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Helping Our Helpers 💚

Full Disclosure - am a MH Consumer & Advocate writing on my own accord, with no affiliation whatsoever to media, government or activist groups and am a private citizen employed as a Truck Driver who wants to empower our Mental Health #treatment community so they can continue saving lives and lifting up society.

When it comes to #mentalwellness , Forced Therapy can be Compassionate Therapy. Heard this in an Audiobook yesterday by DJ Jaffe, put another way, something along the lines of "We may much rather have forced treatment than forced criminal incarcerations" - because many people in prison, may never have been diagnosed yet. People living with Severe Mental Illness are 20-1 times more likely to end up in prison than in a hospital. In order to protect both our vulnerable Mental Health #patients and our vulnerable Public, we must adopt Mental Wellness focused legislation similar to, the H.R.3717 Helping Families in Mental Health #Crisis Act of 2013, and go yet the further, empowering our Mental Wellness Professionals individually to have legal authority, for self certifying Need Of #Therapy Orders, including and not limited to, IVC & AOT.

Many people discover incremental improvements in their Mental Wellness Journey before being fully recovered, which is when some often suddenly begin refusing treatment, ghosting their dedicated Mental Health Team. As if the diagnosis was some misunderstanding or maybe they've been cured. This recede and withdraw phase, remains not some new phenomenon or an independent decision, rather it is part of the process, we must continue working through towards healing. The unfortunate reality is however, when we prioritize Patient Rights over Patient Health, we end up losing both; with many of these Patients falling into the same downward spiral - that recurring and worsening of their Mental #suffering ; leading them to Unaliving themselves, Drug Addictions, Public Outbursts, Unemployment & Rising Crime, which become a burden to Family Members, Themselves and to Society.

Organizations like APA, MHA, MHLG, NASW, NAMI, NABH, NCMW, NIMH, SAMHSA, TAC, THE MIGHTY and others, can help our Civilization with structured healing only when we let them. Otherwise, we continue to actively accept rising Drug Addictions, spreading Crime Rates, climbing national Unaliving Statistics and out of control Growing Poverty, into our very own neighborhoods and schools.

At some point, many Mental Health Consumers can enter an expected phase, where they become counterproductive, even asserting rights, to refuse continuing safe and effective Treatment, unless they are deemed a threat to themselves or others in a scheduled Court Hearing. Sadly, Hearings remain very time consuming when there are only minutes available, rather than weeks. When a Psychotherapist finally finds out a Patient is going through a combative withdrawal phase, planning an Attack or Unaliving themselves, it’s often already too late for scheduling Court Hearings to obtain an IVC or AOT order.

So we end up with hurt or worse, Victims, many of whom come to us for help. All it takes, to become a threat to injuring oneself or others; is that single Event, a Personal Crisis or Manic Episode, maybe some observed Social Media Post, an Intrusive Thought or even a Snap Impulse.

Short of the Federal or Municipal Government putting forward a much needed program of regularly introducing the continuous supply of SSRi and/or an Antipsychotic solution into our Water Treatment Facilities across the nation to benefit public health, our growing Crime Rates and our random Violence are becoming the new normal. While our Mental Health Professionals are handcuffed, in literal red tape, under "Patient Rights" - they still somehow carry this very heavy onus; or Crystal Ball, to be the ones who ring alarm before a grenade suddenly rolls across the busy office floor.

Reasonably, we don't allow intoxicated people to make decisions behind the wheel of a vehicle. So when does it make sense to have Mental Health Patients, who are naturally unaware of therapeutic benefits in Psychology and Psychiatry; making decisions to refuse, cancel or even ghost, their needed Mental Health Therapy?

It cannot be guaranteed that the Patient is even remotely aware what incidents may occur for themselves or others nearby, or even what is going on at the time, when doing so.
"Comprehension of important Medical Information'' and the "ability to keep a Safe Environment" - currently, stipulate whether your next possible Serial Outburst, gets treatment or not. They may lack the capacity to make responsible decisions hours after an interview, during a depressive or manic episode, where their brain chemicals do not function in the predicted way, causing them to suddenly snap. We don't have to continue inviting this.

Enabling our Mental Health Professionals to help and empower our Mental Wellness and SMI Consumers, is a two way street. We must remove bureaucratic red tape and allow our Mental Health Professionals to exercise their own Professional Judgment, having Discretionary Authority, without needing time consuming Court Orders, when providing on ground responsive Emergency Care, for Clients during their next sudden Crisis Event - as it happens - not after. This is how we streamline Mental Wellness. Only then, can we begin to curb random Public Outbursts, Terrorism, Road Rage, Domestic Disputes and more. Another positive, would be having too, Migrants, who may be silently suffering with Mental Illness, #PTSD , et cetera - finally being treated, who otherwise would go homeless, unaccounted, undocumented and untreated, left roaming neighborhoods.

And so it remains with great urgency that our Elected Representatives Draft then Pass Legislation, streamlining our Mental Wellness Professionals, with legal power to self certify IVC & AOT orders. This way, we will finally be lowering criminal activities; random violence, daily road rage and even, serial outbursts.

We owe this to both our Public and our Patients, who are actively seeking to improve their #MentalHealth .

Most Sincerely, Patient & Mental Health Treatment Advocate,


Sources; Look Up Your State - Treatment Advocacy Center

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My Brother's "Monster" 😢😭💔💔💔

So, a few weeks ago on a Saturday, I opened an email from the Department of Corrections State of Indiana for the past 20 years like I always do however to my surprise this email was different and was about to turn my world upside-down once again!

Twenty years ago, this October 21, 2004, my brother Jesse was murdered by his estranged wife (the monster). The monster shot him to death in his new apartment 💔 😢. The state of Indiana Prosecutor's office made a plea deal with my family knowledge. The plea was for 50 years in prison, only to serve 45 years. The monster had to serve half of 45 years and be on parole for five years. In Indiana, murders only have to serve half of the sentence time despite murdering productive citizens.

The email I received was informing that the monster's release date has drastically changed and is now being released November 5, 2024. This immediately caused me to spiral emotionally and mentally I could barely breathe. I immediately informed our Mom about the drastic change to the monster's release date. I immediately searched for the contact information for the state of Indiana Prosecutor's office and called to schedule a phone conference with a prosecutor.

I had my phone conference with a new prosecutor. Unfortunately, it wasn't the one who dealt with my brother's murder case. Apparently, everyone who worked during that time has retired, so I will never have my questions answered. The prosecutor was kind enough to speak with me and our Dad for over an hour. He tried to answer some legal questions we had. However, we are left with more questions than answers.

After that phone conversation, I received another letter from the Department of Corrections stating that the monster is requesting to be placed in a transition program instead of serving the rest of the sentence in prison. Unlike 20 years ago, the Department of Corrections in Indiana has provided my family the opportunity to send in statement letters to the court and the prosecutor's office in hopes of keeping the monster in prison longer.

Now, we are waiting to hear the decision from the courts in Indiana.

I do believe in "rehabilitation" for those in jail and prison. What I don't believe in is "good behavior." Reducing a monster sentence who murdered people should never happen! Except, in those circumstances of self-defense! (These are my personal opinions. Not open for a debate) Yes, I believe in this even if the monster was my family member. There are other ways of dealing with things in life besides murder.

My views on capital punishment changed dramatically after my brother was murdered. Before that day, I believed in.the death penalty and vengeance. However, after I received that phone call, I no longer believe in judicial death penalty for all. I actually spoke the words of forgiveness towards the monster who murdered my brother.

However, unlike what society says, "Time doesn't help with pain, sorrow, heartache 💔, and so on!" I have night terrors every night, I struggle mentally, emotionally, and physically, and the images of my brother's last day plays in my mind like a movie 24/7/365!

I'm struggling and don't know how to deal right now! Help me please 🙏🏽 😢 😭 💔
#Depression #anger #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Pain #Heartache #suffering

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Pain Girl by Melanie R.

Pain Girl by Melanie R.

The chronically ill that experience continuous pain in multiple areas everyday, myself included, dread the doctor office doodle I have dubbed “Pain Girl!” She’s infamously found in every pain clinic/doctor office and is said to have the ability to accurately depict the agony the chronic illness sufferer experiences with pencil smudges and a 1-10 score! Of course pain can only go to 10… said no rare chronic illness sufferer ever!
We are usually asked to circle the painful areas on a blurry drawing; labeling S for stabbing, B for burning, etc.
Such little information could be drawn for what I was experiencing with rare chronic illness. I usually had a Picasso painting to present most times! (Some say scribbles of frustration,…I say Picasso!) I don’t think I could even see Pain Girl under my swirling circles and slashes of pain. Making your doctor and yourself laugh while struggling in pain is always a plus.

So in the honor of Christ, the healing of the Body that Christ brings, and infamous pain girl, make a Picasso of your pain and healing.
Draw, paint, doodle, or get crafty making a picture of your pain girl/boy. Color the areas where you experience pain, swelling, stiffness, etc., then draw a cross, put a sticker, a heart, (whatever you want) as your symbol that:

-God is aware
-Hears your cries for relief
-you will be fully restored and healed.
-It won’t be long, etc.
Think of your own too.
Make it fun.
Please share/Post

Today could be the last day of suffering. Today could be the day of His return. Living in the body of Christ it proves that even though we are sick in body, we can heal, and be healed already. Suffer well! Healing will come!

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.

3 John 1:2

I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds, saith the Lord.

Jeremiah 30:17

#MitochondrialDisease #ChronicIllness #BackPain #ChronicInflammatoryDemyelinatingPolyneuropathy #ChronicPain #Jesus #suffering #InsideTheMighty #IrritableBowelSyndromeIBS #RareDisease #Hyperthyroidism #RheumatoidArthritis

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Hopeless #ChronicIllness #suffering #Undiagnosed

I have been dealing with this for 3 years now, I cannot imagine living the rest of my life like this. It started with me not being to able to exercise at all or exert myself and any activity or stress causes me chest discomfort, heart pounding, jitterness, unable to regulate my body temperature for hours maybe days. After struggling to fall asleep I get better next day. I am not able to go any long period without eating when this was normal for me in the past. Some days I get episodes of overwhelming fatigue that last less than 24 hrs but are crippling.

I have exhausted all work up and feel like a burden on my doctors and everyone I love. I don’t quite fit the dysautonomia or POTS picture based on my work up. All we know is that my body doesn’t utilize oxygen well and my heart works too hard.

How do you cope with this?

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Thinking in my thoughts, talking to my parts, in mindful awareness of my PTSD.

I take my hand to my heart...

To my inner child,

Hello part of me. I hear you. I'm sorry you're feeling sad, I'm sorry you're feeling lost but I'm making a tuna sandwich right now and I understand that you are in pain and that you are suffering but I cannot concentrate on my food. I want to give the space for you to be seen and heard but I think that now isn't the time to discuss this and I can't tell you what you need to hear, the answer to your do I fix your suffering? Maybe there isn't a way, maybe we just hold each other here, in my place in the kitchen, in your place in the past and we can be here and we take a moment to acknowledge that whatever it is your suffering from, that it's okay to feel what your feeling.

And so lets try and enjoy this sandwich together?

All my love, from my manager...

And I sit here in fear of this post today, because my mind is open to be witnessed now, and I am willing to be seen and seen I am.

#PTSD #innerchild #innerworld #foodlove #ChronicPain #suffering

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BPD and Suicidality

It makes you feel like a burden on your loved ones. Family support groups are not so available in India. So as a result families don't get to know how to deal with the person with BPD, although they are there with all intention to help. But they fail most of the time to understand what the person with BPD is going through and what to tell and not to tell. So it affects the person with BPD. And as diagnosed with BPD I know how difficult it is to control oneself from attempting suicide and self harming. I am self-harming from a very young age(when I was 10 years old). I have attempted suicide before. Two times. I was 20 years old then. I got diagnosed with BPD few days back when I'm 26. I don't know if it's already too late or not. Suicidal thoughts and urges are there. I'm fighting with it all the time. I know I won't get much help from my family. And I also don't have friends who will understand BPD. Most of them left because of my anger or I pushed them away. A typical BPD trait. My only hope is my therapist and maybe myself. It is really hard to exist with BPD and as an add I've Major Depressive Disorder and severe anxiety. Only GOD can help me I guess. I wish anyone suffering from any mental health issue gets treated and gets all the support they need. #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BPD #SuicideAttempt #suicidality #treatment #suffering #MentalHealth #MajorDepressiveDisorder #Anxiety

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What is a professional Overcomer?

If you deal with chronic illness or mental health and are unable to do all that someone without these problems can it doesn’t mean you have no value in fact it means your even more valuable because through the process and journey of these struggles we learn so much about perseverance, compassion and love. We all have one thing in common WE CHOOSE to love each day despite our pain and struggles
and we have a job it’s the most important of all to OVERCOME daily and that is not a job we get paid for but a job we choose to take everyday. So celebrate your profession because it really does make you who you are. The darkest times are when we have to choose to shine.

#POTS #MentalHealth #Anxiety #ChronicIllness #CheerMeOn #overcome #Depression #suffering #Pain #Faith

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When your sick and tired of being sick and tired

#Fibromyalgia #Fatigue #Pain #BackPain #ChronicFatigue #ChronicIllness #suffering #CognitivelyDisabled #Pyhsicallydisabled #FibromyalgiaSucks

We are so sick and tired of being sick and tired. Not having energy to do life. Not haveing the ability to do life. Living codependent and not independent. We are so frustrated sad fed up miserable we are not able to do what others do. In some cases IT is a blessing you have no 9 to 5 cause you can’t work. You have no significant responsibilities cause your not reliable. You have no commute or co-workers to deal with. An ungrateful supervisor or boss to report to. On the flip side you can’t even handle basic vehicle maintenance cause you can’t be outside in the cold or you get a chill. Further you are not able to drive anywhere anyway cause the stress of driving and travel on your body causes severe fatigue pain and you don’t enjoy yourself being out in public.

At this point if IT were possibly you would like to work remotely like built websites or programming. Yet you have such brain fog or you are not able to focus and you have several fatigue issues with mental focus. So you can really just barely concentrate on your needs to do to keep you alive. You even forgot to pay you bills or get back to that email. In fact you don’t even know what day IT is until you look are your phone.

Then you go to mindfulness classes or CBT sessions and chronic pain centres where they tell you you can get some relief if you change you thinking or if you meditate 🧘‍♀️ and or do stretches and physiotherapy movements. This is a journey to mental health and body recovery ❤️‍🩹. You continue to do so and when you go and do you feel good yet 1 to 2 hour sessions drain you drastically because your done for the rest of the day.

Try going to watch your children at a sporting event for a few hours only. To spend the rest of the day on the couch with a heating pad.

We know there is someone out there that this is speaking to. We know you are going through this too.

HSP Highly Sensitive People are so sensitive that environmental and social interactions completely drain us. We would love to go and go like the rest of the world. However if your a HSP you have to hibernate and recharge before going out again.

Please don’t give up there must be a cure there must be a way we can get better ❤️‍🩹.

Once able to work 60 hours a week. Once able to work look after children and house with a partner. Now just barely managing us. There must be a way. Heck they are transplanting new nerves into people who are stuck in a wheelchair so they can walk. You can’t tell me that IT is not possible to cure this cause world governments came up with a vaccine 💉 for Covid there must be a way to correct Fibromyalgia.

So if your still reading this and IT hits home cause someone you know has this Chronic Condition. Please please tell them do not give up.

You matter you are important you are worthy you are not alone you are valued and loved.

Please write ✍️ please post there are so many people who suffer from this.

Please keep the faith God can heal anything.

Please help our community so we can help others with this condition.


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He knows how you feel.

For those of you who deal with extreme sensitivity to rejection and anxiety as I do, please know that we are in good company.

Not only on earth, but even now in heaven, Jesus has and is experiencing rejection and abandonment.

On earth He experienced it from those who chose to deny His message, not to mention the very people who accepted Him but then encouraged His torture and death. He asked God to forgive the very same people that were at that time torturing and murdering Him. Lastly,His disciples abandoned Him when praying at Gethsemane and again out of fear as He hung on that cross.

Please know that we are not alone in our suffering. Jesus is suffering right along with us.

#Rejection #abandonment #Trauma #suffering #notalone #MightyTogether #TheMighty

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