemed to recover but then, 3 days after the operation she didn't want to eat anymore and go weaker and weaker. Tried everything, infusions and daily vet visits but she died in front of me on the vet's table from multi organ failure 😭😭😭💔💔😭😭😭....
I can't cope, I can't function, concentrate or anything. Random thoughts have me in tears and I don't know what to do.
She always came to me when I was in a bad place, she was my therapist, my heart, my soul, my everything...
I don't know how to live without her, how to go on...😭😭💔💔😞😞💔💔
Feeling so guilty...

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#Fail #escrusciating #Pain #Fibromyalgia #Upallnight #Sleep

Can't do it. flaring over matter" isn't working..this time.......lack of sleep has my #Fibro pain flaring BIG-Time!!! Gonna take these pills used to help me sleep soon as my virtual psychiatric appt. (via ZOOM is over, .....#unbearable . Fibro-#flare .....It'll be better after I get some much needed #rest & sleep. Haven't gotten enuf sleep both the past 2
nights & this is what happens when you have fibro. #Disappointments of , cancellations of plans , Is hard & sometimes I feel its #stupid to raise my #hopes & try so hard when fibro itself has me totally #exhausted . I'm whipped. I am giving in to what my body needs & gonna get some sleep soon as I can. bye for today🙋......i need to practice some #Selfcare & do what I need to do to take care of myself, 😴😴😴😴😴("HOPEfully")hahaha!!!! Hahaha 😂😂😂


does it get easier?

last night I was in the hospital and I was in so much pain I couldn’t breathe my vision went black and I was overwhelmed by pain I can honestly say I have never been more scared in my life I feel helpless in a hole that just keeps getting deeper #Unknown #RareDiseases #Chonicillness #unbearable #Pain


#unbearable #misunderstood #Broken

I am recently under an enormous amount of stress as is my hubby and can no longer shut down to just get through the day. I want to cry all the time and fight self harming. I feel like I can't breathe, an elephant on my chest, and just got called in for a follow-up mammogram for my left breast. my hubby tries to get me but really has no clue of the shit I carry everyday, and until recently, I didn't either. I was half assed hypnotized by someone and now cannot put my thoughts or emotions at rest, and that nagging feeling of a darkness and a disturbing lack of memory for a block of 4 years of nothingness. I keep thinking how I am worth more dead than alive, monetarily that is currently a fact. I never took seriously when a few more qualified people told me I may have PTSD but this is the most stressed I have been since escaping from a 20 yr toxic relationship. I feel at the end of my fragile sanity, but I cannot afford therapy. I feel so completely alone and broken beyond repair, and my ability to put on a front is severely diminishing. this is unlike me to put this out there but I need help before I drown. I don't know where to turn or what to do, I just know that oneore thing may very likely put me over the edge of this crumbling cliff I am on.


3 Colors describe how I feel today #

1.Green for disguss about my life and the 2 people that were supposed to love me but they abuse me daily: my mom and my ex boyfriend.
2. What color has the sadness? And pain? Just a different green i d say.
3. Dark grey almost black, for suisidal thoughts that returned back, after my boyfriend changed his manners started gambling like crazy, as he did before we met. And he became abusive verbally and psychologically. I had to spleet up. So now i m back to my good old suicidal thoughts. Noone to receive enough love and encouragement from anymore.
My psychiatrist for 50 min per week and the only friend I have in my city, for the time she has left... Suiside... Suiside... I wish i d die just like that. Cant take the pain any more. I m 41 and have it since i was 7 years old. CANT TRY ANY MORE. CAN'T TAKE THE PAIN ANY MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#CheckInWithMe #unbearable pain


#unbearable pain

#unable to let go of inner pain for 3 grandsons. My life is meaningless, knowing my grandsons are being abused, I keep re experiencing my childhood pain because I'm not coping knowing the impact of childhood abuse. I just can't let go. I've lost all interest in life. Pre Generational trauma inflicted on another generation is too much to bear. It appears to be no good future. I am so tired of having to deal with such pain and worry. #