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😬Our ‘Public Persona’😬

This is exactly what I, and countless others, do everyday - we put up a ‘public persona’ to hide what we’re truly going through. We pretend that we aren’t: in #AGONY or #depressed or #exhausted or #anxious . We pretend because we are #scared of how others would treat us if they really know what we were going through. The thing is though, by pretending we are something we’re not, we are giving ourselves more #Stress but also denying someone the opportunity to help us deal with the things that are really going on in our lives.
#itsokaynottobeokay #itsoktoneedhelp #ChronicIllness #chronicillnessawareness #ChronicPain #chronicpainawareness #mentalhealthmatters #MentalHealth #MensMentalHealth #CollegeMentalHealth #MentalHealthAwareness #Disability #IntellectualDisability #DevelopmentalDisability #InvisibleDisability #disabilityawareness #invisibleillnessawareness #FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder #FND #FNDAwareness #JointHypermobilitySyndrome #ChronicMigraineSyndrome #ChronicVestibularMigraine #HemiplegicMigraine #Migraine #BipolarDepression #ChronicDepression #Depression #ChronicFatigue #Anxiety #SensoryProcessingDisorder #BrainFog #PanicAttacks #PanicDisorder #notalone #BeYourself

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My first created meme.

Way too often I've been seen as choosing to be disabled, whether it be, not being able to work, go shopping, look after family, have my own children, learn to drive, study or walk outside in winter, whatever the case maybe... I just want those people to understand noone chooses to be disabled.

#ChronicPain #Disabled #EDSAwareness #ChronicIllnessEDS #hypermobileehlers-DanlosSyndrome(hEDS) #hypermobilityyspectrumdisorder #invisibleillnessawareness

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#BrainFog Silver Linings

I've decided that I am determined to find the funny and/or positive side of all these symptoms, so this is a new little graphic series called Brain Fog Silver Linings. It's gonna be things we sometimes actually thank brain fog for. I have several already worded and ready to go, just don't want to flood your feeds too badly😂😂 so, here's #1 For more, visit the link in my profile or search Written by Dida #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #BrainFog #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #fibrowarriors #invisibleillnesswarrior #invisibleillnessawareness #InvisibleIllnesses #chronicillnesswarrior #fibromyalgiaawareness #Fibromyalgia #MentalHealth

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