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What inspired you?

We can't just wait around for inspiration to strike. We must seek out and cultivate our own inspiration.#inspired #inspire #feelinginspired #Inspiration

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How to live a healthy and fulfilled life with mental illness

Today's podcast episode is one that you don't want to miss. I speak with Michelle Reittinger. Listen as she shares her story on living with mental illness and how she was able to get control over her bipolar disorder. She offers hope to those who struggle with their mental health.

We talk about the importance of seeking out treatment, support and what helped her to become the woman she is today, living a life she loves.

Listen to Michelle's inspiring story to learn how you can make positive changes in your own life.

#BipolarDisorder #MentalIllness #MentalHealth #podcastepisode #inspiringstory #inspired #importantconversations #MentalHealthAwareness

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Song recommendation - 'You will be found' from 'Dear Evan Hansen'

If you are interested in musicals, check out this song.

I am a fan of this song especially the Ben Platt version.
I recall hearing this song being sung at my first choir concert with Melbourne Contemporary choir a few years back.

So inspiring lyrics! It deeply resonates with the situation we are in. The feelings of emptiness, loneliness and uncertainty.

Hope this might bring someone hope and strength in whatever you're struggling with.

'You are not alone!' 🥺 Please be gentle with yourself and reach out. 🥰🙏🏼

#MentalHealth #distractmewithmusic #DistractMe #TheMighty #inspired #Bekindtoyourself #Depression #Anxiety #selfcarelounge #Selflove #Selfcare #Selfworth #positive

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This is Not only my second drawing but I feel as though my drawing speaks so much about me without using a whole lot of words

A few years ago I some how felt driven to draw this. When I draw, it mentally helps me because I’m able to express the pain & hurt on paper without using a lot of words & not even verbalizing to anyone the pain of my past & how to this day it still affects me & my Mental Health

#DrawingisMyCopingSkill #mentalhealthmatters #MajorDepressiveDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #PTSD #SocialAnxiety #Paranoia #Anxiety #ArtCanBeMentallyHealing #YouCanDoAnythingYouSetYourMindTo #inspired #LoveDrawing #DrawingisGreatForTheMind

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#inspired #musicarticle #Worldwide #DailyInspirations

Read this article awhile back about this French rap duo. I’ve been listening to their music for about five years now. I found them when I was in a lonely space in life and continue, at times, to go back to there music.
Pherhaps my favorite quote from this article - “ You feel the vibe, you feel the attitude, and that transcends race, creed, religion, and language.”
In other words, you feel the human connection and condition.


Choices #choices

Every choice that we make, no matter how small - reinforces the perception of #control and self-efficacy. And when we feel we are in control, we feel #Motivated - as to #motivate ourselves, we must feel in control.
Even if making a decision delivers no benefit, we still want the #freedom to #choose .
If you are struggling to complete something, some task - then CHOOSE to do the most interesting part of the task first.

When things are at their most measurable, WE should ask each other questions that begin with "WHY" - this helps in linking something hard to a choice we care about - and then it makes the task easier.
But if you want a mere escape, you want diversions - then the more choices you will be given or you'll seek for, the less satisfied you'll feel. And then you must be able to choose what you want to give up.
What are your #Thoughts on it?

P.S. This piece of writing has been #inspired by the #Book , The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg. If you want answers to your own 'why we do, what we do', then this book is a must read.
Your comments are welcome.


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Love to share my story and hear your story . talking together we learn become empowered #Empowerment #inspired #Mentoring Talk anyone?

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