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Dr. King, John Lewis, and many others of that generation became true Heroes/Heroines in every sense of the word, and had a deeply profound affect upon many hearts and lives, mine, life-changing. He remains the youngest in History to have been honored with receiving the esteemed Nobel Peace Prize Award. He, John Lewis and several others in that generation demonstrated genuine heroism and humanity in the face of appalling corruption and struggling to redefine our values and characters, both personally, socially, and as a Nation.

I’m sharing a portion of one of his most treasured Speeches, his last, just prior to his assassination…

“And then I got into Memphis. And some began to say the threats, or talk about the threats that were out. What would happen to me from some of our sick white brothers?

Well, I don’t know what will happen now. We’ve got some difficult days ahead. But it really doesn’t matter with me now, because I’ve been to the mountaintop. And I don’t mind.

Like anybody, I would like to live a long life. Longevity has its place. But I’m not concerned about that now. I just want to do God’s will. And He’s allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I’ve looked over. And I’ve seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the promised land!

And so I’m happy, tonight.

I’m not worried about anything.

I’m not fearing any man.

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord.”

#Love . #compassion . #Forgiveness . #courage . #Dignity /Self-Worth

RIP MLK Jr. May the Spirit of your Dreams burn increasingly brighter over Time, the visions of your heart be realized sooner than later, and the fruits of your life’s labors weigh low and plentiful to the ground! ♥️🫂

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#boundaries #selfcare #brainhealth #youcan #mindfulness #health #recovery #isolation #kills #endstigma #MentalHealth #suicideprevention #influencer #trend #youtube #share #like #subscribe #savealife #courage 👇🏼

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Facing the giants in life. #Fear #courage #challenges #Life #Happiness

Stop for a moment and reflect through the years of all the challenges you have faced, overcome, achieved; or the best of you. Acknowledge just how different each circumstance could have been different just based on courage or lack of, and positive or negative actions you chose.

Our own self-esteem, fears, and even our ego is truly the largest giant we will ever face in life. Many times we beat ourselves by our own fears, etc. before any other giant ever have a chance. None of the giants we face can ever beat us, if we let them. We often times make situations harder for us to over come simply because of these things. Think of an extreme case where someone has commit suicide, and sadly, how truly it was the giants within them that beat them. No matter what giants come your way, life will go on. And no matter what, you can simply choose to beat those giants, including the ones within you. Yes, there is a lot of turmoil, misfortunes, sorrow, and hate in the world. But none of these will ever out weigh all of God's goodness, joy, and love in our lives...

With lack of self-esteem and fears, we reluctantly move forward because we are afraid of the outcome. Simply put, we are afraid of the unknown. And afraid of ourselves and what we can accomplish or achieve. And in this case if we needed to hire a body guard, we wouldn't choose ourselves because we have no confidence or trust in ourselves. When in fact, it should be the opposite; if there was anyone to choose from, one should trust his own judgment, power, and strength more than anyone else.

So what is the outcome that you are afraid of? And do you really think that if you approach this fear head on that you will lose in the long run? Sure it may be difficult, and it may even take several tries. But it is not the victories that determine our true ability and strength in life. Instead it is really the concept of approaching the fears itself that is what makes you strong and victorious.

Embrace those fears. What ever it is you fear, it is of great meaning and importance to you. Instead of allowing those fears to rule over you, stagnate you, or sabotage your opportunities, choose to be courageous and take the actions necessary to move yourself past them. The more you practice fighting against the fears, the easier it gets each time.

Truly, fear can be a good thing depending on how you choose to use it. It is with fear that you acknowledge something important that you need to face in life in order to move yourself forward in a positive direction. Courage is driven by fear. Courage is the strength and will to move forward and past those fears, despite those fears. Without fear, you would have nothing to be courageous about.

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Doing your best is perfectly ok. #Depression #Anxiety #Fear #Hope #Relationships #FamilyAndFriends #courage #MentalHealth

I have just got back from a weeks holiday in tropical North Queensland in Australia. Recently the area was impacted by floods and a severe cyclone.

Wild weather there is common but this storm event was particularly nasty. They are a pragmatic and resilient bunch of people. I saw this sign outside a restaurant.

Sometimes our best is not enough, and that’s ok.

I love this verse.

“Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.“
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭41‬:‭10‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Isaiah 41:10 Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand. | New Living Translation (NLT) | Download The Bible App Now

Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.
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I started an Anxiety Journey YouTube Channel. Would mean a lot to get a little support! I’m so nervous !

Hi there I usually post quotes on a mental health friendly supportive Instagram account, occasionally I journal or blog very rarely on blogs I’ve tried before, but I’ve never ever been brave enough to show my face and actually try a YouTube account D: and not be more anonymous behind the screen supporting. I would really appreciate any love or opinions before I risk getting hate comments or trolls with mental health stigma haha > mental health advocate than 😅😂🤣 people actually see it. But I would love to be able to help someone out there not feel so alone in their struggles or offer hope if they are just beginning their journey or could use some kind words/ experiences

If anyone could give me a bit of a boost 😂 so I don’t freak out or overthink the fact I actually did this and made it public and it could actually become something meaningful, I appreciate it! But if not :) I’ll do my best to do it myself, thanks! I tried to be brave and just do it instead of only think about it as a new hobby/ outlet.

My YouTube channel is:

My Anxiety Journey

Or was thinking

Inside My Anxiety Journey, since it’ll be pretty personal ^^ and genuine/ raw :p at times telling my experiences or what it’s like struggling with an invisible illness, physical/ mental.


Appreciate any love
I feel so nervous and embarassed. But actually proud I had the guts to do it D: though I was so back and forth about it.

Hope I’ll stick to it whether I receive good feedback or not, to actually make a meaningful difference and get more courage to do other things like this with advocacy groups or opportunities.

PS the 3 views are probably me 😅😂 overthinking and analyzing it too much but trying not too haha 😛 😆. I’m a work in progress lmfao 🤣 lol.

A really big deal to me, because I’m perfectly fine being open about my experiences and trying to help or relate to others and support them too, but not used to putting it on the internet like that with my face D: and fear the stigma or openness about it it’s so risky hehe but worth it :) in a way. So I hope it’ll be the start of something new and good. Feel free to share if you have any blogs, YouTube accounts or any fun hobbies/ outlets too ! :)

Also** I’m not posting to promote it, hope it’s allowed here, just needed a little love or support so I don’t back out on my idea 😅😅🥺😭😿💡💖😊😛😆😆😆 because I feel so alone in my experiences sometimes, and don’t want others to feel like that too.

And be alone struggling.

#Anxiety #Support #help #nervous # anxiousbuthappy #anyfeedback #Youtube #New #youtubeaccount #Vlog #Blog #Trying #MentalHealth #Love #Support #supportneeded #ThankYou ! #tryingtobebrave #TheMighty #Community #thanks #appreciateit #Depression #OCD #physicalhealth #MentalHealth #Hobby #Outlet #tryingtofacefears #Phobia #PublicSpeaking #post #Posting #courage #shy #tryingtobebrave #somethingnew #newaccount #youtubeaccount #youtubechannel

My Anxiety Journey

Hi I struggle with anxiety, and mental health/ depression, I know what it’s like to face struggles and stigma, I’m not perfect I feel alone, guilt and shame, I am a work in progress. I get better, and then I get worse, life rotates it’s normal. But if you need any source of hope, inspiration to reach out for help or anything you could find helpful here. I’m more than happy to. I’m not a professional I am just trying a new hobby and outlet hoping to help others like me feel less alone with invisible illness it be physically, mental health/ emotional or so on forth. Even if you don’t struggle I hope I can be a reminder that things do get better, and it’s okay to not always have everything put together. Life can be hard but it can be wonderful too. I wish you all the best on your journey, but this channel is about my anxiety Journey so far, so it’ll be quite deep and personal, but I hope if anyone ever sees this it may be of help. You are not alone. You matter too. Love - Laura O
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