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The Mirror They Shattered

They whispered lies like lullabies,

Soft at first—just echoes, sighs.

Planted seeds in fertile ground,

Until your thoughts weren’t yours—they drowned.

They wrote your story in the dark,

Painted blame upon your heart.

Taught you guilt like it was air,

Made you think they put it there.

"You ruin, you break, you bring the rain,"

They stitched those words into your brain.

But what if truth was never theirs?

What if love was always scarce?

You were never the curse.

You were never the weight.

You were the light they feared,

The soul they couldn’t break.

And now you rise, the story’s flipped,

Unchained, untamed, the script is ripped.

The mirror they shattered, it wasn’t you—

It was their own reflection breaking through.

You are not their shame.

You are not their pain.

You are the one who got away,

And you will never break again.

Unshackled. Unbroken. Unstoppable.

They wrote the story. You hold the pen.

Heal. Rise. Rewrite.

Your light was never the problem.

Break free. Stay free. Shine on.

#BreakTheCycle #Unbroken #healingjourney #RewriteYourStory #RiseAbove #youareenough #FromSurvivorToThriver #MentalHealthAwareness #OwnYourPower #resiliencerevolution



They tell her, stay inside,

wrapped in walls built by their fears,

whispering warnings— it’s dangerous out there,

but she sees through the veil of their lies.

It’s not the world that’s cruel,

it’s them—

the ones who hold the leash,

who domesticate, who dictate,

who carve her role in stone and call it love.

They say, relax,

but how can she,

when her hands are full of invisible labor,

when the weight of a home rests upon her back,

when the walls echo with chores that never end?

She is the silent architect of comfort,

the ghost who cleans, cooks, and keeps them fed,

while they roam free, chasing coins and excuses.

And when they return—

oh, how they demand,

worship for mere existence,

admiration for simply showing up.

They call her ungrateful,

a woman never satisfied—

projection, deflection, deception.

A man is made by a woman’s hands,

yet they claim divinity,

blind to the irony, deaf to the truth.

Society bows to them,

but she sees them—

not gods, not kings, not warriors—

just frightened boys in borrowed power,

playing at leadership with empty hearts.

They chase what is easy,

what is shallow,

mistaking lust for love,

mistaking control for connection.

They do not see a real woman,

for a real woman does not sparkle under their gaze,

she burns, she glows from within.

She feels souls, not faces.

And when she leaves—

when she runs so far

that their names become whispers lost in the wind—

it is then that they understand love,

too late, too late.

By then, she has become untouchable,

hardened yet whole,

a phoenix risen from the ashes they tried to bury her in.

She has seen what true self-hatred looks like.

She has witnessed a man destroy himself

just to avoid facing his own reflection.

And in the wreckage, she found herself again—

lost, then found,

shaken, then steady,

torn, then whole.

Now she walks alone,

not because she has no love,

but because solitude is safer than false intimacy.

They call her cold, distant,

but they do not know the battles she fought,

the war she survived.

She is not bitter.

She is not broken.

She is free.

#Unshackled #BreakingChains #RiseAbove #selflovejourney #HealingThroughPain #Knowyourworth #EmotionalFreedom #breakingthecycle #StrengthInSolitude #ReclaimYourPower #SilentBattles #AuthenticLiving #NoMoreIllusions #DeepHealing


New Fish Tank - New Fish

Sometimes the blessing is pulling you out!

#SuicideSurvivor #Fibromyalgia #RiseAbove

Amen to this and all the above One Love

God sometimes sets you apart so you can spend time with him and heal.

Some of us get the second chance deal however it means life is completely reset and rearranged.

This is a blessing often misunderstood.

Think of it as a fish tank and a sick fish only gets better in a clean fish tank.

Now when the fish is healthy and clean all healed. The fish does not go back to the dirty or toxic fish tank.

The fish gets a new fish tank with new fish and is happy with out the toxic water and fish that made the fish ill in the first place.

Sometimes God gives you a new life in a new fish tank.

Thank Good for saving you and giving you a chance to live.


Most common user reactions 2 reactions
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Kindness is a sign of strength…

I saw this today, and it just resonated with me. We have choices in how we behave, especially towards what we perceive as rudeness, or even anger in another person. We don’t have to fuel a fire..We can choose to be kind, calm, and self-disciplined. Even if we’re secretly losing our composure when faced with certain people in life. We can choose to fake it till we make it, if we have to deal with rude and uncouth people..Usually, it’s people who are trying to manipulate or get their own way, or those with a sense of self-entitlement, I see that as rudeness. I also see a general disregard, a discourtesy for another’s feelings, or for a persons space as rudeness. We don’t have to acquiesce to the rudeness of someone though.

#Kindness #strength #Emotions #higherground #Selfesteem #RiseAbove

#Depression #PTSD #insecurity #FamilyAndFriends

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rising above :)

underwater angel

underwater glow

rising to our surface

as our spirits grow

our angels guide us gently

to fresh air above

watching as we leave the screams

way far below

((thank-you dear angels :)



Trauma is like broken glass

When trauma happens it feels like a part of me shatters like a piece of glass.
Shards splinter everywhere and even bursts into dust.
I can't put the pieces back together completely like they once were
Like a perfect puzzle I once yearned to be
I can take that dust and remnants of the past and create something beautiful.
In Japan they don't throw broken pieces of pottery into the trash
Instead put them back together again with gold.
My pain is a lamp for the lost
My trauma is the gold that forges me
My strength is the voice that gives me wings
I choose me. I choose now.
Hope is never lost
#TheMighty #Trauma #Abuse #kintsugi #RiseAbove

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A Pharmacist called me “A big red flag” #ChronicPain

This afternoon I called my doctors office to ask why my muscle relaxer was not filled. They informed me that the pharmacist wouldn’t fill it because of a state regulated law. This I understand, however I have been taking these medications together for many years. I am a chronic pain patient and I am treated based off what I can and cannot take. Not only am I a chronic pain patient due to a genetic disorder in which I was born with(Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome) but as many of you know this comes with a list of comorbidities. I won’t get into all of them but one of the comorbidities that I present, is mast cell activation disorder. I am allergic to and/or have reactions to a lot of different medicines. I am currently taking three medicines that the pharmacist decided he was going to hold hostage. 1 Percocet, 2 Clonazepam, and 3 Metaxalone. None of which are regularly filled on the same date. I also do not take the Percocet daily, it is as needed and only for very bad days. I just recently switched to Metaxalone because I was on Soma and understood the risks of the medication. I called the pharmacy to air my concerns. While speaking with the pharmacist he made it very clear to me that he did not see me as a patient in pain, but as a medication seeker. This made me quite angry. This is a new pharmacy for me so I do not know this man and he doesn’t know me. I’ve previously filled elsewhere and never had these issues or been treated this way, but when my insurance changed so did my pharmacy. I understand that these conditions are rare and that means they are treated differently than your typical ailment. I tried explaining myself to the pharmacist and he continuously spoke over me and wouldn’t listen. He treated me as though I was an addict he said “If” I needed all of these medications together than they needed to be prescribed by the same doctor, probably a pain management doctor. I explain to him that I saw a pain management doctor at which point he cut me off. He said “whoa whoa whoa now you are a big red flag.” He didn’t let me explain that I don’t get medication from this doctor because of people like him, people who treat me like I’m a junkie, like I’m little, like I don’t deserve to be treated with love. He didn’t let me explain I only go to a pain management doctor for a nerve ablation in my back for spinal stenosis. All he did was talk over me, and belittle me, make me feel like I was nothing. Although this is not something I am new to, it still brought back some memories I wasn’t ready for. Which is funny because the one medicine he’s holding hostage is the medicine that helps me control my PTSD from the abusive relationship that made me a scattered anxious mess. I grew after that relationship. I became pretty strong. Strong headed, strong-willed, strong hearted, a little mouthy even. The best part about it is he got to see that I refuse to be treated like anything less than human. I bite back. #EDS #pharmacy #RiseAbove #lovewins #Human

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I finally found the strength within myself & have the Courage to share this so that anyone who has suffered, much as I did myself knows they are not alone. The Semi Colon Movement is to bring awareness to Mental Health. "Your story is not over yet" like an author could have ended a sentence, instead they chose to continue it. This movement is to bring awareness to people who suffer or have suffered from depression, anxiety, self harm & suicide. Let's show support & bring awareness so people know they are LOVED, NOT ALONE and there is HOPE. I have struggled the better part of my life trying to find reason within myself not to give up. I am very lucky to be alive today and I am happy and will continue to fight everyday to "Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free the mind". I want people to know that they don't have to suffer & not to give up on themselves as I did myself, YOU are WORTHY & I LOVE YOU. I have to give huuuuge credit to my bestfriend Kye Matthews for designing & drawing this piece for me, he is truly an artist and someone who has supported me through everything. I also want to thank my wonderful family & many other friends who have made "living" the only option for me. I am truly blessed and so thankful, thank you ❤️ #semicolonproject #semicolonmovement #MentalHealthAwareness #MentalHealth #Depression #Anxiety #Selfharm #sucide #loveyourself #beworthy #NeverGiveUp #keepfighting #iamasurvivor #Support #Awareness #ComeTogether #BeStrong #RiseAbove #bobmarley #Faith #emancipateyourselffrommentalslavery #girlswithtattoos #Tattoo #inktherapy @the.4hundred