Hey guys, it’s been a while since I’ve posted in here. So in school I have a therapist who visits me on a weekly basis and she told me this Muscle relaxation technique and I thought I’d share it with you all! No promises it will work I haven’t tried it myself yet but it is worth the try so for this you are probably best to find a private and quiet location,and you should either sit or lie in a comfortable spot. The idea of this technique is to intentionally tense each muscle and then to release the tension.
A) tense the muscles in your toes by curling them into your foot. Notice how it feels when your foot is tense, hold the tension for 5 seconds.
B) Release the tension from your toes. Let them relax. Notice how your fingers feel differently after you release the tension.
C) Tense the muscles all throughout your calf. Hold for 5 seconds. Notice the feeling of tension in your legs.
D) release the tension from your calf and notice how the feeling of relaxation differs.
Follow this pattern of tensing and releasing tension all throughout your body. After you finish with your feet and legs, move up through your torso, arms, hands, neck, and head.
I hope this will help some of you guys out there and I’m wishing the best of recovery to all #youcandothis #beatanxiety