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You Dont Know Me


In a land where all things look good and kept is a reality that something’s not quite right.

Enter the villain 🦹‍♀️ the Narcissist who married an Exho. Yet while the Echo was unaware the echo tried so many different things to make IT all work for the children and the spouse. Over the top adventures were agreed to reckless spending and debt was agreed to and in fact co signed the spouse’s University Student Debt.

All was good as long as the spouse was pleased and entertained. However the spouse would become board. Would even start to exhibit out of character behaviour and would go out with their so called friends staying out endlessly while the echo looked after the children.

Then the affairs and the echo would call out the Narcissist. The Narcissist would be confronted by family and would recline into a relationship with the echo again. The cycle continues yet the echo becomes more and more aware more and more watching absent and picks qualities from the narcissist to emulate.

Now there are two in the same house who’s placing their needs of self love over each other’s needs for one and other.

The bed grows cobwebs and there is no passionate connection only passive aggressive behaviour and malicious behaviour with manipulation. Everything is a game a dance of sorrows.

The children watch on as their parents transform from loving caring parents into separate souls who reject each other’s desires or needs.

This sounds horrible yet remember the echo has leaned. Agile and smart in order to survive. Abused neglected and abandoned by their spouse on a numerous occasions for affairs of fancy and inappropriate behaviour.

The echo unaware that the abuse was directed at them and the children becomes even more self aware. Therapy and counselling bring into the light the true situation. The echo sets limit’s expectations the narcissist plows over them the echo sets standards the narcissist prefers to do what they what when they want with who they want.

The echo mimics this behaviour the narcissist becomes unstable and physically aggressive with covert manipulation.

Long story short the echo becomes the villain based on the narcissist’s manipulation.

Now the victim becomes the villain and the divorce starts.

The victim and villain is treated well like the villain reinforcing the trauma and relationships traumas events CPTSD and other mental health related issues like suicidal ideation and dissociation.

The victim or villain becomes incarcerated only to find their true selves in the institution while recovering ❤️‍🩹 from the narcissist being separated from the narcissist and developing a sense of self reliance with spiritual growth.

The victim and villain returns to become the hero 🦸‍♀️

Not the hero to themselves no the echo is still growing underneath and realizing what has truly happened and why IT happened yet this person is not the same person that entry the institution. No this person is completely different. The hero is hero to observers and othe survivors. Becoming an inspiration and testimony to the people who come in contact with the survivor.

The survivor begins helping random strangers empowering their beliefs and self narratives to be self loving with compassion while healing ❤️‍🩹 in peer social and yes groups with others dealing with loved experiences.

The hero is no long an echo no the echo is now an emotionally awakened spiritual healer. Yet growing learning supporting and yes very much still recovering ❤️‍🩹.

This healer this shaman this foraged soul built in the depths of the despair is beyond comprehension to most and yet this story has a happy ending.

The hero continues their journey and helps others along the way while also developing healthy boundaries and relationships because they are now healthy and they now have self compassion for their own needs and the needs of thier children.

The book comes out and there are so many people that are touched by the story and illuminates other’s suffering that they begin to believe and become stronger than ever able to brake their own chains and set themselves free.

The story of one can effect others and empower others.

This is a true story name’s removed for protection.

If this story is happening or has happened to you or someone you are not alone.

You matter

You are important

You belong

You are valued

You are worthy

Please remember to be safe be well be loved 🥰 your worthy.

Don’t forget IT.

We hope this helps someone out there even just one. Don’t give up don’t give in don’t stop fighting. There are so many people depending on you.

You just haven’t met them yet or they haven’t read your store.

#LivedExperiance #Support #MentalHealth #Grief #PTSD #Depression #Anxiety #SuicidalIdeation #Survivor #DissociationDisorders #Healing #Recovery #restoration #Newlife #Empowerment #Hope #Joy #Love #peace #patience lots of patience.

Be well we hope this finds you well if you know someone struggling or suffering and situation, please help them. They don’t even know they need help.

Most common user reactions 10 reactions

New beginnings!

Hi! Boy am I glad to find you! Without going into a big long story; suffice it to say, I now have the opportunity to reinvent ... find out who I am. I had no idea where to begin! Thanks for being here! #Recovery #MentalIllness #Grief #EmotionalAbuse #Guilt #Newlife

Most common user reactionsMost common user reactionsMost common user reactions 18 reactions 4 comments

Adapting and accepting the new version of yourself

Since becoming unwell where its become life changing as I am sometimes bed bound took a lot of acceptance and a long time to be able to adapt to the new life of chronic pain that is now part of me. Adapting is one thing but accepting I'm no longer able to do the things I did in the past is hard to get your head around but somehow after a good few years I'm getting there. ##ADAPT #Acceptance #Newlife #InvisibleIllness


I'd like to introduce myself....

Hi everyone, my name is Diane and I'm new to the group. I have been on The Mighty for many years only I didn't use it for a long time until recently. I have suffered from depression all of my adult life, I lost my dad last year, he was my rock, my safe haven so I have been trying to live a life without him. This year I have had other health issues arise which is extra to cope with but I'm doing well. I have given up smoking, lost weight, eating a healthy diet and taking regular exercise. I know that I will struggle with my grief, I also know that my dad would want me to be happy. So I'm making a new life which I have been enjoying very much. #livingdepression #Newlife #Grief #livingon #newtomorrow


All Hallows Eve Candle

I was part of a Halloween walkabout (social distanced so don't worry) it was an arty fight night with fire performers, dancers, story telling, a band and loads more in an old graveyard.. I was a monk with a witches nose and in charge of 'limbo' a garden of manakin body parts, I got to wave a leg at people while saying "welcome to limbo, please don't take the limbs though!" Well I could say whatever I liked but that's what I choose 😂
It was so much fun and I felt it appropriate because i feel like I've lived long patches of my life in limbo .. waiting for change but too afraid to make it. Well my whole life is different now, so I've started to put the work in to make it as full and positive as I can!
At the end people were led into the beautiful old church to say a prayer and light a candle for those we have lost. I've lost so, so many i could light a garden of candles! I lit one for my mum, the man who raised me and my ex boyfriend/soulmate.
It felt special to light a candle in that place for them on the night the Vail is thinnest 🤗🕉️☯️☮️
Never Forgotten, Always Loved.
#Grief #Memories #Newlife #Family #Beingalone #PTSD #BipolarDepression #warrior #Survivor #livingforthoseyouhavelost #rip #Healing #Halloween #prey #believinginyourself #movingon


#Selfharm #SuicideAttempt #Newlife

So, it's been a long while since I've last posted. Long story short, I attempted to take my own life early 2019. I succumbed to my depression and intrusive thoughts..I'm not going to go into details.. but after I was hospitalized and released.. I felt.. new. Like a snake with new skin. All of the negative energy my brain carried was gone.. and my brain finally shut up. I don't feel like the same person I once was. It doesn't feel like that relieving feeling after an episode of depression. It feels like I was reborn. Sometimes I miss the old me, sometimes I think about if I would've followed through. It just feels weird that I've met people who don't know the old me. I just had to get that out. thanks for reading. 😁


When the normal is changing for something better, but you can't make it stick. It's hard to try and not to reach out for the old normal and fall back into the pit.

Lately I've been doing so well on my medications and the therapy that I even got a job. With all this new, my ground has become unsteady and I try to fall into the old ways of depression and my ideation issues. I'm just not used to this new life that I'm living. It doesn seem real and a huge part of me is waiting for the down fall. With these thoughts I'm setting myself up for a fall that most likely isn't going to happen unless I make it happen. Mental health is so difficult and frustrating. #newbetternormal #BPD #Bipolar #Depression #Anxiety #Newlife

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Something New & Really Big

I want to move somewhere new and begin anew. I've never left the town I was born and raised in. It's a tourist area where sure it would be fun to be...that's if you have money to participate! (which being disabled from chronic pain/illness I am not) Plus I certainly never planned to be here birth to death. I want to move and really considering FL (from PA.) Like to turn this gorgeous historian building I found, on my last visit to family there, into some sort of community business. I also have had terrible anxiety my whole life so this is a daunting idea but one I cannot stop thinking about!
#52SmallThings #anxious #Newlife