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Depression Continues and It Never Ends

I had some success beating back depression and having better sleep (see previous post). But just as I succeed in taking steps to recovery, I slid back today. I took a long nap for no reason other than, “why not?” I had no reason to nap for so long or at all. Just none.

Am I wishing I was dead? Are all these oversleeps and long naps a form of suicidality? Just wishing I could close my eyes and the world would go away?

I want this to stop. I want to live my life! I have to live my life. What can I do to stop sleeping and shutting the world out?!
#BipolarDisorder #Bipolar1Disorder #BipolarDepression #Sleep #oversleeping #suicidality #Willtolive #despair #DepressionNaps #MajorDepression

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BPD and Suicidality

It makes you feel like a burden on your loved ones. Family support groups are not so available in India. So as a result families don't get to know how to deal with the person with BPD, although they are there with all intention to help. But they fail most of the time to understand what the person with BPD is going through and what to tell and not to tell. So it affects the person with BPD. And as diagnosed with BPD I know how difficult it is to control oneself from attempting suicide and self harming. I am self-harming from a very young age(when I was 10 years old). I have attempted suicide before. Two times. I was 20 years old then. I got diagnosed with BPD few days back when I'm 26. I don't know if it's already too late or not. Suicidal thoughts and urges are there. I'm fighting with it all the time. I know I won't get much help from my family. And I also don't have friends who will understand BPD. Most of them left because of my anger or I pushed them away. A typical BPD trait. My only hope is my therapist and maybe myself. It is really hard to exist with BPD and as an add I've Major Depressive Disorder and severe anxiety. Only GOD can help me I guess. I wish anyone suffering from any mental health issue gets treated and gets all the support they need. #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BPD #SuicideAttempt #suicidality #treatment #suffering #MentalHealth #MajorDepressiveDisorder #Anxiety

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Hi I’m back after two months in institute for suicidality.

Hi I’m back after two months in institute for suicidality.

#Depression #anxiety #socialanxiety#anxietydisorder #socialanxietydisorder #dependentpersonalitydisorder #paranoidpersonalitydisorder #avoidantpersonalitydisorder #borderlinepersonalitydisorder #psychosis #psychoticdisorder #delusionaldisorder #autismspectrumdisorder #mentalhealth #selfcare #Memes #suicidality #Selfharm #Suicide

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Hey family. So, I’m suddenly very suicidal. It’s because I’m facing homelessness again in the next week. I’ve been job hunting for a month straight. My cell is kinda broken in that most numbers can’t get through or leave voicemails so my best friend Rebecca is gonna help me with getting a prepaid phone and number to help. But I’m freaking out. Any support- please. I need to vent or talk or laugh or find a job and some hope. Message me or reply here. Thanks guys. You’re amazing.
Holly #suicidality #itsalwayssomething

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💻💁🏻‍♀️Takeaway message⚠️

My observations on the docuseries episode one 'A Matter of Life and Death'
After watching, it was really heartwarming and feeling optimistic for the future of mental health.

The host explored scientific-based research that may assist mental health clinicians with treating mental health particularly #Depression
Hopefully to reduce the high/medium risk and to provide non-clinical care to address needs.
With new technology advancing for the future in the mental health sector. Hopefully more and more community programs will be streamlined for #SuicidePrevention for individuals experiencing thoughts of
VR or Virtual reality, data analysis via A.I based in NSW rail (public transport system) and the importance of community connection - Indigenous medicine - the natural way - their connection to the land, water and people. A sense of kinship is uplifting and alleviates stress.

It takes at least one person to sincerely listen, acknowledge and be present with someone living with mental health needs.
Care and compassion is all it takes to get through to someone in immediate risk. How much of a significant impact it would have.

A lot needs to be done to address those particular needs in disadvantaged groups depending on geographical location.
In Australia, the data shown in 2019 the rate is on the upward scale for adults in the 40-80+ bracket.

It makes me wonder what it is like on a global scale especially in recent times of this current pandemic.
I can only hope for best possible outcomes for all. #MentalHealth #DistractMe #Bekind #compassion


Struggling with #Depression today out of the blue

I have suffer with #BipolarDepression , #MajorDepressiveDisorder #extreme anxiety #suicidality #sad #GAD #PTSD #Neuropathy #sciatica

Anyway, I’d been doing great and then all of a sudden out of nowhere boom I’m hit with depression for no reason. Has this happened to anyone else and do you have any advice on what to do to help?


How to cope with my brother's addiction? #Addiction #suicidality

I have been suicidal in the past. My brother used drugs to cope with this situation. Now he is an addict and have sex with strangers while being hiv positive. I want to help, but I can't because he isn't ready to let go of his addiction and erratic behavior. I feel guilty. If it wasn't for my suicidal thoughts and actions, maybe he would have been fine. Has anyone experience this and how did you deal with it? Thanks


Chronic Illness + Mental Illness

Having a chronic pain illness seriously exacerbates mental health issues. Life becomes incredibly difficult when it feels like there is war erupting physically, mentally and emotionally. I've come too far and overcome way too much to give up now. Don't you give up either. There is always a way for things to get better, no matter how slow the process may take. Go at your own pace and respect yourself. ♡

#Fibromyalgia #CFS #ChronicPain #degerativediscdisease #chronicheadache #chronickneepain #Depression #Bipolar #BPD #sensorysensitivity #suicidality #Isolation #Irritability #Hope

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Why Does it Matter?

Going insane and just can’t keep on. Ready to call it quits. What’s the point? The point of continuing...can’t be saved. Everyone might as well. #MajorDepression #Suicide #SuicidalIdeation #suicidality

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