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I want to start a protest.. or at least encourage one | Rant about inflation and ad abuse, TW for some all cap text and mention of parent

Look. I completely understand that individuals out there need to make money. Especially after that year and event that shall not be named (it’s actually very uncomfortable when the names of worldwide events in 2020 are brought up), but this crap has gotten too far and bigger businesses are taking this for their greedy advantages. And I’m starting to feel like this is just an American thing here.

In my city, no matter where you look, there’s ads. Everywhere. We already had ads on buses, but now ontop of that, we have ads on a whole side of buses. I have to look down like 5 more times than usual just to avoid things that could possibly be triggering.

Google, an already billion dollar company, makes it a big problem for adblockers to work permanently, which is a problem for me because the exact reason I have an ad blocker is mainly to avoid ads that could possibly be triggering and uncomfortable to me, especially when I already deal with anxiety and other specified trauma disorder. And I hear that they’re about to make it even MORE harder, too this year (then again, they said that about last year)…

Some of my favorite websites are now declining their own reputations. One used to have one or two ads that lets you use its content for free, but now there’s literally 6 ADS everytime I go to an character maker page!! It is WAY too distracting to even focus on who I’m making…

Oh, and let’s not forget about inflation rates here being stupidly high. A bottle for allergies, for example. They have different tablet amounts for different prices. My mother bought me the largest amount of pills (100) and said that they used to be a lot cheaper, but now they’re $50. $50??? I couldn’t believe it until I looked on Amazon. $50 for allergy pills??? I get that it’s the highest amount, but 1) none of the other pills are close to that amount, and 2) it’s still a small bottle.. just with a larger amount. I could go on and on about so many other things being affected by how cheaper things used to be…
(Edit: They are now $38 as of March 22, 2024, but what a crazy price to boost up to for a temporary time.. and their list price is literally $49.99)

To those who argue that they just need the money, I get that. It’s not always easy especially if you’re running a smaller business or going solo, this rant is really towards the bigger companies. And to those who are mad at me for using an adblocker, please don’t be mad at me, as I mentioned before, some ads are very triggering for me to see. I will say that if you’re able to handle the ads, then please do go without an adblocker to help support those who need it.

But this has gotten too far. It’s like this American society and the internet is being brainwashed by this whole thing of money. “See this ad, pay this for that, oh guess what this item has a higher price now and you have to pay for it!!” Many big companies and websites are showing their true colors and are becoming more and more greedy as I speak, which is pretty sad. Smaller businesses are struggling because of this. This society has forgotten about the poor and making it much easier for folks/folx to get in poverty, especially for those who are non-white and LGBTQ+ (like me)! I thought we were supposed to be solving these issues, NOT ENCOURAGING THEM!

I want to start a protest. Or at least encourage one, because I don’t think this is right. This shouldn’t be happening as much as it is right now. It’s TOO much. But with anxiety, autism, and a trauma disorder, I’m not a fan of going outside to bring up the message, and social accounts I’ve stopped due to witnessing lots of cyberbullying and just drama nonsense, so I’d rather avoid posting on those sites, either. Is there any other way for me to spread this message, maybe similar to

#inflation #MyAutismIsNotADisorder #Anxiety #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #Trauma #Poverty #rant #Vent #Allergies #TooFar #SocietyIsBecomingTooGreedy #MoneyInflation #AmericanProblems #Protest #ThisIsNotRight #Capitalism #money

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A poem on feeling ignored by this planet | TW for ignorance and misrepresentation on different topics, swearing, the word k*ll (i)

It hurts,
It fucking hurts.
It kills,
It always did.
Sad excuses left and right,
Ignorance is left to bite…
And Us.

“Systems and plurals are crazy,”
According to this planet.
“There’s only men and women,”
According to this planet.
“There’s only heterosexuality,”
According to this planet.
“Sex define your gender identity,”
According to this planet.
“There’s only monogamy and monoamory,”
According to this planet.
“White folk deserve more than those of color,”
According to this planet.
“There’s only romance and friendship,”
According to this planet.

“Everyone’s autism is a disorder or disability,”
According to this damn planet.
“Neurodivergent folks are too loud,”
According to this damn planet.
“Fat folks are a joke,”
According to this damn planet.
“Sex and romance and love is natural among all beings,”
According to this damn planet.
“Adults can’t cry,”
According to this damn planet.
“Mental health is selfish,”
According to this damn planet.
“Trigger warnings are a joke,”
According to this damn planet.
“You should stop being poor and pay more,”
According to this damn planet.
“Everyone should identify as a human being and alterbeings, otherkin, and fictionkin folks are snowflakes and ‘cringe-worthy’,”
According to this damn planet.
“Anything that is not seen as ‘normal’ or not common should be stigmatized and criticized until it makes other folk want to closet themselves for eternity and be forced into this void of hell called “being like everyone else’,”
According to this damn forsaken planet.

Past mother’s self,
Mentally abusive.
Keeps me up,
As thoughts are still intrusive.
New mother’s self,
No longer abusive,
Past mother keeps me up,
As they are still intrusive.

Fuck ignorance.
What’s it ever done to us?
Take the Mars and Venus symbol,
Combine them together,
And destroy it altogether.
Neither are truly me.
Take the “human” label and wash it away,
And don’t tell me I’m human,
Else I will cry,
I’ve cried too much.
Alterbeings exist anyway.
An alien hybrid trapped in this damn realm called Earth,
I love space,
I miss my home,
It was much more quieter than here,
Much more sensical than here,
Much more reasonable than here,
Much… less ignorant.

Than here.


I am a non-binary transmasc overweight individual who is part of a system/plural. My pronouns are he/they/it, and some others. I do not identify as a human, I am alterhuman/alterbeing, although I still identify as someone of color. I’m black/mixed. I have 6 non-romantic partners who I all love equally with my entire heart and are also part of the same system I’m a part of, they are as real as ever. Also, I despise my autism being called a disorder or disability.

And I’m so sick of feeling ignored, and of what Earth had to offer for the past 20 years of my life on its ground. Thank you.

#MyAutismIsNotADisorder #nonbinary #LGBTQIA #ignorance #Poem #Vent #TW #Anxiety #SocialAnxiety #Alterhuman #otherkin #Racism #Capitalism #Trauma #Polyamory #system #plural #EndTheStigma #GenderIdentity #GenderDysphoria #MentalHealth #Awareness #earth #Homesick #StopSilencingUs

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I want to rest, but I need money to survive. I am tired.

Me too. I want to start again. I don't want the same path of work anymore. But I guess everywhere is the same, this system is so tiring. I want to rest, but I need money to survive. I am tired.

#Anxiety #Capitalism


Seriously, is life worth living?

What’s the point in living? I don’t currently have a job and haven’t for the past year. I can tell my family can’t stand being around me (my mum fully ignores me now since moving back home) it’s like I’m invisible.
I thought I was okay after breaking up with my boyfriend and that even though I don’t have a job I can still find purpose with other interests that I have (web development online, e-commerce, etc ) but I just feel as if there if no hope left for me. I know that sounds like I’m being lazy or giving up but I feel so numb that apart of me doesn’t even care anymore.
In a way I wish I could go back to my old life where I was making people happy because I was working (but stuck in a place I hated) & now due to COVID I can’t even get a job. My social skills have completely gone down hill now, I don’t even know if going to an interview and starting a job would be possible. It’s so hard I just need motivation I’ve lost all hope in myself. I’m crying as I’m writing this because I’m sitting alone in my bedroom isolating myself from everyone. I’m tired and I’m done with being me. Does any one else relate? #lostjob #isolated #Capitalism #unsocial #anxious #COVID19

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end of the month check-in #endofthemonthcheckin

November was a month of small accomplishments.

1.) reinstated my state insurance (medicaid)
2.) got my food share reinstated, too.
3.) began the process of applying for SSI/SSDI
4.) started going to the gym to swim, walk on the treadmill, and ride the stationary cycles.
5.) decided to go back to therapy.
6.) became more honest with EVERYONE about my disabilities and chronic illnesses. started writing about spoonie life and how to navigate my “new normal”
7.) am currently preparing the launch of my YouTube channel about my life, disabilities, chronic illnesses, the ableism of our world, and survival. it’s basically just a vlog channel but I’m excited.
8.) started eating healthier (admittedly I did not keep up with the healthy eating this weekend. shrug.)
9.) talked openly with my partner about what my accessibility needs are in our house, in our sex life, and in our intimate emotional life. We had a good, honest, mutual chat.
10.) I SURVIVED ANOTHER MONTH IN AN ABLEIST WORLD RUN BY LATE-STAGE CAPITALISM AND GREED! #monthlycheckin #Fibromyalgia #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #MyofascialPainSyndrome #DegenerativeDiscDisease #BipolarDepression #Anxiety #Ableism #Capitalism #survival #selfcare #successes #accessibilityneeds #Youtube #vlogs #CripplePunk


Why do “borderlines” let the abusive system that traumatized us in the first place define our reality and pathologize our character?

We’re sensitive people living in a system designed by rich white cis male sociopaths for their own benefit at everyone else’s expense.

Maybe we’re just having a normal trauma response to the way those inequities have played out in our lives.

So why do we allow that same abusive system to label us with an immutable defect of character when we’re having a completely understandable response to the conditions under which we live?

#BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #PersonalityDisorders #ComplexPTSD #Capitalism #Kyriarchy #patriarchy #rapeculture #ChildhoodSexualAbuse #WhiteSupremacy