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My son Isaiah was born at 23 weeks and 2 days he was born on 2/27/25. It was scary when my water broke I was telling myself my son is too small still and he can't come out yet. I was crying and praying that he will be okay he is fighting more each day to stay alive. He will be in the NICU until he is 40 weeks old. It's hard to see him everyday because I have my 2 year old son and I don't drive and I don't have anyone close to me to help take care of him for a bit so I can go see his little brother at the NICU. I wait until his dad gets home from work and we go see him at night time and make sure we let him know that we love him and that everyone is praying for him. It's hard especially all of us that are going through it having to see our baby in the NICU not able to hold them yet or to touch them because they are too small. #NICU #strong #Faith

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Love is on my mind

Sometimes I feel as if I am living in a world of greed, hate, and confusion. There are many things I do not understand and there are also things that genuinely confuse me. Some days are better than others. I choose to have love on my mind, and focus on what it is that I can do, and try not to focus on what I cannot do.

Strengths and Weaknesses are important equally. This means sometimes my weaknesses may seem overwhelming, but in the reality it is what makes me who I am. Therefore it is so important. Show love to yourself, but don't forget to show love to others.

#Bisexual #strong #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Agoraphobia #BipolarDisorder #PanicDisorder

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Live a Little

Hello Everyone.
It has been a while since I was last here. I used to post regularly, but things got caught up. My father passed away last year in #2022 and it was not fun. I was very #sad and did not know what to do. #Grief is never anyone's friend. Sometimes you have to live a little and let go a bit. Tonight I was #Thinking about #Life and all of the #wonderful things that exist. I also think about all the #horrible things that have occured.

I have been #focused on the wrong things lately. Especially with a recent #Diagnosis of #ADHD and how my #Brain never shuts up.

I wondered if I was insane sometimes. I have been #sick a lot the past month and even now. It feels like every other week I am sick with something (virus, stomach problem or a cold). I think I am #okay though. I am going to #KeepMoving forward.

How are you all doing?


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Look at me being all emotional. I can only imagine if you guys had the same drastic change in hormones that makes us girls this way. That's right, not only do we bleed for a week straight without dying, we experience pain when we are more sensitive to it, and our hormones are so out of whack that everything is "off". Count your blessings, boys.#TheMighty #MightyTogether #women #Girls #Hormones #strong

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Picture Description: "To make a difference in someone's life, you don't have to be brilliant, rich, beautiful, or perfect. You just have to care" #Disability #strong

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Picture Description: "To make a difference in someone's life, you don't have to be brilliant, rich, beautiful, or perfect. You just have to care" #Disability #strong

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Picture Description: Easy is to judge the mistakes of others. Difficult is to recognize our own mistakes. #SpinaBifida #strong

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Just don't give up trying to do what you really want to do.

Where there is love and INSPIRATION. I don't think you can go wrong.
#Disability #StayStrong #strong #Positivity #inspirational

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