Other Personality Disorder

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Other Personality Disorder
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Why can’t I cry #OtherPersonalityDisorder

For the longest time we’ve tried and tried again to cause ourselves to cry but every time the reflex starts it just stops completely like something is blocking it and you know when you feel pressure building that’s what this feels like I’m not sure if not crying will cause something seriously bad to happen I just want to release it

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Numb As Fuck #Bipolar #BipolarDepression

I guess this is Bipolar depression. I can't do anything but sleep, eat (alot) and go to the bathroom since November 3rd. This is awful. I have been disconnected from everyone but my wife. She is supporting me while I have waited almost a year for SSDI to come in. My lawyer since I have a paper file and that is what is taking so long. Anyway, I am actually rambling. The first time in over 2 months. However, I am not moving my mouth. I have gained 22 lbs. from eating, Christmas and my Birthday were awful and I had the flu even though I had the shot, now my wife has it. I have been in this downward spiral since I stopped geodon. I am now on lamictal and abilify. Not working. I changed psychiatrists and have done Genesight. I get the results back on Thursday the 9th of January. I just don't want to talk or do anything at all. I have not looked at this site in 2 months. I have gotten off of fb. I have stopped my dieting. I can't pay my Bill's let alone my medical Bill's. I have cirrhosis so my doctor wants me to lose weight. It is hard to lose weight because of the bipolar depression, poly cystic ovary syndrome, and all the other MIs compounding it. I am also wondering if I have other Illnesses other than what I am diagnosed with. I am diagnosed with PTSD, GAD, OCD, and bipolar I with psychosis. I wonder if I have histrionic or some other personality disorder. I have been very confident in my diagnoses as I have worked for 12 years until Match if 2019 as a Certified peer specialist helping others with mental illness in a crisis stabilization unit. I got to the point were at home I was triggered all the time with my ex boyfriend that I had 28 years ago, guns going off during hunting season, tv and movies, all sorts of stuff. I became numb as fuck after blowing up and crying due to these triggers. I am obsessed off and on with my ex. I have been with my wife for 27 years and married to her for 4. i know I have produced alot from my mind but all this is going through my head even though I feel numb as fuck on the outside. What do I need to do? Help


Help I feel lonely and need help

I have a tri-diagnosis Of #madelungs defomity , #savant syndrome #SavantSyndrome , #SavantSyndrome ,#EhlersDanlosSyndrome , #Autism #Autism #Autism #Autism , #BipolarDisorder #BipolarDisorder #order #BipolarDisorder #dep , #BipolarDisorderBorderlinePersonalityDisorderADHD , #bipolardisorderborderlinepresonalitydisorderADHD , #BipolarDisorderDepression #AspergersSyndrome , #AspergersSyndromeAwareness , #Aspergers , #AspergersSyndromeAwareness , #AspergersAreUs , #AspergersSyndrome , ,#Depression , #Depression #MentalHealthAwareness ,#DepressiveDisorders , ,#Deppresed , #Anxiety #PTSD , #PTSD -old ,#Complex Post Traumatic Stress , #PTSD ,#CPTSD , #CPTSDinrelationships ,#Ld in reading comprehension , #LearningDisabilities , #Dyslexia ,#SensoryProcessingDisorder , #SensoryProcessingIssues , #SensoryModulationDisorder , #SensoryProcessignDisorder , #CentralAuditoryProcessingDisorder , #SensoryDisorder , #AuditoryProcessingDisorder ,#SensoryProcessingIssues , #SensoryProcessingDisorderAwarenessMonth , #SensoryProcessingDisorderAwarenessMonth , #SensoryProcessingDisorder , #Sensory processing disorder ,#Adhdandanxietyinarelationship #adhdinchildcaresettings, #adhdinmen , #Adhdinwomen , #adhdinearlychildhood #adhdwomen #CombinedPresentationADHD #UndiagnosedADHD #ADHDInGirls #focus #ADHD #Autism ##ADHD #Rheuma #Y  #ADHD #ADHD #ADHD #ADHD #AttentiondeficitDisorder #AttentionDeficitHyperactivityDisorder #AttentionDeficitHyperactivityDisorder #AttentionDeficitHyperactivityDisorder #AttentiondeficithyperactivityDisorder #AttentiondeficithyperactivityDisorder #attention deficit hyperactivity disorder #Selfharm , #OtherPersonalityDisorder #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder ,#BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Borderline Personality disorder #Madelungsdeformity #Madelung #madelungs #madelungs deformity as well as many other conditions that causes physical and emotional pain I do #DBT (#DialecticalBehaviorTherapy ) an it helps a little but my twin sister doesn’t have to go through what I have to go through and she got to skip a grade and I didn’t even though my IQ is 205 and hers is 148 I live in Saint Louis Missouri and went to Stanford all the way in California and now is still in California working for Facebook and I never get to see my own twin sister I feel like she is the very successful twin who skipped a grade went to Stanford graduated and now works for Facebook and I’m the wimpy twin who is unsuccessful who has to live in constant chronic pain has to live in an ISL (individualized supported living) like a group home I don’t have a drivers license I Don't have a job and never have and my parents have to have guardianship of me also my mom has 4 kids two sets of twins and our younger brothers have had equal opportunities how do I deal with all of this #Multiplesetsofmultiples #Saintlouismissouri #STL #Individualizedsupportedliving #Individualizedsupportedliving #ISL #Supportedliving #individualized supported living