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Help I feel lonely and need help

I have a tri-diagnosis Of #madelungs defomity , #savant syndrome #SavantSyndrome , #SavantSyndrome ,#EhlersDanlosSyndrome , #Autism #Autism #Autism #Autism , #BipolarDisorder #BipolarDisorder #order #BipolarDisorder #dep , #BipolarDisorderBorderlinePersonalityDisorderADHD , #bipolardisorderborderlinepresonalitydisorderADHD , #BipolarDisorderDepression #AspergersSyndrome , #AspergersSyndromeAwareness , #Aspergers , #AspergersSyndromeAwareness , #AspergersAreUs , #AspergersSyndrome , ,#Depression , #Depression #MentalHealthAwareness ,#DepressiveDisorders , ,#Deppresed , #Anxiety #PTSD , #PTSD -old ,#Complex Post Traumatic Stress , #PTSD ,#CPTSD , #CPTSDinrelationships ,#Ld in reading comprehension , #LearningDisabilities , #Dyslexia ,#SensoryProcessingDisorder , #SensoryProcessingIssues , #SensoryModulationDisorder , #SensoryProcessignDisorder , #CentralAuditoryProcessingDisorder , #SensoryDisorder , #AuditoryProcessingDisorder ,#SensoryProcessingIssues , #SensoryProcessingDisorderAwarenessMonth , #SensoryProcessingDisorderAwarenessMonth , #SensoryProcessingDisorder , #Sensory processing disorder ,#Adhdandanxietyinarelationship #adhdinchildcaresettings, #adhdinmen , #Adhdinwomen , #adhdinearlychildhood #adhdwomen #CombinedPresentationADHD #UndiagnosedADHD #ADHDInGirls #focus #ADHD #Autism ##ADHD #Rheuma #Y  #ADHD #ADHD #ADHD #ADHD #AttentiondeficitDisorder #AttentionDeficitHyperactivityDisorder #AttentionDeficitHyperactivityDisorder #AttentionDeficitHyperactivityDisorder #AttentiondeficithyperactivityDisorder #AttentiondeficithyperactivityDisorder #attention deficit hyperactivity disorder #Selfharm , #OtherPersonalityDisorder #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder ,#BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Borderline Personality disorder #Madelungsdeformity #Madelung #madelungs #madelungs deformity as well as many other conditions that causes physical and emotional pain I do #DBT (#DialecticalBehaviorTherapy ) an it helps a little but my twin sister doesn’t have to go through what I have to go through and she got to skip a grade and I didn’t even though my IQ is 205 and hers is 148 I live in Saint Louis Missouri and went to Stanford all the way in California and now is still in California working for Facebook and I never get to see my own twin sister I feel like she is the very successful twin who skipped a grade went to Stanford graduated and now works for Facebook and I’m the wimpy twin who is unsuccessful who has to live in constant chronic pain has to live in an ISL (individualized supported living) like a group home I don’t have a drivers license I Don't have a job and never have and my parents have to have guardianship of me also my mom has 4 kids two sets of twins and our younger brothers have had equal opportunities how do I deal with all of this #Multiplesetsofmultiples #Saintlouismissouri #STL #Individualizedsupportedliving #Individualizedsupportedliving #ISL #Supportedliving #individualized supported living



I’m in love with my partner who is amazing supports me the best way he can. I’m having problem communicating with him without having outburst which really hurt his feelings which leaves me frustrated and feeling very low and sometimes makes me feel I making excuses for it. I’m trying to find ways of communicating better and not having my outburst to try understand what what my partner is trying to say to me without get defensive and hurting his feelings, #adhdinmen #Autisminmen



I think this distraction is getting out of control I'm having trouble focusing on homework because I've been working on my music Any tips to get back on track? #ADHD #adhdinmen #itsokayman

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BPD related

Does anyone here with #BPD has to constantly acquire validations from others? Why do we do this ourselves? It feels like I have to in a way ask for it. I hate this illness with a passion! Also I frequently wonder if my friends and love ones hate me because I’m like this. #DepressionAndMentalHealth #adhdinmen #MentalIllness #depressionsucks


Reading for Psychology

I feel bad about not doing the reading of psychology last night, but there's no way I would have been able to focus anyway. #adhdinmen#ADHD

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how often did your adhd meds change? #ADHD #adhdinmen

I’m curious how often you felt that you needed your ADHD medications changed in dosage? If you felt overmedicated, say difficulty relaxing or sleeping or if you felt too stressed, what would you do? Have you ever taken a break? How was it? How to adjust to being without the confidence boost of Adderall?