Planning Ahead/Coping Ahead #Skills
So in therapy we have discussed ways to plan ahead and how effective that is. I've always found that planning ahead gives me something to look forward to. I am planning a trip and things to do over the summer apart from work. This planning not only gives me a positive vibe and lifts my spirits but I also think it is a great coping strategy. As I've written before I have a major (maybe life altering) event coming up that I can't avoid. This event will be very distressing and triggering. I am doing everything in my power to control my emotions.
So I figured that coping ahead is the best thing to do. I have accepted that I will be under a lot of stress and will be triggered but that doesn't have to stop me. I will have a support system with me so I should be okay. I am working on ways to think more positively about the event aside from what could happen. If anyone has any positive coping strategies then I would appreciate hearing about them.
I am also looking for a way to reward myself after and should probably come up with an aftercare plan too. I just wanted to say that I appreciate all the comments and feedback, it really helps. I love how we can all support each other. Even if I feel unsafe during the event I know that like all the pain before, that it too will pass. I am stronger than I give myself credit for. People tell me that a lot. To survive the abuse then to be open about it takes strength. So to anyone that has done that, I commend you. Never give up. I've been in therapy for four years now and while it has been a hard journey I am grateful for all I have. I know that I will heal and overcome all of this. So can you. Stay safe, reach out for help and keep shining. We are all warriors!
#SexualAbuse #EmotionalAbuse #PTSD #BipolarDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Childhoodtrauma #SexualAssault #Hope #Healing