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Hands Up who Agrees #DistractMe

If my Body was a car

I'd trade it in for a newer model.

Cause everytime

I cough or sneeze my radiator

Leeks and my exhausts


Hands up who agrees

Go on you know it's true

#laughterisgoodmedicine #Giggles #humour #sundaygiggles #RareDisease #PsoriaticArthritis #Hope #Love #Selfcare #Bekindtoyourself #Positivity #BeBrave

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Good Morning #OCD #morning giggles

Good Morning Mighty Family

Morning giggles for you

But not so funny everytime I walk into my outhouse aka my shed and look at my dam light. It's on the wonk. Oh my my ocd goes on the blink. I start twitching, I can't stand even looking at the light but that is where my washing machine is.
How can my light be so wonky.
Dam the lockdown. As soon as can be it's going to be fixed.
I had to look at wonky steps for 2 weeks on another home.
🤯😤Just across from me. Drives me nuts.
I lived in a 300 year old house now that was fine as everything was wonky . Nothing was straight. So it was all out of whack. But if one light switch was wonky eer nope. Error put it straight nope.

How is your ocd. ?
What gets you all worked up.

LoVe n HuGs Tj ❤😂😁🐶🐱🐾😘🤗🤦‍♀️

#ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #TrigeminalNeuralgia #laughorcry #sundaygiggles #Family #RareDisease #Anxiety #Love #ClusterHeadaches #ChronicPain #checkonyourneighbours #Bekind #Selfcare

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Morning All #sundaygiggles #Giggles #laughterisgoodmedicine

Good Morning Mighty Family

Thought I'd start the day with a nice giggle

How are you all?

I've been suffering with my face a bit, so been holed up in my bed with my pups or on my sofa with my TV remote. 😁 plus it was VE day anniversary so I watched the celebrations and the veterans on the TV. Listened to all the old songs by Vera who is now 103 . Wow.
So I had a nice few chilled de-stressed days.

Sometimes it's just What your body needs.
No virus news

A rest A sofa day A pups day
Oh and I made cupcakes
And yesterday bread too.
My neighbour kindly cut my grass and the bread was for her and the cupcakes for her daughter.

So what has your weekend been like, been up to anything or have you been chilling like me?
Have you been helping out any of your neighbours like mine have?

I'm so grateful that I have such kind neighbours 🙏❤🤝

Much love Tj

#TrigeminalNeuralgia #GlossopharyngealNeuralgia #ClusterMigraines #Bekind #checkonyourneighbours #Lovenhugs #morning #Selflove #Anxiety #PanicAttack #ChronicIlless #Kindness #FatherThighs #GigglesAllRound

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Good Morning Sexy People #MightySexy #CheckInWithMe

Yeah yeah I know

I woke up on the wrong side of the bed again this morning !

But I dont care I loveeeeeeeeeeee this picture of this dam sexy killing it strutting it stuff chick.
Made me chuckle

How are you all. Hope life is not to bad. You know you can talk to me or have a rant or vent. I dont mind.
I'm always here for you.
Love n hugs always Tj 😘😘😘❤🤗💐🌷🕊🌞🌼🌸 #Hugs #Love #Kisses #sundaygiggles #laughterisgoodmedicine #Havefun #LaughOutLoud #Clearthecobwebsaway #tj #RareDisease #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #Lovehugskisses #checkonyourneighbours #Chatspace #Bekindtoyourself #loveyourself #Sexypeople #NeverAlone #TrigeminalNeuralgia #GlossopharyngealNeuralgia

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Slinky do you remember Them #Slinkies #Giggles #laughterisgoodmedicine

Slinkies what fun they were when we were kids pushing them down the stairs.
They only cost a few £€$
Some people are like slinkies!!!!!!!! #Fun #Sundayfun #sundaygiggles #Love #Hugs #Stayinghome #Havingfun #Justforlaugh #RareDisease #Family

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oh that would be great #DistractMe

I wish oh how I wish

I lived in a world where Mosquitoes would suck FAT instead of blood😂

how I live minions 🤭
they are so wise
love n hugs Tj
Happy Mothers Day to all the Mums World Wide.
💘❤💟💓🧡💜💗💖💝💝💋💋Physical distancing social distancing be wise stay safe stay home dont spread it. 😷

#sundaygiggles #MothersDay #RareDisease #Love #Bekind #minions #CheckInWithMe #PsoriaticArthritis #TrigeminalNeuralgia #SphincterOfOddiDysfunction #checkonyourneighbours #checkinwithfriends #Anxiety #PanicAttacks #Depression #Selflove #MightyTogether