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More 💩 #CPTSD #Caretaker #MightyMoms #AnorexiaNervosa

I had to call 911 for my dad yesterday. He's 86 and riddled with past health issues. Long story short. I've cocooned him in my home for over a year, taking the precautionary measures of making sure we did not bring anything to him. It is very hard to do this as we all know that Viruses do not discriminate and literally keeping him in the house is not fun for anyone but that was the decision I made to keep him safe without killing my brain overthinking. I'm his caretaker. I wipe his ass. He's been doing amazing but yesterday he went catatonic on me for one second too long in my book. His BP was low and heart rate was low. I had to make a decision of one sending him to the hospital where his immune system would be compromised with all sorts of crap not just COVID-19 and 2, whether or not to give him a blood transfusion. Pre-covid. Never a second thought. Do it. My flashback was me losing my twins. The decision was to save my life or save my babies. Trauma is trauma no matter what you've been through, if it affected or altered your life, no matter how you perceive it, it's Trauma You can push it away, sweep it under the rug, roll back the tears and fears... It never goes away. This post is for all of us. Life doesn't stop. It's a shit ass journey, relying on you to be the one to take control of the direction. Sometimes the direction is unavoidable however, the power of how you want to take that direction is on you and only You. Never regret the decisions. I have a crazy disorder, my daughter is recovering from severe anorexia, I care take my dad, and I have a narasstic X that just makes me smile and feel sorry for him. This is a community of people with disorders that bond people with commonality, sincerity, empathy, sympathy and essentially love. Know you are not alone and if you need a hug ask for it. Damn I need a hug. 🤗... Be safe. Be kind and give love, we all need it. ❤️

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Always a Caretaker

your smile.
your laugh
your hard work and dedication
to your jobs
and family.
between your crazy talk.
you fought for your life for so long.
your one strong man.
im proud to call you my grandfather.
now I can call you my guardian angel.
I took care of you till the end.
with the help from hospice.
To let go of such a beautiful human.
is so hard to lose.
yet your no longer suffering.
you are now in the heavens above.
one day we will unit again grandpa.

I love you and miss you always.
#Caretaker #AlzheimersDisease #Missingyou #Poetry #WritingThroughIt #writer


Trying to work on essay

Bro has been off of meds for a while now. Has been eating healthy and working out and feeling good. But I know not to get my hopes up since last year when he stopped meds that the same thing happened and then he went back to feeling bad but getting very violent.Last night he went over to relatives house and stayed up late. Couldn't sleep much and then today telling me he's in a bad mood. I can't help but feel slightly annoyed. I feel like my patience is drained. I've been trying to take care of myself since im stressed with school and felt myself feeling down. I try not to say much cause I feel like im going to just cause an argument. I feel like at this point with him off meds he shouldn't be taking out his anger and depression on our parents like I feel like he might do later today. I'm going to remind them of the boundary that if he starts yelling to not talk to him. #burntout #exhausted #Caretaker #Depression #Bipolar #Anxiety #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder

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Growth and Self-Worth

COVID-19 is a difficult journey and life can seem overwhelming. When living with #IBD , #CrohnsDisease , #UlcerativeColitis , a #CrohnsDisease , managing #MentalHealth , or being a #Caretaker is too much. Remember this: an avocado pit flourishes, grows, and blooms at its own pace. Light, soil, water, and time are all it needs.

Give yourself time, self-love, and patience. You are worth is imesurable and you mater 💚💜🧡


What have you learned about yourself through your journey of #CrohnsDisease #UlcerativeColitis #IBD , or being a #Caretaker ?

I have learned to take ownership of my treatment, show myself compassion, and feel comfortable using public toilets when my symptoms are horrible 🚽😅🤗


Support for Spouse/Catetaker of chronically ill spouse

I am in my 8th year with SBS & chronically ill or in icu or Hospital, more times I can remember, to such an effect that I got ICU Psychosis with my insident 2 months ago. It puts a massive amount of strain on our marriage & relationship with each other. I become so impatient & horrible because of pain, loss of my body, loss of active life as before, PTSD etc. I feel like a burden to him & my kids. He is 62 & I am 59. Was also in Hospital on 14/10 my birthday in hospital. Nothing nothing is the way before SBS came along. Without God and His unconditional love & protection, I would have not been here today. So yes, I am in desperate need for advice for my hubby/care taker. We love each other unconditionally, however .......... need help!! #Caretaker #caretakerhusband #SBS #chronicallyill #Support #adviceforspouse


Caretakers and the Financial Burden

I would like to hear what your thoughts are on a parent needing to leave the work force for a child with a rare disorder? With a rare disease or disorder, it can be hard to trust a sitter, child care location, or a school to properly take care of your child, when you yourself, are still learning the details of how to do it properly. So, I have seen many families bring a parent home, to take the reigns in full time child care. But, of course, that doesn't come without added financial burden, as the income to the house had fallen. Any thoughts or advice as to how to help make this situation not as difficult?

#RareDisease #RareDisorder #Caretaker #selfcare #FamilyAndFriends

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Long time, No type, New Tumor

Hey Mighty Fam! #MightyTogether

Long time no type! So as the worlds been ending. My body has been falling apart ( what’s new lol! 😅). Between managing my #UndifferentiatedConnectiveTissueDisease ( UCTD ) , my #CVID , and getting use to life on #IVIG . ( holy cow us sick folks use a lot of acronyms! 😂). A tumor that has been causing pain in my upper thigh for about a year. Decided to become utterly exrusiating. And having a history of #Sarcoma ( DFSP). You can imagine the emotional rollercoaster this sucker has taken me on. My sarcoma doc refused to remove it because it “shouldn’t hurt “ . But after getting horribly misdiagnosed from my “second opinon surgeon” and being sent up to him. He FINALLY agreed to do the dang surgery ! So I’m getting this bad boy cut out on Wednesday. But my body is prone to complications.. and because of #COVID19 my #Caretaker has to stay in the car in the cancer center parking lot. And I will .. for the first time EVER be “ flying solo” for surgery 😳. ( gulp!). So life has been crazy but you .. my mighty family are always on my mind! I hope to share another article.. and more thoughts with you soon! ❤️❤️


To the girl next to me...

Having bipolar disorder isn’t always easy when it comes to relationships. For you all out there I’m sure you know... I have my bad moments and great moments- don’t we all. But this post goes out to the girl next to me who has only shown me love and care. She is a beautiful soul who has never stopped supporting me through the good and bad. These girls are hard to find but once you find them they are like a rare flower that you should try to hold onto. She wraps me up when I’m shaking with fear and sits next to me when I am shaking in rage. She shows me to look at the good but never degrades my feelings when I can only see the bad. I am fearful because I know I can be difficult on some days but she never frets, she just teaches me to look at things in a different light. To the girl next to me... thank you so much. There needs to be more people out there for people like “us” to see the light when we are sitting in the dark. I know times aren’t always easy but with you they are a little easier. To the girl next to me... I’m sorry for the hard times but thank you for understanding even if you don’t fully know what I’m going through. The comfort and support you bring could never be more appreciated. Like I said to the girl next to me... thank you, oh how wonderful you are, thank you. #BipolarDisorder #Depression #AlcoholDependence #Caretaker #CheckInWithMe #thankful