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Good morning #Anxiety #MentalHealth #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BipolarDisorder

Good morning mighties I hope you all have a blessed day today!! Remember we’ve made it this far!!! #jesuslovesyou today is a good day!!!

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Keep Hope alive in your mind.#Faith #Hope #Believe

If you believe, Hanging on any bit of hope and staying positive is the key. It's what made me get through my hard times. Praying also. Well for me anyways. Never give up hope. #YouCanDoIt #try #Believe #Christianity #Grief #god #jesuslovesyou

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Found in You - A song to start your day.

'Found in you' is a song about my simple desire to stop and find myself in God amidst the chaos and noise of this world, my mind, and life as a singer-songwriter.

You can watch the lyric video here

I hope that it will be a centering song for you, helping you to become aware of the beauty, sacredness, and loving presence of God available to you in THIS moment.


#Christian   #MightyMusic   #Mindfulness   #jesuslovesyou   #Faith   #peace   #Anxiety   #Depression   #RacingThoughts   #Meditation   #Prayer   #BipolarDisorder #MightyPoets #Hope


This Life - A song about finding hope in suffering.

I wrote this song for someone who was suffering from anxiety for the first time, however, it draws on a lit of my own experience with mental health. I wrote it from the perspective of Jesus comforting and encouraging someone with an unseen affliction. I hope it blesses and encourages you!
#Christian #Music #MentalHealth #jesuslovesyou #Anxiety #BipolarDisorder

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Weather & Health analogy

Hard to believe there's snow on the ground already, it's 6-8 weeks early as we usually don't get first snow on Halloween. Monday had a record high of 92° and yesterday a record low of chilly 31°, today another record low of 22° wind chill factor of 3°. Colorado weather is known to change very rapidly, typically don't have more than 3 weeks of Fall weather, but thus is extreme even for us! Of course weather change is hard for many of us who deal with chronic pain and makes it hard to find the motivation to get out of bed. While pondering the crazy weather and reading Isaiah 40 in my devotions, the similarities with how my health has been this year came to mind. Have some good days but this year has been punctuated by many emergencies and unforseen crisis. Have literally nearly died half a dozen times this year mostly between infections and severe blood loss anemia. It's hard when you have to have the hospice and end of life conversations at 28 years old,... Routine labs today showed i need another transfusion, only been 6 days since my last one. Seems like i can never build momentum with the cycle, jumping from storm to storm. I am so glad that the One who controls the storm is my best friend! Thanked Him today for the snow that reminded me that though things look bleak, He has always been, and will be, the great I AM. Whatever my need, big or small, He is ______ so tonight I leave my pain, the crisis, the uncertainty, in the palms of His very capable Hands. I've trusted Him for my eternity so why not the journey? Isaiah 40:12, 26, 28-31Who hath measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, and meted out heaven with the span, and comprehended the dust of the earth in a measure, and weighed the mountains in scales, and the hills in a balance? Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things, that bringeth out their host by number: he calleth them all by names by the greatness of his might, for that he is strong in power; not one faileth. Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding. He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength. Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
My fellow mighty warriors, how has your year been so far? Are things uncertain? I ask you to join me in casting ALL our burdens to the Lord, we were never meant to endure alone. May the God of ALL peace and comfort give you rest tonight and may you rise up tomorrow with wings as Eagles. #ChronicIllness #Upallnight #Pain #ChronicPain #Anemia #Sepsis #NearDeathExperiences #Dysautonomia #Gastroparesis #Christianity #jesuslovesyou #TheBible


Bipolar in Christ

I used to love living. I could pray for hours on end, just thanking God for creating me. Sitting upfront at church watching my father preach the gosple as a kid. My perspective of Gods love were limitless...

Then, like for most of us, life came stabbing me in the back. This perfect picture that I had held onto for such a long time, came falling down, shattering into a million pieces. Like a thief in the night, I was robbed of my most precious belongings.

I've never come back from it all, back to my youthful faith. These episodes lingers from exhausted depression to short glimpses of hope, but more often I remain in a depressive state of mind.

Is there a reason for all of this suffering? Am I to blame? Why doesn't God intervene more often? Has He turned His face away from me? Am I His beloved child, or has He rejected my prayers?

Being bipolar in Christ is something no one signs up for... I don't think that Moses signed up for His calling either, but was assigned through His grace... Am not going to point out that bipolar is a gift in any way, but the fact still remains; The amount of suffering the bipolar is forced to walk through, is a strength that cannot be taught any other way...

Bipolar in Christ is like walking in the Sahara desert. There may be brief moments where you may come across an oasis, but eventually your faith may cause mana to fall from the sky and water stream through a dry rock.

#bipolarinchrist #Christianity #Christian #BipolarDisorder #jesuslovesyou #Christiancounseling


What Jesus means to me! #jesuslovesyou

Jesus makes me so happy! Sometimes I forget all about my health issues when I read my Bible! If any of y’all are struggling with anxiety, here are some Bible verses y’all can read: Romans 8:38-39, Jeremiah 17:7-8, Isaiah 40:31. Hope this helps!

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What’s in your cup?

When I’m not feeling good I don’t have to think about what I feel. With this app I can say it without saying it to anyone out loud. Feelings change. I’m ok with that. I know God has my back and everything will be ok. Even if I physically hurt, I know 30 minutes after my last sip of Functional Coffee I won’t be in pain. I know what is in my cup, in my heart, and spirit. Jesus is my light, my healer, and has a purpose for my life. #Depression #Pain #Love #Jesus #jesuslovesyou #god #Fibromyalgia