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Still learning.

This is a good reminder for today and every day. It's so difficult to see the light at the end of the darkness and lately I just feel stuck. Stuck in the past and past hurts, stuck in the present because I feel like I don't know what I'm doing or where I'm going, and stuck in the future because there's things I want for myself that just seem far fetched. It's hard to hold on to that hope that things will get better, that things will look brighter.Each step is a step forward no matter how small and sometimes that's hard to focus on and remind myself of. But here's to holding on and moving forward little by little.
#Life #Upsanddowns #Anxiety #Depression #Hope #keepmovingforward

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Don’t give up. #keepmovingforward

Today may seem impossible, but there is always tomorrow; a new day. Give life a chance. #Depression #Anxiety #SuicidalIdeation National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 800-273-8255

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Add a Little Humor

#Laugh #thinkhappythoughts #happy #Motivated #keepgoing

Sometimes you have to add a little humor to serious situations. In my case, I have found it is the best way to push myself in a direction of healing when something traumatic occurs. I would much rather find a little something to smerk, smile, grin, chuckle, giggle, or laugh about than having nothing at all.

I often worry about things that do not ever occur. Then there are times where a large change occurs and I find myself nerve-racking for days. But a little bit of humor goes a long way. Just like the photo of #MeleniaTrump , it reminds me about taking a political situation and make jokes. I take jokes from both sides. Being too serious causes big problems for people, especially myself.

I am feeling pretty good tonight. It is 11:20pm on 10/19/2020. Where ever you are at this time, I hope you are well. Whatever time you read this, I pray you are doing well. I hope that tomorrow you have a fantastic day. I hope tonight you #Sleep well. Add a little laugh to your night or your day, and #keepmovingforward .

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#keepmovingforward #onefootinfrontoftheother

At this #time last year I started having high pitched noises in my ears, my skull felt tingly and hot like it was #onfire , and #Brainzaps in my head and neck, and feeling like electricity was going down my spine. I thought I was #Crazy because no one can hear, feel or see what was happening and debilitating #mylife . 2 MRI's done on 12/27/19 I get the call from my neurologist. No pinched nerve, no m.s. Two #brainanurisyms . Both need surgery. I ask my neurosurgeon if the symptoms I've been having aren't anurisym related then #wtf is it?? #anxiety #stressresponsemode #fightorflight
3/6/20 I had a full #Crainiotomy afraid to touch my head or look at myself or ask for help. My first surgery in my life was #BrainSurgery . The photo here is Miracle who stood by me, or pulled me, so I'd #NeverGiveUp . Second surgery was 7/23/20. Anxiety #savedmylife even though it was due to working non-stop as a counselor with #peoplewhousedrugs and training thousands on how to #savealife from #opioidoverdose with #Naloxone but I never took time to care for me, I gave it away. My anxiety is better, still sucks daily but not like before. Except for today, it was a replay of #Healing and of #hurting . #Miracle , once again pulled me through, and I didn't fight her.
I fought anxiety. And won.


Means of Escape

I’ve been indulging in my hobby of drawing in the last few weeks which has put me in a happy place for the time being. Things seem to change everyday almost. I’m tired a lot most times, but I know I have to keep moving. No one really knows that I struggle with my mental health and I have been recently thinking about disclosing that to a few people that are close to me, but I wouldn’t really know how to bring that up. Life at home is beginning to feel lonely. I try to be supportive of my family and my mom has mental health issues herself. I often negate the fact that I too have issues because I’ve always felt that I had to help someone else. I can’t deny that I need help, and I find that a lot of times I’ll seek it outside of the family. With all honesty, the smiles and laughter in public melts into numbing loneliness when I’m alone. There have been periods where I’ve cried myself to sleep. I deal with my problems the best way I can, but I often want to forget where I am and who I am for a while. #MentalHealth #Depression #Loneliness #familyissues #issues #seekinghelp #tiredness #keepmovingforward

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Good start today..💕

Today I completed and submitted my application for housing assistance. Im very anxious about the outcome of this process. This is the start of something new and scary for me. I need a new place to stay and im hoping that this nonprofit called The Arc of NC will grant me a place for me and my wonder pets to live in peace. My current living situation is very toxic and this new place would really be a blessing. Fingers crossed! #freshstart #hopeful #thankful #keepmovingforward #MajorDepressiveDisorder #Depression #Anxiety #MentalHealth #MentalHealthHero #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder

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physical damage #physical #keepmovingforward

I lost everything last year, I was homeless and not knowing if I would survive. it wasn't just me, my kids lost everything also. Divorce isn't easy. My depression and anxiety clearly showed on my face. :( #Divorce #keepbreathing