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sobriety journey

feeling calm, serene, just outright ok. Recovery and progress and climbing to the top of the well. The well doesn't feel so deep either. #Sobriety #Recovery #mentalwellness #mentalwellbeing #Depression #anxietyreduction

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Helping Our Helpers 💚

Full Disclosure - am a MH Consumer & Advocate writing on my own accord, with no affiliation whatsoever to media, government or activist groups and am a private citizen employed as a Truck Driver who wants to empower our Mental Health #treatment community so they can continue saving lives and lifting up society.

When it comes to #mentalwellness , Forced Therapy can be Compassionate Therapy. Heard this in an Audiobook yesterday by DJ Jaffe, put another way, something along the lines of "We may much rather have forced treatment than forced criminal incarcerations" - because many people in prison, may never have been diagnosed yet. People living with Severe Mental Illness are 20-1 times more likely to end up in prison than in a hospital. In order to protect both our vulnerable Mental Health #patients and our vulnerable Public, we must adopt Mental Wellness focused legislation similar to, the H.R.3717 Helping Families in Mental Health #Crisis Act of 2013, and go yet the further, empowering our Mental Wellness Professionals individually to have legal authority, for self certifying Need Of #Therapy Orders, including and not limited to, IVC & AOT.

Many people discover incremental improvements in their Mental Wellness Journey before being fully recovered, which is when some often suddenly begin refusing treatment, ghosting their dedicated Mental Health Team. As if the diagnosis was some misunderstanding or maybe they've been cured. This recede and withdraw phase, remains not some new phenomenon or an independent decision, rather it is part of the process, we must continue working through towards healing. The unfortunate reality is however, when we prioritize Patient Rights over Patient Health, we end up losing both; with many of these Patients falling into the same downward spiral - that recurring and worsening of their Mental #suffering ; leading them to Unaliving themselves, Drug Addictions, Public Outbursts, Unemployment & Rising Crime, which become a burden to Family Members, Themselves and to Society.

Organizations like APA, MHA, MHLG, NASW, NAMI, NABH, NCMW, NIMH, SAMHSA, TAC, THE MIGHTY and others, can help our Civilization with structured healing only when we let them. Otherwise, we continue to actively accept rising Drug Addictions, spreading Crime Rates, climbing national Unaliving Statistics and out of control Growing Poverty, into our very own neighborhoods and schools.

At some point, many Mental Health Consumers can enter an expected phase, where they become counterproductive, even asserting rights, to refuse continuing safe and effective Treatment, unless they are deemed a threat to themselves or others in a scheduled Court Hearing. Sadly, Hearings remain very time consuming when there are only minutes available, rather than weeks. When a Psychotherapist finally finds out a Patient is going through a combative withdrawal phase, planning an Attack or Unaliving themselves, it’s often already too late for scheduling Court Hearings to obtain an IVC or AOT order.

So we end up with hurt or worse, Victims, many of whom come to us for help. All it takes, to become a threat to injuring oneself or others; is that single Event, a Personal Crisis or Manic Episode, maybe some observed Social Media Post, an Intrusive Thought or even a Snap Impulse.

Short of the Federal or Municipal Government putting forward a much needed program of regularly introducing the continuous supply of SSRi and/or an Antipsychotic solution into our Water Treatment Facilities across the nation to benefit public health, our growing Crime Rates and our random Violence are becoming the new normal. While our Mental Health Professionals are handcuffed, in literal red tape, under "Patient Rights" - they still somehow carry this very heavy onus; or Crystal Ball, to be the ones who ring alarm before a grenade suddenly rolls across the busy office floor.

Reasonably, we don't allow intoxicated people to make decisions behind the wheel of a vehicle. So when does it make sense to have Mental Health Patients, who are naturally unaware of therapeutic benefits in Psychology and Psychiatry; making decisions to refuse, cancel or even ghost, their needed Mental Health Therapy?

It cannot be guaranteed that the Patient is even remotely aware what incidents may occur for themselves or others nearby, or even what is going on at the time, when doing so.
"Comprehension of important Medical Information'' and the "ability to keep a Safe Environment" - currently, stipulate whether your next possible Serial Outburst, gets treatment or not. They may lack the capacity to make responsible decisions hours after an interview, during a depressive or manic episode, where their brain chemicals do not function in the predicted way, causing them to suddenly snap. We don't have to continue inviting this.

Enabling our Mental Health Professionals to help and empower our Mental Wellness and SMI Consumers, is a two way street. We must remove bureaucratic red tape and allow our Mental Health Professionals to exercise their own Professional Judgment, having Discretionary Authority, without needing time consuming Court Orders, when providing on ground responsive Emergency Care, for Clients during their next sudden Crisis Event - as it happens - not after. This is how we streamline Mental Wellness. Only then, can we begin to curb random Public Outbursts, Terrorism, Road Rage, Domestic Disputes and more. Another positive, would be having too, Migrants, who may be silently suffering with Mental Illness, #PTSD , et cetera - finally being treated, who otherwise would go homeless, unaccounted, undocumented and untreated, left roaming neighborhoods.

And so it remains with great urgency that our Elected Representatives Draft then Pass Legislation, streamlining our Mental Wellness Professionals, with legal power to self certify IVC & AOT orders. This way, we will finally be lowering criminal activities; random violence, daily road rage and even, serial outbursts.

We owe this to both our Public and our Patients, who are actively seeking to improve their #MentalHealth .

Most Sincerely, Patient & Mental Health Treatment Advocate,


Sources; Look Up Your State - Treatment Advocacy Center

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See Something/Say Something - be there for the children

You know, so often the abused are not even aware of the abuse as it’s happening and only years later, after learning that it was in fact not normal, do they realize how wrong it was.

Abusers condition their victims to accept that what’s happening to them is normal, that it is how everyone gets treated, and that it’s their fault, eliciting feelings of guilt and shame, effectively preventing the abused from speaking out.

People justify abuse by saying, “well it could’ve been worse,” “it wasn’t as bad as you’re saying,” “you’re being dramatic,” or my favorite, “you’re just trying to cause problems” when you were actually just trying to tell someone. I’ve been told I’m crazy, I’m a drama queen, I’m melodramatic, I’m an instigator, and on and on. I told my family about the abuse and those were the responses I got.

Yes it could’ve been worse. Yes others have gone through similar things. No I’m not the only one. Maybe some of it I did deserve. But that doesn’t excuse it.

It was abuse of power, trust, and love. Children are to be cared for, protected, nurtured, and loved. Not beat, insulted, gaslit, ignored, blamed, verbally abused, and emotionally neglected. If you cannot trust those put in your life to protect you, how can you trust others?

I have worked very hard, for many years to heal from the way I was raised. I have made it my goal in life to not allow others to feel the same ways I was made to feel. That is all after the fact. What is needed is intervention and protection before healing is necessary.

If you see something, say something. If you’re told something in confidence, help.

Children need to know that not all adults are going to hurt them. They are our future and broken children create broken adults, which in turn creates a broken society. Break the cycle.

#Abuse #mentalwellness
#Breakthecycle #Trauma #Childhoodtrauma #traumasurvivor #MentalHealth #Healing #ChildAbuse #Gaslighting

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How to recognize and remedy imposter syndrome

Imposter syndrome is the persistent feeling of self-doubt despite competence and qualifications. People who struggle with imposter syndrome tend to overwork and stretch themselves too thin to overcompensate for self-doubt. Dr. Emee, an imposter syndrome researcher, explains that this often leads to burnout which can cause physical, mental, and psychological health issues as well as social issues. If you struggle with imposter syndrome then you don’t want to miss this podcast episode.

115. How to Identify and Remedy Imposter Syndrome - AccordingtoDes

#ImposterSyndrome #SelfDoubt #Burnout #overcomingimpostersyndrome #Insecure #mentalwellness

115. How to Identify and Remedy Imposter Syndrome - AccordingtoDes

Hello and welcome to my podcast, The Wellness Project with Des. On today’s podcast episode, I speak with Dr. Emee Vida Estacio about imposter syndrome. I’m Desiree, a Mental Health Therapist that is passionate about helping people improve their mental health and live a healthy and fulfilled life. One way I do this is by interviewing […]

The CAST Process for negative self-talk

If you struggle with negative self-talk and a mean inner critic then I hope this is helpful for you. I was listening to a podcast with Melissa Ambrosini where she shared her CAST process

C- character

A- awareness

S- shut the door

T- truth

Make sure you join my mental health and wellness facebook community to learn more about this process:

#MentalHealth #negativeselftalk #positiveselftalk #positivemindset #Innercritic #mentalwellness #emotionalWellbeing

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W is for wellness tools.

***Trigger warning***

Drugs/alcohol/medication usage, stress, PTSD, health care professionals, mental health and personal experience.

Wellness is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing. There are 5 main types of wellness:

* Physical - to maintain a quality of life without undue stress or fatigue.

* Social - establishing and maintaining positive relationships.

* Emotional - understanding of oneself and coping with life’s challenges.

* Spiritual - establishing and maintaining a sense of peace and harmony.

* Intellectual - being open to new ideas/experiences and the application thereof.

(As well as 2 additional types; occupational - a sense of fulfilment and balance in one’s chosen career. And environmental - taking responsibility for the world around us).

Wellness tools are used to stay well and help relieve symptoms. These can be used at the onset of symptoms, to prevent future symptoms or to maintain a feeling of wellbeing. A past, present and future approach - basically; keep your wellness toolbox handy whenever and wherever you are.

Examples of wellness tools are:

* Talking to a friend/family or healthcare professional.

* Counselling (including; attending a support group/peer counselling or exchange listening).

* Focusing or relaxation/stress reduction exercises, such as; meditation, journaling, affirmation exercises or guided imagery.

* Diet and exercise considerations.

* Using a light box or hot/cold packs.

* Extra rest; taking time off responsibilities (at work/home).

* Taking medications, vitamins or herbal supplements.

* Getting a second opinion/medication check.

* Doing something “normal”/routine based (eg. wash your hair, tidy up, go to work etc).

* Calling/texting a hot line/support line.

* Looking through old photos/scrapbooks etc.

* Making a list of accomplishments/things that are “good” about yourself/you are proud of etc.

* Taking a warm bath, reading, listening to music, or creating music/art.

* Avoiding stimulants, eg: drugs, alcohol, caffeine, sugar.

* Avoiding certain people/places that may be triggering, overtiring or unsupportive.

The tools I have in my own personal wellness toolbox are; surrounding myself with positive and caring people, making myself laugh, doing things for others and most importantly for me - focusing on and appreciating what is happening right here and now and seeing the positive moments in each day.

Questions: what wellness tools have you found work for you? Do you have a preferred author, artist or musician for wellness?

#mentalHealth #mentalwellness #physicalwellness #emotionalWellbeing #wellnessToolbox #wellnesstools #wellness #Wellbeing #SCUFF #ScarCoverUpFreedomFund

(References: psych central, Pinterest, google, NHS Occupational Health.)