Monday Reflection
I was leading a chair yoga practice at the hospital today and we started off with our regular mindfulness check in. I encouraged the patients to think of a goal or intention they hoped to see manifest in their life, whether in the short or long term. I thought about this question for myself and the answer was obvious: for my partner to find a job. (He is newly unemployed and suffering greatly about it). I was thinking about all that I wanted to have happen for us in the near and far future (settling down, buying a house, raising a family) and realized that I wasn't being fully present in my practice. My mind was on the future. I came back to the present moment and reflected on how I could continue to be present in this moment, as opposed to daydreaming about the future. I realized that this period of uncertainty and waiting is a time where I can truly cultivate and nourish the seeds that I will someday (soon, hopefully) be able to plant and watch grow. For now, I must be present in what I am cultivating and nourishing (thoughts, words, habits, etc.) so that when it is time to plant my seeds, they are truly positive and able to grow with love and passion and strength. When my mind becomes distracted and wanders away to a daydream, I will continue to come back to the present moment and focus my attention on what I have control over now in this moment.