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Stupid little crisis plan

Today my therapist and I created a shared google doc and began outlining a crisis plan starting by identifying where my baseline is and working up in distress from there. But like, I kind of don’t want to use it… Using it takes effort and a general desire for my well-being. And I don’t really think I’m worth that effort anymore. As long as I just make it through the semester without totally failing my classes, why does it matter how I coped to make it through? It’s stupid but I’m mad about the crisis plan, I don’t want one, I don’t want to fight myself anymore. I’m too done to care. Sure, no one can make me use it. But I feel like I have to because 1) if I continue not to my therapist might have me hospitalized and that’s not happening 2) if my brother or other family members found out I’ve turned back to selfharm it would really stress them out and I don’t want to be a burden to them. So now I have a crisis plan, and a promise that I will try my best to use it and thereby prevent or at least significantly reduce any future relapses. But honestly I’ve lost sight of what the big deal is, I’m not trying to kill myself. Isn’t that enough?

#Selfharm #CrisisPlan #MentalHealth #CollegeMentalHealth #Therapy #DBT #DialecticalBehaviorTherapy #Anxiety #Depression


What should I do? #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #EmotionalAbuse #PTSD #DialecticalBehaviorTherapy

Hi everyone,
I have borderline (bpd) and I’ve been doing some serious work but I only meet with my therapist once every 2 weeks. I’m on my own.
I have brought up memories of things my mother did to me when I was growing up. I blocked them, probably because I have needed her in my life codependantly. We’ve been close. She’s the first one I called when I was diagnosed with cancer.
I don’t want to talk to her right now, maybe never again. But I’m aware of my black and white thinking and dialectics.
I was just about to block her cell number when I decided to reach
I’m alone with my crazy head. I don’t have any friends to talk to ( I don’t do relationships) so this is the best option.
Does anyone know what I should do? I am open to anything and I would appreciate it so much.

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Therapy Thursdays

I have heard people give up on therapy after one "bad experience". My response to that is to not give up. Sometimes, a therapist and a patient just aren't a good fit for each other. And that's ok. The therapist/patient relationship is unique, personal, and emotionally intimate. Therapists and patients have different personalities, preferences, and styles. If this is you or someone you know- I encourage you today to try again.

#therapythursday #EndTheStigma #Therapy #Trauma #Grief #CognitiveBehaviorTherapy #DialecticalBehaviorTherapy #ArtTherapy #Biofeedback #Coaching #playtherapy #Parenting #Depression #Anxiety #Healing #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #psychodynamictherapy #FamilyAndFriends #BingeEatingDisorder #BipolarDisorder #MoodDisorders #SchizoaffectiveDisorder #Mania #Bipolar1Disorder

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Let's talk about therapy. Ending the stigma by having the conversation.

Therapy can look different to different people. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. Prayer. Coffee with friends. Texting. Being on the Mighty. Talk Space. Meeting with a religious leader. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. ElectroConvulsive Therapy. Holistic Therapy. Group therapy. Journaling. Meditation. Float Therapy. Walking in nature. Having a pet.

The right one is the one that works for you.

This is mainly a reminder that all types of therapy are ok. If you are comfortable: share your favorite, what works for you, why you like it.

I did Talk Space for a while a few years ago. I really liked that I could text my therapist in my moment of high emotions. I could get it all out before forgetting anything. That in itself was healing but so was the conversation after. I could work on it in my time, not having to wait a week or 2 after the triggering event. It was like journaling with feedback.

#Depression  #CognitiveBehaviorTherapy  #DialecticalBehaviorTherapy  #ElectroconvulsiveTherapy  #TherapyAnimal  #Agoraphobia  #Talkspace  #Addiction  #floattherapy  #emdr  #Nature  #Meditation  #Prayer  #Friends  #EndTheStigma  #BipolarDisorder  #BPDDiagnosis  #Journal  #Anxiety  #Trauma  #Grief  #MentalHealth  #Nature


Done with DBT groups #CheckInWithMe

I decided to leave the DBT group I signed up for a few weeks ago. And for weeks it’s started later than it should and a few participants were very triggering and annoying. It’s hard when you’re doing it via Zoom because of the technical issues and not everyone can hear each other. I was sick of how unorganized it was so now I’ve decided to find a therapist who can help me re-learn the skills again in person and without the aggravation.

#MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #DialecticalBehaviorTherapy