Why don't I feel anything? #TW #Selfharm #MentalHealth #Depression #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder
It's been 5 days now since I tried to end me and took a bunch of pain killers. It obviously didn't work since I'm here typing about it.
I've struggled all my life with this empty feeling and not being good enough for anybody including my family, even if some express that they love very much. I was sent to see a psychologist after my school found out I was self harming. But my mom never really followed up with the recommendation. I thought I had gotten better but it just never seems to go away.
Recently (about 5 yrs ago) I've been having more problems that I seem to not be able to control. I must admit that I've always engaged in reckless behavior from drinking too much, used drugs, got involved in street racing or just driving super fast at night when the streets seem empty, just to get a thrill and feel adrenaline or something.
When I was younger it didn't seem like a problem. I did some stupid things but it didn't seem too bad. I would lash out at my mom sometimes and have some behavior problems. My family always said it was because of my age and that it was normal to go through these type of things. But deep down I always knew something was not okay.
My boyfriend of 10 years just broke up with me 2 weeks ago. And I feel like I lost a part of me. Our relationship wasn't easy and we could get in very bad arguments, so bad that we've got physical in 2 occasions. But we still had very good time together and we shared so many things. I always felt he was the only one that really understood me. Now I'm fighting the urge to call him and tell him to come back and that o don't want to loose my best friend. LOL I actually did try but got ignored and he hung up.
Ever since I actually woke up from my potential OD, nothing feels real, I don't feel sad, angry, not even disappointed or remorseful for what I did.
What is wrong with me? Why don't I feel something?