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Oh lol

Cardiologist says I have tachycardia, so that's fun.
Also did a breath test and it turns out I have SIBO so I'm currently getting treated for that (icky tho).

They did an abdominal ultrasound that showed mild enlargement of my liver (benign so my doc isn't worried about it) and a small non-obstructive kidney stone.

It's been a while since I've been on antibiotics so I gotta ask - while I'm on antibiotics (doxycycline and flagyl), can I eat normally throughout the day (when my appetite exists)?

#sibo #Tachycardia #HEDS #antibiotics #questions

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Accomidations in chaos

Accomidations in this chaos are few and far in between. I don't participate in any extra #chaos . Our home is one with a variety of thins already going on on a daily bases.... people struggling.
We are a home it a fully disabled Army combat wounded veteran with the inability to work. So, you're talking... #intervert , #PTSD , extra #Depression because he is still able to work in his mind and told he can't, #TraumaticBrainInjury , #PhysicalMedium , #SleepApnea , #closterphobic (in certain situations), #HearingLoss ... and what other #Undiagnosed issues he had prior.. besides #temperment . To add to it... the oldest (teenager) in our home also has a variety of issues...#ADHD , #Merld , #GAD , #undiagnosedasd , #odd , #RaynoldsSyndrome , #mildDyslexia , #boarderlineBiploar ... #sensitive #empath
Next, a seven year old. He is Super tall for his age and has tons of #growthspurts along with everything else. He is a #SensitiveEmpath with #PTSD and signs of #SPD (#SensoryProcessingDisorder ). He may also have #auditoryprocessing issues. He receives #OT , #St , and #SociaWork services.
Next is a smart, stubborn, five year old; and a smart, overly active three year old. You are lucky if they keep their shoes on most the time anywhere. 💯🤪🤣
With all the professional knowledge from my college years (associates degree) and learning from friends I have in the higher up professions of environmental control, Industrial Hygene, constitutional attorney... it also makes me not want to play along with all the chaos that occurs in our current world, let alone make my kids participate.
Healthcare facilities are being able to break all laws, oaths, and rules they want currently because the ADA is doing nothing just as OSHA has been doing. Instead of helping prevent illness, they are spreading it more. They refused my 7yo this summer from a tick bite, instead of looking at his hip to see it if was #LymeDisease that required antibiotics. Then, I had to fight with them at ER showing my wide knowledge to get my child help.. stressing us out in the process. He was so #anxious the was tightly gripped on my arm as we wanted the room to get seen. He needed #antibiotics .
Recently, my husband whom had a #spinesurgery last year was to be seen by his primary #NP . She refused a virtual appointment, and refused to see him in person without a mask 😷. He knows masks at these levels don't work for virual (#mocksuits #biochemicalsuits ), gets #clisterphobic , aren't going by #FederalPPEGuidlines , and already is having issues breathing (#musclespasms around his esophagus and #lockjaw ). He asked if they ever tried breathing through a pillow because it is how he will feel with a mask on if he here to wear one. (Plus. Some of those are put together in dirt.. and dipped in chemicals.) My husband was terminated of their care and not allowed to come back to #Bronson . When he got looking at our chart information... our WHOLE family was #terminatedofcare from #BronsonHealthSystem .

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That wasn’t a challenge!

Dear life, when I asked if I could feel any worse, that wasn’t a challenge!

The antibiotics definitely aren’t working, and the side effects have me feeling worse than ever before.

How awful I’m feeling makes me want cuddles but I only saw my boyfriend yesterday so I’ll just have to wait it out :(

#breathlessness #nausea #heartracing #Dizziness #lightheaded #antibiotics #SideEffects #Fever #Sweating #lossofappetite #illness #Infection

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antibiotic haze

being on antibiotics always screws with me but this round(s) have been worse. it doesn't feel like its going to end. lying down and sleeping are so destructive with EDS that i spend all day either napping or wigging out and crying and kicking everyone out.
theyre all trying but im not making it easy.
i just dont feel like they can understand having your whole body and abilities and pride taken from you all at once #antibiotics #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness


I'm worried about bringing up a issue because I'm worried my doctor will just blame my weight rather than give a solution.

I've have an ongoing external yeast infection for close to two months. Anti fungal creams are doing little to nothing. It's painful and smells honestly (sorry). It's moving around my body and is of course only in uncomfortable places. But I'm worried rather than just giving me and anti fungal prescription my doctor will blame my weight. I know this is because I took antibiotics too much as a child and messed up my whole system. But since its in well folds they'll blame my weight. I had a DDD chest when I was underweight that won't solve this issue. It also doesn't help right now. #Fibromyaliga #ChronicIlless #ChronicPain #antibiotics


Has anyone with MCAS had ICU desensitization to an antibiotic before?

I have numerous antibiotic allergies that have caused anaphylaxis, but the organisms I'm growing in my lungs are resistant to almost everything but what I'm allergic to. I just got out of the hospital on liquid Augmentin that I'm putting through my J-tube. it's our last choice now besides ICU desensitization which scares me a lot as i've very nearly died taking the meds we'll put me on. has anyone had desensitization and it's gone okay? I'm just nervous and want to prepare. #CysticFibrosis #antibioticdesensitization #antibiotics #Anaphylaxis #MastCellActivationDisorder


One Week Into Hospital rant

#CysticFibrosis #hospitalstay #antibiotics #PiccLine #Breatheeasy.
just wanted to vent a little bit about how my hospital is going (not that anyone cares too much lol). so basically I’ve always been on the same meds for MRSA and Pseudemonous; vancomycin, tobramycin, and ceftazadime, and usually by now I’m feeling a bit better but I don’t??? oh yeah and I also tested positive for mycobacterium in August so they don’t know if that’s what’s causing my symptoms. I’ve just had a super bad wheeze and was coughing up blood over the weekend and ever since then I’ve sounded way way worse. also note that ventolin doesn’t work for me at all so they don’t believe it’s Asthma of any kind. I’m a little worried because I have PFTs tomorrow so I really, really hope they haven’t dropped or I’m going to be spending a few more weeks after next week here.
another thing that bugs me a bit is that I’m on another ward this time because I’m growing mycobacterium so I needed to go into a negative pressure room and I’ve just found a bunch of differences that have bothered me a bit. no one comes to clean my room anymore which is pretty odd because they did everyday when I was on the “less infectious” floor with the MRSA and pseudomonas. also I found that the nurses really aren’t as educated with cf and I always tell them that I take creon right before I eat anything and it’s not like a strict time I must take them, but they don’t really listen to me. since I’ve been here vitals and everything has been good but they still come in every hour to check of oxygen is working when I’m not even on oxygen. so kinda weird and different, also not hating on nurses AT ALL! I’m so grateful and thankful for the hard work they put in and probably wouldn’t be where I am today.
a little off topic but last night somehow all my dressing came off of my picc line? and it was just exposed cause it doesn’t have sutures or anything to keep it from falling out. luckily I realized and woke up and it didn’t fall out but I’m just worried about possible infection as i accidentally touched it when it was dark in the middle of the night and was definitely breathing on it.
anyway that was kinda a long rant but I wanted to let it out :)


‘Tis the season

somehow I’ve let myself get sick. I’ve had a raging respiratory infection for 10+ days now. I’m on a second antibiotic now since the first didn’t axe it. I’m still struggling to breathe and having massive pain on the left side of my face. just crazy. I’m so annoyed. after starting ivig treatments I’ve been doing so well and this just feels like a huge step back. So much sinus pressure, blood and coughing.
just complaining! yay flu season!
#CommonVariableImmuneDeficiency #IVIG #sinusproblems #infections #frustrations #antibiotics