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Hip Impingement

For years and years I’ve had problems with my joints, but the worst ones have always been my hips, knees, shoulders and fingers. Last year I was going to sit with my legs crossed, and as I did so I felt something hard in my right hip grind and I actually screamed. The pain literally blinded me for a good 10 seconds. After straightening my leg slowly, it eased up. But any time I turned my leg or lifted it, that same pain came back with a vengeance.

Naturally, I went to my GP and she and a colleague had me moving my leg in different ways and angles, which really really hurt, and said it was definitely an arthritic pain. They gave me some kick-ass anti inflammatory meds primarily used for arthritis (Meloxicam), and said they’d send me for an urgent x-ray of my pelvis.

A few days later I had the x-ray, even though the technician kept making me move my leg in different angles again.

And a week after that, my doctor called me with the results. Apparently I have something called a hip impingement? There’s a deformity in the ball of the joint that fits into the socket of my pelvis. Like an extra lip of bone. And over the years it’s been grinding in the socket so much it’s worn it down, and now I have arthritis. She said my left hip has a similar deformity but nowhere near as bad.

So, I’ve got to try and take it easy. I’m still going for very slow and short walks to get me out of the house. But it’s so damn frustrating that I have to slow down! And I know if I go against what she suggested, I’m going to seriously pay for it. Ugh.

So, I’ve done a lot of reading in the last few weeks. Yesterday I picked up A Court of Thorns And Roses (ACOTAR), and this morning I was sat in my mum’s room just quietly reading… Until Loki jumped up and stared at me. 😂 I don’t think he approves of me reading instead of giving him cuddles. He’s such a jelly-belly!

Anyway… I hope you’re all doing okay and having a good year so far. 🌺

#ChronicPain #chronicillnesswarrior #AutonomicDysfunction #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #EDS #hipimpingement #Arthritis #ArthriticPain #InterstitialCystitis #LiverDisease #BPD #ComplexPTSD #Depression #Anxiety #resting #Reading

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What My Bones Know

Just finished reading Stephanie Foo's excellent memoir on living with complex PTSD. This quote hit me right in the feels. #CPTSD #CPTSD #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #ComplexPTSD #Reading

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Words are the silence that can be spoken

After reading Tara Westover’s “Educated”, Paula Fox’s “Borrowed Finery”, and Alan Cumming’s “Not My Father’s Son”—Jeanette Winterson’s “Why Be Happy When You Can Be Normal?” seemed a natural progression of my literal literary journey through other people’s dysfunctional families.

Particularly as I have one of those myself.

I often find myself, leaning into that darkness; conducting a field study of sorts; of the lived experiences of others, to compare against my own. Desperately searching for clues as to how they managed to escape the chaos of familial dysfunction intact, or at least semi intact.

Doesn’t trauma do that to us all? We seek out answers, explanations, and ways to escape?

I always found my escape hatch in books, and I can tell that this one is going to be a helluva immersive read. To wit; I’m only on page 8 and already find myself awed by this excerpt:

“Truth for anyone is a very complex thing.
There are so many things that we can’t say, because they are too painful. We hope that the things we can say will soothe the rest, or appease it in some way. Stories are compensatory. The world is unfair, unjust, unknowable, out of control.

When we tell a story we exercise control, but in such a way as to leave a gap, an opening. It is a version, but never the final one. And perhaps we hope that the silences will be heard by someone else, and the story can continue, can be retold.

When we write we offer the silence as much as the story. Words are the part of silence that can be spoken.”

Looks like my weekend plans are sorted! What is your current read? 📚

#MightyBookClub #BookExcerpt #Books #Childhoodtrauma #PTSD #Trauma
#Anxiety #Reading #Early Childhood Trauma
#ChildhoodAbuse #EmotionalAbuse
#EmotionalNeglect #EmotionalHealth


Blogging as therapy

Recently I have started to blog as a way for me to work through things and to maybe help others feel they are not alone in the struggles of chronic health conditions and chronic pain. While I don’t get traffic really, it does help somewhat to put my thoughts down and out there.
If you are interested, it’s, between the blog, being creative with crafting and reading- I feel I’m starting to have some kind of outlet.
While these methods don’t work everyday, at least it does help some days.
What do you do for an outlet?
#ChronicIlless #RareDisease #ChronicPain #Anxiety #ChronicDepression #Mito #Outlet #Blog #crafts #Reading

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What's on your bookshelf?

Do you love to read? What's your favourite book? You can write it in comments down below.

I love to read when i have time. I love more pshycological books and another.

Here a list of my favourite books:

1. Dale Carnegie - how to make friends and influence people
2. Bipolar disorder - Masha Pushkina
3. Krasnya tabletka 2 - Andrei Kurpatov
4. Hobbit
5. Mortal machines - Philip Reeves

Here it is.

I drew this from imagination and i think i need to learn more.

#Bipolar #MentalHealth #Art #Books #Reading #

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What are you reading right now?

Any of you voracious readers? If so, what kinds of books do you enjoy? Fiction, non-fiction, mysteries?

I'm a non-fiction lover myself. Some of my most recent favorites have included: 'Atlas of the Heart' by Brene Brown, 'Untamed' by Glennon Doyle and 'Unbound' by Tarana Burke.

Drop some titles below that you are enjoying!!

#Trauma #PTSD #CPTSD #Reading #booklovers #Books


Fictional characters with Fibromyalgia?? #fibrowarrior #Fibromyalgia #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #Selfcare #Books #Cantsleep #Reading

I would love to read a book that features a fictional character who has fibromyalgia. Please comment if you have read any good fictional books whose characters have fibromyalgia.

I would also love to see a recommendation for a motivational book for people with chronic pain/chronic illnesses. If it's a book specifically about fibromyalgia, please make sure that the author has fibromyalgia themselves before recommending. I know that that sounds nitpicky, but I have heard enough BS for a lifetime 😅


Book characters with Fibromyalgia? #fibrowarrior #Fibromyalgia #ChronicPain #Reading #Selfcare #readinglounge

I know about the book, "Get a Life, Chloe Brown," by Talia Hibbert. However, it is hard to find fictional characters with fibromyalgia to relate to. Does anyone know any other fictional books where fibro is mentioned?

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