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Phone calls from unknown

So about half an hour ago I got a phone call from a number that I didn't recognise and for some stupid reason my anxiety started acting up. Why though!? I answered the phone call anyway and it turned out to be good news! Finally some good news after being in a dark place for the last days. The application for temporary unemployment benefits is finally accepted! (In the Netherlands it's called "bijstandsuitkering" and I don't really know the right translation for it.)

Which means it's getting a lot easier now to find a place to live as I'm currently homeless and staying at a Nightshelter and spending my days at a Dayshelter from Monday until Friday. The weekends are absolutely horrible, because the Dayshelter is then closed and I just have to spend my days outside. It's like you're not allowed to be homeless between 9:00 and 16:00 during holidays and weekends.

Anyway, does anybody else react the same when your phone starts ringing and you see that an unknown number is calling you? It wasn't even anonymous, I could see the number, but I'm still dealing with the effects of my anxiety now...

#Anxiety #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Depression #goodnews #Benefits #darkplace #Homeless

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2am mind floss

"Pain is inevitable". This we know.
And yet; most of us are guilty of trying to #Runaway or #hide from it. We tend to forget that it will always #catchup to us, and it will probably always #hit us twice as harsh.
The #goodnews ? Or, maybe it's #BadNews ? Either way, eventually, in our attempts to #survive we begin to realize #wealreadyhave because whether we like it or not, every day is another day of #movingforward
But what if every day feels like you're just living the same day, #overandover ? It seems time isn't passing at all until everytime you #lookback and realize how much time is really #gone
I probably wouldn't #admitit while on a #Low but #Ithink a whole lot of being human is about #Feeling
Feeling #Sadness
Feeling #anger
Feeling #Grief
Feeling #Fear
Feeling #Love
Feeling #Joy
Just... feeling. Really, actually, truly feeling our sh*t, whether it be good or bad.

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Got a phone call from Mahac psychiatrist office, I have a virtual therapy session November 3rd at 10:30 am . #goodnews

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I Graduated!!! #CheckInWithMe

Sorry I’ve been so MIA for the past week but I had my eye surgery and then a week later was able to walk as the Salutatorian at my high school graduation yesterday! I arrived late and left right after I walked due to fatigue but I’m so grateful and so proud of myself for doing it at all. And for, you know, graduating.

In other news, I get to try to come down on the diamox (slowly) and see how I do!

#IH #IIH #IdiopathicIntracranialHypertension #Graduation #HighSchool #iihwarrior #CheckInWithMe #goodnews #goodnewsforonce


I actually have some good news for once! #CheckInWithMe

So last Thursday was my first appointment with a new doctor who I see again this Thursday, and the appointment was really emotional.
With almost perfect timing, my college planning counselor calls to let me know I’m graduating as salutatorian of my high school class! It came as a complete shock to me, because I just considered myself lucky that they were letting me graduate at all, due to me missing the majority of the fourth quarter of my senior year.
I feel really proud of myself and the hard work that I did put in, and to top it all off, my best friend is valedictorian! 👩‍🎓
#HighSchool #Graduation #goodnews #proudofme #Proudofmyself #IIH #iihwarrior #CheckInWithMe

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No more shots!!! 😁👍

Since the beginning of my MS journey in 2008, I've been doing self-injections. This will officially be my last collection of sharps containers, no more shots for me (my body is celebrating). I hope everyone has a nice weekend. There are Only 12 more days left in 2020. ✨🎄☮💓🎵

Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb


#MultipleSclerosis #BipolarDisorder #Anxiety #Depression #PanicDisorder #Agoraphobia #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #PTSD #dissociativedisorders #MentalHealth #Disability #MightyTogether #Music #peace #Love #goodnews


James 4:13-15

Life inside
Grasp new reality
Not in control

Funny how this is felt as a new reality when one can find scripture expressing the fact that humans only think they are in control yet God’s loving hand shows them we all are discussing the #newnormal yet we’ve never been in control...for me, this #newnormal is a reminder to give God the glory and to stop #whiteknuckling the day God has gifted me....if #god’swill allows us to sit inside then we get to if #god’swill allows us to work then we shall....#Godislove and what the globe is enduring is a form of His love...................

#MightyPoets #COVID19 #solitude #goodnews


Mac Miller's "Good News"

#MacMiller #goodnews resonates with my constant struggle with chronic/autoimmune diseases and major depressive disorder and anxiety. Just the struggle of staying strong and getting through the day. 💙


# married #goodnews #bestfriend

I just got married to my best friend of 10 years ❤️ I feel really happy but so stressed and anxious with this move. we are both a little edgy at the moment

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Big Milestone Today

I went back to Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge today. I’m a nature and wildlife photographer but I’ve been crippled by anxiety and depression and haven’t been able to leave my house except to go to work and I haven’t worked on any of my images in months.

I still didn’t shoot today but just being out and about is kind of a big deal.

#Depression #Anxiety #milestone #goodnews #MentalHealth #mentalhealthmatters #Recovery #Nature #maryland #sunset #ReasonToLive