It's been a long time since I've posted here, a lot has happened, for the better! My life has completely changed and is better in essentially every way, however I am coming to the realization that improved circumstances do not make all of my mental health struggles go away.
I moved across the country to be with someone I love, trust, and feel supported and unconditionally loved by. I have regular work now, I have an apartment (last year when I first moved i was hotel hopping and it was very rough... I am grateful that is over), my boyfriend just got a new job as a medical journalist/editor and it seems that the part of my life that consisted of financial instability is finally, blissfully over. I am getting my health together and an combating my agoraphobia by going for multi-mile long walks in my new neighborhood..I cook all of our meals, very nutrients dense, and gone from my highest on 247 lbs to now around 150.
I have cut off my family, but I'm feeling the pain of their absence around these holidays. I am considering sending my parents a brief update via email... regardless if they deserve it or not.. I feel something happening within me, perhaps I have reached a healed enough state to enter a stage of forgiveness. I say this al also because an ex best friend reached out to me yesterday, and we now have plans to call the day after tomorrow. I'm also going to do a tarot reading for her, but at this point anything that I was angry about seems petty. My parents, it is difficult for me to be sure, it's so complicated, but I also feel like I might be gaslighting myself about how serious the things they have done and said to and about me actually were. I still remember them laughing in my face together while I was crying shortly before I moved. They treated me like I was worthless and did not believe in me, so now that I turned my life around completely, without their help... I don't know. They didn't believe in me at all, and I did it anyway, I just have a hard time with it. They were so cruel to me when they thought I was a failure.
Now to the part that caused me to come back on here. I am also a recovering alcoholic, I stopped drinking since last April when I had a really ugly episode ..I will spare the details. However I drank again yesterday and was reminded that, no, I cannot handle it even one in a while. I had a really ugly fight with my boyfriend, to where he ended up crying really bad and was shaken up because I was attempting to un-alive myself, even going so far as to drink some of this off brand all purpose cleaner. I also now have some new self harm marks.
I'm feeling horrible and guilty. Dirty inside and out, I just feel so much shame. He has already forgiven me, but i still feel so bad. It all started because I saw this girl gave him kudos on a run that he did on this running app, I already know who that girl is but for some reason when it happened while I was drunk I snapped. I have been battling with jealousy and fear of being cheated on in our relationship to the point where it causes fights that are ultimately pointless and I just seek to heal from it, because logically I KNOW he is loyal and just wants to make me happy.
So right now I am looking for support groups in my area. I need to stay clean and remember I cannot drink EVER. And I need to find a way to break out of my paranoia of betrayal, so that I don't self sabotage my relationship that otherwise appears to be leading to marriage and children in the next couple of years. I just don't want to mess it up, so I need to start making my mental health a priority again. And fix this the same way I was able to pull myself out of rock bottom a couple years ago. I'll keep posting on here to process my emotions in a healthier way and seek out some community.
Thank you for reading 💜
#AddictionRecovery #Addiction #MentalHealth #Relationships #PTSD #Selfharm #BipolarDisorder