I turned 26 this year and have been suffering from chronic pain since I was around 19
Lots and back and forth with multiple specialists and doctors appointments has eventually lead me to a diagnosis for my hip pain - I have hip dysplasia that has somehow gone un-diagnosed since birth.. I have been told I need to have PAO surgery to correct this.
However, alongside this hip pain I have been suffering from many neurological symptoms which seems to have been swept under the rug since my DHD diagnosis. I am still chronically ill underneath my hip pain and no one seems to be doing anything about it.
My nuerological symptoms include the following:
- Sickness/nausea
- Dizziness
- Hyperosmia
- Neuropathic pain in my legs, arms, shoulders
- Complete numbness/change of sensation in my shoulder blades and between T7-T12
- Numbness that radiates down my left leg
- Muscle spasms/ spacsticity in legs
- Bladder issues
- Chronic fatigue
- Balance issues
- Cognitive issues such as thinking and concentrating
- Occassional blurred vision/ vision changes
- Migranes
I have been seen by and dismissed by numberous doctors and consultants, no one can seem to figure out what is wrong with me. Some of them have actually accused me of making my symptoms up.
I have seen 2x Rheumatologists that investigated Arthrtitis and Lupus, both concluded that there was nothing wrong with me at all whatsoever.. I have a positive ANA and Anti-dsDNA but still no diagnosis. Discharged by both of them with no further action.
I am currently under the care of an Orthopaedic Surgeon (for my hip) who seems to think my symptoms point toward Fibromyalgia but obviously this would be diagnosed by a rheumatologist and I have already been discharged by two.
I am currently on a waiting list to see a neurologist. I have been on this waiting list since May and I am lead to believe I will be waiting quite a few months yet.
I feel incredibly alone in my journey. Everyone I know who is my age have no idea what it is like to deal with chronic pain, let alone the burden of an undiagnosed illness. Every time I attempt to talk to anyone about my ailments, people are dismissive, don’t understand or are simply uninterested.
Can anyone offer any advice ? I feel hopeless. I have no support. 😢
#ChronicPain #DevelopmentalDysplasiaOfTheHip #DegenerativeDiscDisease #Fibromyalgia #MultipleSclerosis #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicIllness #Migraine #Lupus #Arthritis #CervicalSpondylosis #AnkylosingSpondylitis #Neuropathy #PeripheralNeuropathy #AutoimmuneDisease #BackPain #ComplexRegionalPainSyndrome #Undiagnosed #RheumatoidArthritis #sjogrens