I'm new here!
Hi, my name is Ashton (Midnight_Muse1207). I've been diagnosed with all the fun things tagged below, and then some.
I have been chronically ill since birth. I would spend months of my life getting diagnosed and finally treated just to have another body malfunction pop up to start the process all over again. This year has been different though, it has brought me to my knees in a way I didn't think was possible. I have symptoms involving every system in my body all together, all the time. I am currently "undiagnosed" for whatever is going on. I think I have an autoimmune disorder/illness that I've just been putting band aids on when a specific issue would flare.
I have never felt so unheard or dismissed than I have this year. I'm currently very dismayed and frustrated with several of my doctors. I had one accuse me of being on drugs causing possible "drug-induced mania", and another putting Alcohol Use Disorder in my chart. I have been in recovery from addiction for over 4 years, and neither doctor bothered to drug test me or bring up their suspicions to my face. I am painfully aware that I have had a neurological shift causing me to talk and act differently than what I normally do. I now am scared to talk to anyone and avoid eye contact if I do have to speak, in fear that they may think I'm intoxicated.
Has anyone had this happen as well? Whether you're in recovery for addiction or not has a doctor dismissed your symptoms because they thought you were possibly intoxicated?
#MightyTogether #Anxiety #Depression #BipolarDisorder #Migraine #PTSD #Grief #Migraine #Vertigo #HS #HidradenitisSuppurativa #Psoriasis #GastroesophagealRefluxDisease