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I Am Not Defined By My Illness

Playing around with fonts to create stencils for tattoos #howicope #iamnotdefinedbymyillness #EasilyDistracted or #jumpseverywhere when I’m able to express my #thoughtsANDfeelings #Insomnia #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #PTSD #Depression #SocialAnxiety #PanicDisorder #Type2Diabetes #cronicmigraines #HighBloodPressure #HighColesterol #ImOnly42 #SlowlyRecoveringFromNarcissisticAbuse #LossOfFamilyMembers one after another after another. #WasTerminatedFromMyJob because of my #illness the company makes one feel #expendable #nowellnesscheck #nophonecallortext a little over a month, then #terminated via #Email #whodoesthat ? And why did my #Casemanager repeatedly tell me to have my #Psychiatrist re-do the #forms AGAIN for like the 3rd, 4th time? I am very #Disappointed at that #multimillionaire #Company prior to my #breakdown I was #harassedatwork too. I don’t understand… #whyme ?

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Give me a break /neg | TW Family, two all caps #venting

I’m leaving out the house today. How long will my nephews be at home? Is there some school break that I don’t know about?

But I used to go to that same middle school both of my nephews do, and breaks never usually happened during this time of year.

This is getting ridiculous. I NEED my QUIET time!! Why can’t it never freaking happen in this household?? 😞

Why am I genuinely sad? /rh

#Autism #whyme #Anxiety #Family #sad

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In several darkest hours of my life, I often questioning to myself, "Why me?". I felt that "the whole universe conspired against me". Until this though crossed my mind: "I don't choose to be born in this so-called world and for me, it's including "the whole package", such as physical condition (appearance, health issue, etc), my race/ethnic, where & where I was born, physiological conditions (pattern of thinking, unstable/stable, have some "conditions" or not, etc), but one thing for sure is I can choose to respond about anything using everything that I have!". Now (thankfully) I don't ask that kind of question anymore, I just try to "adapt", try to "survive" and hopefully can live my life to the fullest on my own terms! 😊

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If only I had the choice but unfortunately I was born this way to a women being abused by a narcissist! I can remember being a little girl always wishing I wasn’t me, wishing I wasn’t black, wishing I had different family. Now here iam 30 years old and those thoughts haven’t chaNged much. I guess it’s true sometimes depression attacks at the beginning of life. And it’s sometimes genetic!



I have borderline personality disorder ... I think ppl around me started knowing this....that i have mental health issues...they call me psycho ...
Feeling judged and not getting help feels worst ... "WHY ME !? " #whyme #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Guilt #Pain

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The voices are new & scary because they are trespassing & living in my attic or basement.

And I can hear them talking to each other, sometimes about me. I’m fairly new to bipolar & voices even though I’m 62. I am always looking at our cameras outside & I swear I see these people sneaking around. We live in the country so lots of outdoor sounds, trees, animals, etc. I’m very scared of these voices because if they are not real,mthen I must be crazy or losing it. I lose sleep every night because I want them to leave or be quiet so I can sleep. And, they follow me wherever I’m staying & come out every night and they scare me because they are so real & they make noises like walking, dropping something, eating, etc. I often ask my husband if he hears these sounds too. I thought they were real people living in my houses illegally, then was positive they were ghosts or spirits & now they are supposedly just rats or possums. I actually called the police 4 times to have them get these people out of my house immediately. I am a good person & love everyone & I don’t deserve this. It’s affecting my life in a bad way. Please help me understand this so I can sleep & not be scared anymore. Thank you so much! Jeri ♥️ #intruders , #thevoicesrreal , #whyme , #wantnormllife , #assaulted , #Bipolar2 , #epileptic , #PTSD , #alwayshome , #dontgoout , #Goodlife , #gr8tfam , #wantpeace , #Mindfulness , #ydoieatcrap , #nomorehealthyfood , #noexercise , #scared , #Gettingolder

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#IntrusiveThoughts … After something #positive

My husband gave me a kiss on the cheek telling me a did a good job at dinner tonight. However, I get intrusive thoughts of “still not good enough” come across my mind because they were left over chili he made that I just reheated, salad I put together and a directional box of cornbread. 😞 Why does this happen all the time? I never voiced it publicly to strangers online before. It’s always been my friends and family on Facebook but I don’t want to be that Debbie Downer or that Attention Seeker. Being strong minded is very hard. I sure do envy those who are amazing at it. #NegativeThoughts #IntrusiveThoughts #ChronicDepression #whyme #attention #positive #NegativeThinking #MightyQuestions #Notenough



Psychosis sucks ass, It's useful when your happy, but tells you to Die, screaming hurtful things at you, replaying the memories that tortured you before, Saying every bad comment you've been told 😖😖😖😭😭😭

#Psychosis #MajorDepressiveDisorder #whyme #Fucklife


Feeling Lost, Screaming Inside

I left a therapist last year, after 15 years. Boundaries were blurred, he was retiring soon, and from what he said he really never knew me. He has refused an attempt at getting a couple of closure apples. I have looked all over for a trauma therapist who works with DID...I can't afford private therapy. The search has turned up no one. Either they won't treat DID or they say I don't live in the right area (even though I am willing to travel and everything is virtual at this point)... even a program specifically for it. So I am left with a therapist that doesn't really know DID, isn't comfortable treating it, feeling rejected even though it is not personal I'm told. Meanwhile, I have all my parts with locked in trauma, I am lost and alone....no one wants to upset me by talking about the traumas but I need to...we need a therapist or at some point my brain is going to crack into more pieces than it already is....#DissociativeIdentityDisorder #Therapist #therapists #needatherapist #whyme #CPTSD


And of course today is filled with the same shit nothing has changed except how much more pain I’m In not physically but mentally and emotionally I’m wearing down my body is breaking down idk what is left to try for the better the person I try to be the more the negatives in myself are pointed out and I’m just a negative aspect in life I did wrong yea but don’t we all do I not deserve a second chance to be happy I’m falling off the horse and not caring to get back on #whyme #Depression

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