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Recovery, 1 month since the end. 18.05.2022-21.01.2025.

A month was yesterday since the end of a horrible traumatic period of my life, especially the last two years, with an extremely traumatic event, of losing a dear person to those who tormented me all this time. So how have I been doing since? I'm freed. It took time, but grateful to have nothing to do with these people again. And people can be saved only if they choose to. And I chose to.
And I am grateful to the amazing company I work for, And my coworkers. To my family And friends, to my activities. To you all for the support. And here is my #photodiary about the recovery.
1. To signify the end And also for security I painted my hair red. 2. My theology books. 3. My dance shoes 4. My town 5. My leotards And costumes 6. My pharmacy books 7. My sign of hope, the spider 8. My music instrument, 9. Part of my new tattoo.
#Trauma #Recovery #Gratitude #Survivor

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Making a decision #BipolarDisorder #Survivor #Work #Career #Disability #AddictionRecovery

I love my job! I am a Certified Peer Advocate and I get to deal with clients on a daily via phone to follow them on their recovery from substance abuse. However, I keep making small mistakes that have now added up to a possible termination. As much as I love my job I also am more of a face to face type of person. The phone doesn't give me that option. So I remembered that when God wants to remove something from your life he throws roadblocks till I make that decision. I work part time as I am on disability and I have been wanting to get a full time job for awhile now. Maybe these minor mistakes are the road blocks! So with the help of friends I am talking out about this situation. Making a pro and con list, and I am writing it on here for some feedback. This is how my recovery works for me today. I reach out to others. WOW! I have definitely come a long way in my healing journey!

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Coping skills

#coping #Depression #Anxiety #BPD #schzo #Bipolar #ADHD #OCD #overwhelmed #Survivor

hey everyone.. just thought i would share some coping strategies and distractions you can use when feeling overwhelmed..

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I'm new here!

In the journey of life, every soul seeks to enrich its existence, weaving a tapestry of experiences, knowledge, and connections. My name resonates with the desire for growth and enlightenment. I am Jen, an ardent seeker of wisdom and empowerment. Through the labyrinth of existence, I embrace every tool and insight, cherishing the moments of sharing, learning, and evolving.
Life unfurls its mysteries through victories and losses, offering us glimpses of purpose and community. Each encounter, each lesson, whether gained or lost, contributes to the symphony of our existence. In the depths of our struggles, we often feel alone, grappling with battles we believe are uniquely ours. Yet, within the human experience, lies a paradox; while our paths are individual, our emotions, our quests, are shared.
It is amidst this shared human tapestry that platforms like this emerge as beacons of light. They offer sanctuary for the curious, the seekers, and the wanderers. Here, we find solace in the realization that our struggles, our triumphs, are threads woven into the fabric of a larger narrative—a narrative of community, empathy, and understanding.
As I stumbled upon this platform, my curiosity ignited like a flame in the dark. It beckoned me, promising a sanctuary where minds converge, ideas intertwine, and understanding blossoms. For in this digital agora, we transcend boundaries of time and space, forging connections that transcend the limitations of our mortal coils.
So, let us journey together, fellow seekers, as we navigate the labyrinth of existence. Let us share our stories, our wisdom, and our vulnerabilities, for it is in this communion of souls that we find the true essence of what it means to be human.

#MightyTogether #Recovery #ADHD #PTSD #onelove #MentalHealth #Survivor

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#Allergies #MentalHealth #Survivor

In the beginning when it first began. September 2022. Something had grabbed a hold of me & was having it merry way all up & through me. From head to toe & rapid pace. I could feel & see it but no one else claimed to either.

From the inside of my body out.

Talking bout really digging into my mental & standing firmly to my beliefs. Not allowing ANYONE TO DEHUMANIZE MY ESTEEM BEHIND THIS MEDICAL HORROR I WAS ACTUALLY LIVING.

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I'm feeling so accomplished. I've never won anything in my entire life. So to win this, along with getting my poem published is huge for me. I'm turning my tragic story into a world of hope and inspiration. I'm finding my place in the world. I'm finally accomplishing my goal and my mission in life. I hope and pray by telling my story to the world that it's made a positive and significant difference to many lives around the world.

Coming from someone like myself, I have never believed in myself, nor did anyone in my childhood and teenage years. It was a very lonely feeling. I never knew my place in the world. But I didn't allow that to stop me. I kept pushing and pushing. I never gave up. And now look at me. I'm getting my story and all my hard work noticed, along with getting my poetry published and I won a poetry contest. So with that said, no matter what you've been through in life, never allow your past to define who you are. Keep believing in yourself! Don't allow what everyone else thinks of you to deter you from accomplishing your hopes and dreams in life!! Get your story out there and use it to impact lives all around the world.

I now know why God allowed such horrific things to happen to me. He knew and believed I would have the strength and courage to use my story as a way to help others, to be an inspiration to many around the world. He chose me. Yes granted what happened to me felt like I was living in hell but I rose above it, I used it for good. I always fall back on Romans 8:28 when I question why God allowed such horrific acts to fall upon me and defile my character and destroy my spirit. But when I read Romans 8:28, it makes complete sense. It says "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

#Poetry #MentalHealth #Abuse #Survivor #strength #mystory

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a friend in the need of some support

I stumbled across this young man's YouTube video about losing his mom to suicide and feeling guilty by not speaking to her and seeing the signs. I looked at some of his other mental health videos and he is often attacked and being called gay and I found his fb and many people attack him for his mother's death. So I figured I'd post on her to get this young man some love and support.

#bipolar #MentalHealth #Suicide #SuicideAwareness #SuicideLoss #SuicideLossSurvivor #Survivor #MentalHealthAwareness #BipolarDisorder

Suicide Prevention: My experience with talk saves lives

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