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I hate mirrors #mirror #BPD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Identity

Disclaimer: I have BPD.

Last week I noticed that I hate looking in the mirror. To look at myself and not criticize at the same time is absurd to me. I don't like my face, I see different expressions, colors, and shapes every day. I don't recognize myself. Who am I?

Does anyone know the psychological background to this?

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BPD + 'The Chameleon Effect'

Why do we mirror everybody around us? We do this for acceptance. We feel strongly that the world of people around us highly rejects our kind. As if we're not human or something. But we know that is not the case, that's just their hang-up. Our goal is to embrace who we are an attempt to live a semi-normal life. #BPD #chameleon #mirror

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Coach Yourself

Ending the stigma isn't just about how we talk to others but, how we talk to ourselves. It's hard when you feel like you are going against the grain of society. Doing what is right and best for you isn't always easy. You might question yourself. So, you may need to hear some good coaching from yourself.

What will you tell your selfie today?

#EndTheStigma #positiveselftalk #Depression #MultiplePersonalityDisorder #Anxiety #LymeDisease #BipolarDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #MightyDads #Parenting #down #Suicide #mirror #PTSD #Trauma #Guilt #noshame #personalitydisorder



When I look into the mirror I can’t recognize myself do you know why. Can u share ur experience with me please:) #mirror #Myself

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Still Standing #mirror #CheckInWithMe

Good Morning Mighty Family

Work on being in love

With the person in the

Mirror who has

Been through so much but

Is still Standing.

If you are like me. I dont like looking in the mirror very much.
But I'm working on it.
The same as I'm working on loving me for who I am. ME

I'm still standing and so are you, and I'm proud that I am.
Love n hugs on this Sunday morning.
Tj 😘🤗💕🙃😀☺️😶☺️🐾🐱🐯😉💪🌺💐 #Still standing #mirror #ME #you #Us #Brave #Anxiety #MentalHealth #loveyourselves #Selflove #Bekindtoyourself #TrigeminalNeuralgia #GlossopharyngealNeuralgia #RareDisease #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness


Reflection ........ #MightyPoets

Sometimes it hurts when I do see
The reflection staring back at me.
Don't understand what others say,
As tears well up, I turn away.

They tell me I possess great strength,
Have a courage to override life's angst.
Bright light of a smile which mirrors the sun,
Perseverance to heal and overcome.

An empath worth her weight in gold
With poetic words still left untold.
Braveness marked by facing fear,
Yet to me it all still seems unclear.

So again I look, then start to cry
As I glimpse faint sparkles in both eyes.
It was then which I could finally feel
What others see might just be real.

Perception starts inside our mind
And those thoughts, you see, are colorblind.
Filling up our heads with false beliefs,
They darken souls like shades of grief.

But we'll blossom as His word uplifts,
Cause we're a palette painted of God's gifts.
For true beauty lies within one's heart
And yours, dear soul, is a work of art.

#Reflection #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #PTSD #CPTSD #Depression #Anxiety #panic #Emotions #emotional #Selfesteem #mirror #MentalIllness #MentalHealth #poet #Poetry