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Cheerful Nostalgia

I’m not usually one for sharing pictures of myself (totally out of my comfort zone!!!), but I want to share the happy vibe of Snoopy for Halloween.

Lately I’ve been feeling quite nostalgic….. in a good way! So I’ve bought myself a few Snoopy tshirts that absolutely bring a smile when I wear them.

They make me *and* the people I meet smile, actually! I’ve had strangers walk up to me at the farm market and say how much they like my shirt and the cheerfulness of it. Can you believe it?!

I hope you enjoy him, too.

Please share if you have any similar bits of happy nostalgia that are making you smile!
#Snoopy #nostalgia #DistractMe

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I forgot fireman friday #Giggles #laughterisgoodmedicine

Hello Everyone

How are you

The sun is shining 🌤 or trying to in the UK today

I have already done a Good Morning post today. But me being me and I obviously hadn't had my morning cup of coffee yet or not enough of it ☕Its ended up in ChatSpace 🤦‍♀️duh. So it's over there with Snoopy🐩 on it if you want to look.

(Must wake up more before posting in morning)🤦‍♀️

My Mighty App is playing up or is it me being a Bit Ditzy . Who knows 🤷‍♀️
I try to do something and it posts somewhere else. 😅

If you want me I'll be in the corner playing in my sandpit.
Think I need to stay away from technology. ⚡I might blow something up.😯😲🙃🤯

Tj aka ChatSpace leader sometimes when it lets(😅🙄🤔) #MightyTogether #NeverAlone #Funtimes #Technology #Bekindtome #Sandpit #Inthecorner #Firemanfriday #giggleswithafriend #LaughOutLoud #RareDisease #Chatspace #Ditzy #Snoopy

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Trying My Best #beingpresent #Intoday #beautiful

Don't cry over the past
It's gone

Don't stress about the future
It hasn't
Arrived yet

Live in the present
And make it

You are VERY
Special 💐🌺🥀🌹

Today is what we have.
#Makeitcount #Bekind #BeBrave #loveyourself #Anxiety #Snoopy #Beauty #Lovenhugs #checkonyourneighbours #Kindness #Positivity #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #RareDisease #zebrastong

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Morning Chatties #CheckInWithMe #Believe

Hello there and Good Morning

Snoopy says believe that something wonderful is going to happen and I pretty much always do now.

I love Snoopy.

He lives believing that.

We cant hug the ones we love right now if they dont live with us. But we can sure save up those hugs. I am saving those hugs up. And kisses too.
I've got a tally going, I know exactly how many I am owed by my family and friends. 😁😅☺️

But My pups and 2 cats are pretty much getting squished by me hugging them all the time. They love it dont let them tell you any different 🐕🐶🐈🐱🐾🐾🐾🐾💜❤😁

So how are you today.? Who are you saving your hugs for?

Love n big hugs Tj 🤗🤗☺️😘💜❤💖🤝🤛🐶🐈🐾 #MightyTogether #NeverAlone #BigHugs #Snoopy #Believe #Believeinyou #SavingupHugs #Chatspace #checkonyourneighbours #Chattingventrant #Love #Bekind

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Hugs Any kind #CheckInWithMe #Hugs

Sending You

Big hugs
Little hugs
Snuggle hugs
Loving hugs
Healing hugs
Comfort hugs
Whatever kind of
Hugs you you need
This should
Have it covered
Especially for you.

I could use a Hug too

Love Tj 💖❤💘😘😘😚😗🥰 #free hugs #loving hugs #snugglehugs #IloveyouHugs #Bekind #Chronicpainwarrior #Insomnia #TrigeminalNeuralgia #GlossopharyngealNeuralgia #Arthritis #PsoriaticArthritis #Anxiety #Stayinghome #checkonyourneighbours #lovingkindness #Snoopy #needhugs #shieldinguk #allalone #lovingmyselfagain #selfcare #Kindness